The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 168 Extremely Cold Weather

The third update is here!

Fortunately, the fourteen bungalows that have been built are enough for everyone, and there are still a few spare rooms. This was set aside when planning at that time, but not as many people gathered as they had expected.

"It's cooling down!"

"All the clothes are added!"

The survivors shouted loudly while paying attention to the weather outside. The tents that were originally pitched in the villa courtyard were also untied and moved into the bungalow. Although most of the bungalows have not yet dried out, and there is still a strong smell of plaster and a sense of dampness inside, everyone would rather live here than the temperature outside!

The icy raindrops were never large, but very dense, weaving into thin rain curtains between the sky and the earth.

The soldiers on guard outside also had to wrap themselves in thick clothes and put on raincoats. A few people who couldn't borrow raincoats had to put large hats on their heads, which looked a little funny.

As evening passed, the temperature dropped lower and lower, and snowflakes finally began to fall outside.

"It's snowing!"

Many survivors in the convoy were in an uproar. This was the first snow since the end of the world!

Watching the large snowflakes falling from the sky, many people have mixed emotions. In comparison, the women in the team thought relatively simply. Especially Shi Xuanxuan, she is actually not very old. Seeing the beautiful scenery of snow, the girl looked excitedly at the window, with surprise in her eyes.

Seeing her look, Lin Chen couldn't help but feel a little pity in his heart.

Although this girl was very strong, Lin Chen could clearly see a little loneliness in her back. Sometimes, the positions of friends and relatives cannot be filled by one husband. Before the end of the world, a beautiful girl like her must be living a good life, with many people paying attention!

After sighing, Lin Chen hugged her from behind, making the somewhat cold Shi Xuanxuan feel a little warm.


Shi Xuanxuan moved closer to his arms and put her cold hands into his pockets. Lin Chen just watched the snowy scene with her quietly for a while, and then suddenly picked her up.

On the first snowy night, Lin Chen decisively occupied a single room to himself, and then spent a wonderful night with this girl.

As the captain of a team, you always have some privileges!

When Lin Chen woke up the next morning, he was woken up by the cold. Even though he was holding the girl's soft and tender body in his arms, the quilt that wasn't too thick couldn't really give him any warmth. When he shivered and put on his clothes, Lin Chen discovered that the thermometer placed in the corner of the room had dropped to five degrees.

Outside the window, the snow is still falling, and it seems to be getting heavier.

Looking around, the barren mountains in the distance were completely covered with a layer of white, making them much more beautiful. Under the dim sky, this white and quiet world seems like a fairy tale. From time to time, a cold wind howled by, picking up flakes of snow.

It's so cold inside the villa, you can imagine the temperature outside!

That’s not right!

Lin Chen knew that there was air conditioning in the villa. At this temperature, it was obvious that the air conditioning was not working automatically. Although after he stood up, his superpowers accelerated and drove away the chill, others did not have superpowers. In such weather, I am afraid many people will be frozen!

After turning around and tucking in the quilt for Shi Xuanxuan who was still sleeping, Lin Chen found a coat to cover it, and then hurried out to find Zhao Gang who had already gotten up.

Because he also has superpowers, what he wears hasn't changed much, except for the symbolic addition of a pair of thermal underwear.

At this moment, this man was looking at the weather outside in a daze!

Lin Chen deliberately stepped harder, and then coughed before he came back to his senses. Seeing Lin Chen walking towards him, Zhao Gang quickly stood up and said respectfully: "Good morning, captain!"


Lin Chen had something on his mind, so he just responded casually, and then asked, "Why isn't the air conditioner in the villa turned on?"

Zhao Gang spread his hands helplessly and said: "I want to turn it on too, but the problem is that there is no electricity! The sky has been so cloudy, solar photovoltaic power generation can hardly operate, and the little electricity that is barely stored can only maintain night lighting. In the early morning We turned on the air conditioner for a while, but it only lasted for an hour and all the stored power was consumed! If we turn it on again, there will be no power to turn on the lights in the villa tonight!"

"cloudy day!"

Lin Chen was shocked, and then realized that he had taken it for granted. After two days of haze, coupled with a day of rain and snow, the solar energy in the villa will definitely not be able to work properly. The electricity that is usually stored is simply not enough to support high power consumption!

"Then, what should we do in this weather? The heavy snow has no intention of stopping at all!"

Zhao Gang smiled bitterly and said: "I am also worried about this matter. Our villa is okay, and the issue of temperature isolation was taken into consideration when designing it. Therefore, even if there is no air conditioning system, the temperature is still acceptable. Those newly built bungalows outside It’s even worse. It was already cold and humid, and now it’s snowing..."

