The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 169: Linking up to cause trouble

It snowed heavily for three days!

Snowflakes as big as goose feathers were making noise, turning the whole world into a world of ice and snow. The snow outside the villa is so thick that it can cover people's calves.

What's even worse is that the snow continues. Although the scale is smaller, it has no intention of stopping.

According to Zhao Gang's test, the outdoor temperature was over minus ten degrees at its coldest!

In the past thirty years, it has never been so cold in Andu Province. In the past, even if there was a cold wave going south, it would only be three to four degrees below zero at most, and it would only last for a few days. There has never been such heavy snowfall this winter in history. Everyone is worried. Now, no matter how stupid you are, you know that this extreme weather is related to the use of a large number of nuclear weapons!

Maybe, this is the belated nuclear winter!

What's even more terrible is that this kind of heavy snow is not just limited to one county or one city, but covers most of the country. Even looking around the world, many countries in the same dimension have also suffered such extreme weather attacks!

Humanity has begun to reap the consequences.

All the survivors were somewhat unprepared for the sudden arrival of such a severe winter. Not to mention Lin Chen and his team, not even other provincial and city bases can cope with it. And the larger the base with more survivors, the greater the pressure on logistics and warmth. Some cities in the north, especially the three northeastern provinces, are fine because the people there are used to cold winters and winter supplies can be found everywhere. However, provinces and cities in the south are extremely troublesome. Many places don't even have the staff to make a winter coat. arrive!

Because of this, many bases have experienced tragedies in which a large number of survivors were frozen to death or suffered frostbite!

Fortunately, such weather also brings certain troubles to the zombie attack. Especially some low-level zombies were covered in ice and snow soon after staying in place, and finally turned into ice sculptures. It is for this reason that the survivors can barely survive under the dual pressure of nuclear winter and zombies!

However, heavy snow completely blocked traffic. If they can't go out, even if they don't freeze to death, people who can't collect supplies will starve to death due to food shortages. Many desperate survivors have gradually given up the hope of cleaning up the zombies and rebuilding civilization. They hold on to the idea that they can survive day by day, and everything is just for survival. Such people are undoubtedly capable of doing many terrible things. In some bases where the authorities have gradually lost control, killing people, grabbing food, and occupying houses are nothing new. Some extremists even engage in cannibalism!

In a sense, this heavy snowfall, which far exceeds records in scope and duration, is testing people's hearts.

Lin Chen and the others did not know about the various conditions in other bases, and had no way of knowing. Such heavy snow has seriously interfered with communications. With satellites and some large base stations already destroyed, they can hardly receive any broadcasts, and there is no medium or short-distance communications!

Moreover, the team is also under tremendous pressure.

"Because the snow was not removed in time, a vegetable shed was crushed by heavy snow in the middle of the night and needs to be rebuilt. As for the vegetables inside...that's it, just take whatever you can get in the end. Also, the small garage that comes with the villa can't store it at all. There are so many cars, and the fleet is generally short of antifreeze engine oil. Most of the vehicles parked outside can no longer start normally..."

Qian Xu's constant reports of losses gave Lin Chen a headache, and also made Zhao Gang, Gao Ming, and Huang Keqin look grim.

Compared with the loss of external objects, the bigger problem caused by heavy snow is the severe cold. The temperature outside was minus ten degrees Celsius, coupled with the cold wind, making all the survivors afraid to go out easily. Even the small number of combatants on patrol had to wear coats, hats, scarves and gloves. Otherwise, if you stay outside for a long time, you will easily get frozen.

As for the survivors hiding in the house, they were slightly better, but they kept crying. Of the hundreds of survivors in the convoy, only one grew up in the north, and the rest were all from the south. Where had such weather been seen? In desperation, Lin Chen had no choice but to distribute all the winter clothes, scarves, gloves, etc. that he had reserved in advance, which finally temporarily reassured them.

On the morning of the fourth day, the heavy snow finally stopped for a while.

All the survivors cheered, thinking that this deadly snow was about to pass. To their disappointment, the snow only stopped for less than half a day, and then started falling again. Although it stopped now and then, in general the current snow thickness was maintained, and the sun never appeared!

Lin Chen and the others' hearts sank. This was probably the worst outcome. I'm afraid the weather will be like this for the next few months!

For a moment, the passage of time seemed to slow down a lot.

Being stuck in a cold room all day long is okay for a short time, but after a week, some people will be unable to bear it. But if you want to go out, it's ice and snow outside, even colder than inside the house! This kind of life is suffering for many people!