"Let's go out and have a look."

Lin Chen glanced outside worriedly, turned around and walked out of the villa.

As soon as he opened the door of the villa, the cool and whooshing wind carried snowflakes and hit him on his neck. Even though he had the power of sunlight, Lin Chen could still feel the coolness. The temperature outside must be below zero now. As for the specific temperature, I will find out later with a thermometer!

"There's already ten centimeters of snow!"

Zhao Gang looked at the snow that had reached his ankles, and suddenly thought of something, he couldn't help but said in shock: "It's broken, our three plastic greenhouses!"

It was so cold, and plastic was already brittle. If it was not cleaned up in time after being pressed by such thick snow, the greenhouse that had been built with great effort would soon be ruined! By then, so many vegetables planted would be easily frozen by the wind and snow!

"Call people, remove the snow!"

Lin Chen hesitated for only a moment, and then quickly issued an order.

Several fighters following him agreed and quickly went down to call people. In such bad weather, it was almost impossible for anyone to take the opportunity to attack from the bottom of the mountain. But Lin Chen and his enemies were likely to be zombies, and no one dared to take them lightly. Therefore, even in such a day, the fighters at the villa garrison did not relax their vigilance. Of course, the compensation given to them by the convoy was also generous, which made them feel the urge to work willingly while complaining.

"Get up, everyone, if you still want to eat vegetables, get up quickly and remove the snow from the vegetable shed!"

When they first shouted, many lazy people really didn't want to come out in such weather. But after some talented person first brought up the issue of eating vegetables, many survivors suddenly became much more active.

Soon, more than 20 busy figures appeared outside the snowy villa.

Some people were sweeping with brooms, while others were gently pushing the sticks to one side by placing them diagonally. After a long time of hard work, they finally cleaned the thick snow on the vegetable shed. Although it was a bit cold and tiring, they were in a good mood when they saw the greenery full of vitality.

After making sure that the vegetable shed was safe, Lin Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He thought about it and walked into an empty bungalow with Zhao Gang.

Because there were no door panels and windows, the door was simply covered with a thick blanket. After entering, it was dark inside and it took a long time to adapt. As for the temperature, it was only slightly better than outside. Even so, Lin Chen still noticed that a thin layer of ice had formed on the ground where there was water stains!

However, if a tent was set up inside the bungalow, it could barely be lived in. The temperature could be kept above zero, and the most important thing was that there was no wind.

After a walk, Lin Chen felt a little heavy.

He found that the team seemed to need to make a lot of preparations. But these things seemed to be complicated, and he didn't know where to start for a while!

At this time, Shi Xuanxuan had also gotten up. She used the hot water she had filled yesterday to warm up a bottle of eight-treasure porridge for Lin Chen.

Lin Chen thanked him, and while drinking the porridge under Zhao Gang's envy, he continued to think about how to deal with college.

It seems that the snow will not stop for a while, and the temperature will continue to drop. No matter what, we must prepare around this point!

After thinking about this, Lin Chen suddenly felt much clearer. Soon, he had a rough idea in his mind.

"Zhao Gang, count the number of quilts and winter clothes in the team. Who has more, see if you can distribute them to ensure that everyone has a winter coat, and each family can cover two quilts!"

This is the first order, and the most critical point, that is, the problem of keeping warm. At this moment, Lin Chen found that the large amount of winter supplies he had prepared to prevent nuclear winter came in handy. Although he didn't know whether the weather was affected by the nuclear war, it basically didn't snow here in previous years, and the temperature was definitely not so low!

However, Lin Chen knew that few other survivors were as thoughtful as him. Most people only thought about avoiding zombies and taking one step at a time. Who would think of preparing for winter in advance? Therefore, most of these winter clothes would probably have to be paid by him!

Zhao Gang agreed and quickly gave orders.

Lin Chen nodded, and then said: "While the snow is not heavy enough, ask people to cut down all the trees near the villa. If the temperature continues to drop, chop them up and burn them for warmth!"

This method is actually a helpless move.

The entire Longqi Mountain is almost completely a bare mountain. Only around the peak where the villa is located, there are still a few forests, which are the only green left in these hundreds of kilometers. If they are used as firewood, it would be too wasteful. But no one knows when the snow will stop, so it is better to be prepared!

If all the people are gone, what's the use of trees?

If this is not enough, Lin Chen is even ready to use the fuel!

After giving these two instructions, Lin Chen felt relieved. He thought about it and found that there was nothing else to do for the time being, so he could only return to the villa. What he hopes most now is that the snow will stop as soon as possible, which is also the voice of most of the frozen survivors!

Unfortunately, God often does not fulfill people's wishes! (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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