However, because we know there is no choice, no matter how difficult the reality is, we can still endure it. However, once someone knows that a few people can live a better life, but they have to suffer the cold, their psychology will become unbalanced. Moreover, once this imbalance sprouts, it will sprout and grow in the heart like a seed, until it completely distorts their mentality!

It was the eighth day after the heavy snow started to fall, and it was also the last day of the week!

After dinner that day, some people who stayed in the villa didn't want to go to bed early, so they decided to play poker in their coats. A dozen people gathered together, some playing cards, and more watching the fun, and these people continued until late at night. This would not have been a big deal, but after playing cards, a few people who couldn't stand the hunger got some ham and beer and decided to have a midnight snack!

This meal caused a big problem!

Lin Chen, who went to bed early, didn't know that there were people in the team who were mentally unbalanced because of some news and were secretly colluding. He just felt that the atmosphere of the team seemed a little wrong when he got up the next day. But when he felt it carefully, some people quickly retracted their gazes. That feeling made him a little uneasy, as if there was an undercurrent surging under the glacier!

A bit strange!

However, after thinking carefully about the situation of the team, he found that there seemed to be nothing to worry about. So, Lin Chen just thought he was suspicious, shook his head and went to wash up and inspect the vegetable shed in the villa.

This situation continued until lunch!

"Wait, I have something to say!"

A somewhat sharp voice stopped everyone, and also stopped Lin Chen, who had just brought the meal and was about to go back to eat with Shi Xuanxuan. Most people were a little strange, wondering what this person had to say. There were also a few people who had understanding, sneers or hesitation in their eyes, and they obviously knew what was going to happen next!

"What's the matter?"

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at the man in his twenties, and had a vague impression of him.

If I remember correctly, this man should be called Wang Hui, a combatant of the third group of the garrison, under the management of Zhao Gang. He is usually quite capable, and Zhao Gang is quite optimistic about him!

"Of course there is something! Moreover, it is a big deal that concerns everyone!"

The man stepped forward and looked at Lin Chen without hesitation, with a hint of sarcasm and dissatisfaction in his eyes. This look made Lin Chen frown. Although he didn't expect everyone in the team to be respectful to him as the captain, such a provocation was still too direct!

What does this guy want to do?

Before Lin Chen could think about this question, Wang Hui continued to speak under the shocked gaze of others: "Lin Chen, let me ask you, as the captain of a team, if there is anything that can improve everyone's life, should you give it out selflessly?"

Lin Chen was stunned and nodded: "Of course!"

In front of so many people, whether it was sincere or false, there could be no second answer. He didn't understand what this person meant by asking this question.

"Bah!" After hearing Lin Chen's words, Wang Hui sneered and spit on the ground, saying: "You are a villain who says one thing and does another! You talk in a high-sounding manner, but you are just a liar!"


This earth-shattering remark immediately shocked everyone. Except for some people who went back first and were training outside, the remaining seventy or eighty people in the team were completely stunned. The words were so fierce and sharp. Was he going to completely break up with the captain?

But the question is, why didn't they think Lin Chen was that kind of person?

Some people who had a good relationship with Lin Chen or were more convinced of what Lin Chen had done during this period stood up and accused Wang Hui of his words.

"What do you mean? Are you challenging the captain's authority?"

"I don't know if Captain Lin is a liar, but I did receive the winter coat he gave me for free! Such a person is not selfless, who else deserves to be called that? You say he is a liar, I am the first one who doesn't believe it! Show me the evidence, or don't blame me for being rude!"

"Wang Hui, are you stupid? Apologize to the captain quickly! Otherwise, our team won't recognize you!"

"Is this guy crazy? I haven't seen such a good captain since the end of the world, really! I think he wants to be the captain himself, and then he bites everywhere like a mad dog, hey!"

The support of a group of people made Lin Chen feel much warmer in his heart, and also made him feel that the guy in front of him suddenly became extremely hateful.

However, under the accusations of so many people, the young man named Wang Hui not only did not feel the pressure, but showed his pride and arrogance on his face. Moreover, he was indeed laughing wildly in his heart. The more people who will defend Lin Chen, the more embarrassing it will be for him as the captain to die in the future!

Wang Hui has this confidence! Otherwise, he would not choose to take the initiative to jump out and make trouble!

After looking at him coldly for a while, Lin Chen finally said: "What do you mean? Just say it!"


Wang Hui clapped his hands and laughed: "Since you are stubborn, don't blame me for exposing your secrets. I ask you, since you have superpowers, why don't you teach everyone in the team?"

This sentence, like a heavy hammer, hit everyone's chest! (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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