The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 152: Lost Important Report

"Hey, where am I?"

On Chen Gaoyang's evacuation convoy, Professor Xia touched his still aching head and got up in a daze. Feeling the bumps beneath him, he took off his glasses and rubbed his groggy eyes. Only then did he realize that he was actually lying on an armored vehicle.

"Who, who put me in the car?"

He asked, and then realized that it was Lieutenant Chen who made him suddenly lose consciousness!

"Hey, are you always awake?"

When the commander in military uniform heard the noise, he turned around and couldn't help but greet him quickly.

Lieutenant Chen and even Commander Chen came to see him specially before, saying that they must protect his safety no matter what. Such attention made the commander immediately treat the man in front of him as a god-level leader and treat him attentively! As long as you do well, you might even get credit for it!

Professor Xia glanced at him and realized that he didn't recognize him, so he nodded and accepted it. Then, he looked out through the observation window of the chariot and asked doubtfully: "Where is this?"

The commander looked at the map and said with a smile: "We are almost ten kilometers away from the base. What can I do?"


Upon hearing this, Professor Xia became anxious on the spot. He touched his body left and right, and then wanted to get out of the car.

Of course, the commander, who had been told, refused to let go. During the stalemate, Lieutenant Chen happened to come to see him again, which made the anxious commander finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Professor, what's wrong with you?"

Lieutenant Chen looked kind, as if he didn't remember the fact that he had been knocked unconscious before.

"You have the nerve to say that!" Professor Xia wanted to curse, but couldn't speak when he saw his smiling face. Finally, he snorted: "Is the base fully evacuated?"

Lieutenant Chen nodded.

"So, where is my laboratory?" Professor Xia asked worriedly.

"You should keep your heart in mind!" Lieutenant Chen assured him: "I asked the researchers to destroy the virus samples. I will ask my subordinates to bring you other research materials and instruments that can be moved. Come on, make sure there’s nothing wrong!”

"That's pretty much it!"

After hearing what he said, Professor Xia's face brightened slightly, and he asked again: "What about my latest report? All the data from these days are on it, and I compiled them into the most detailed report so far. Analyzing materials is crucial to the progress of vaccine research!”

"You should have brought them all with you, right?" Lieutenant Chen didn't think much, and just said: "I'll take you to the car to look for it later.  "

Professor Xia refused to comply. He said politely: "I don't care, I want to see it immediately anyway. There are still some imperfections in it that need to be sorted out."

"Okay, come with me!"

Lieutenant Chen also had a headache, so he could only take him out of the car and then take him to several transport trucks specially assigned to the biological laboratory. The back half of one of the cars contains several boxes, all of which are research and analysis on zombie viruses since the end of the world!

"It's all here, you can find it yourself!"

Professor Xia glanced at it and immediately opened the box and started searching. Because it has not been completely completed, the report has not been bound, so it is quite easy to find it in a box of neatly organized documents. But the problem is, after looking through it and not finding it, Professor Xia couldn't help but panic. He quickly called the two assistant professors who had seen the report. The three of them quickly searched through it again, but still found nothing!

It must have been left in the laboratory!

Thinking of this, Professor Xia immediately transformed into an angry lion. He grabbed Lieutenant Chen and asked: "Didn't you say there will be no problem? How do you explain this now?"

"Ah? This... you wait!"

Lieutenant Chen did not expect an accident. He wiped the sweat from his face and quickly called the person in charge of moving the biological laboratory at the time. He asked sternly: "Are you sure you have moved the entire laboratory? Then why did Professor The report was not found? Is there one in other cars?”


The subordinate shook his head and said: "The instruments and previous books and materials are placed in other cars, but everything about the zombie virus is here. We even asked the researcher specifically at that time. But it has been emptied... There are no tables, chairs or benches, and there are some waste papers on the ground, and no one seems to have picked them up!”

The soldier's words immediately made Professor Xia's eyes darken: "You must have dropped my report on the ground! How dare you call it waste paper? I don't care. If you don't get that report back to me today, I'm not done with you." Let me tell you, that report has reached the most critical stage for vaccine research. As long as we go further, we will be able to produce a small amount of vaccines against specific zombies on a small scale. If it was messed up because of you, you are the one! Sinner, this is dereliction of duty!”

"It's not that serious..."

Lieutenant Chen muttered something in a low voice, but after seeing Professor Xia's serious face, he also knew that there might be a big problem this time, and that report might be really important.

But the problem is, the zombies should have arrived at the base by now. If we send someone back...

Oops, the base’s plan!

Thinking of Chen Gaoyang's specially arranged methods, cold sweat broke down on Lieutenant Chen's face. He immediately jumped out of the car, ran to the central command vehicle and started to contact the security regiment staying at the rear of the base. They are required to find the scattered report in the laboratory before the base self-destructs at all costs!

"As long as I find it, I will personally ask Commander Chen for credit!"

What Lieutenant Chen said sounded a bit funny. A lieutenant asking for credit from a colonel? But the head of the security regiment knew that he was somewhat related to Commander Chen. Stimulated by the military exploits, the regiment leader no longer even thought about resisting the zombies in a symbolic way, and his mind was entirely focused on the report. It's a pity that even if he sent a whole platoon of men to search for the biological laboratory, he still couldn't find the legendary report - there were a lot of other waste papers and debris, but it looked like a report But not a single portion!

"It's really not true. My men have tried their best. Could it be that you made a mistake?"

The captain's face was full of resentment. He looked at the zombies in the distance and knew that he could not delay it any longer, so he had to reluctantly give up this seemingly easy-to-get military merit.


After getting the news, Professor Xia was dumbfounded.

A small part of the key data in the report was recorded last, before it could all be backed up. But he knew that Lieutenant Chen also tried his best. In desperation, the professor could only sigh in frustration and have to wait until he moved to the new base to do it all over again. Fortunately, everything that happened before is still clear, but the time will undoubtedly be delayed a few beats!

However, what none of them knew was that the scattered report was accidentally taken away by a researcher who left last!


At the edge of the broken bridge, the huge motorcade stopped temporarily and watched helplessly as the people on the other side of the bridge walked away.

I don’t know what their psychology was, but after the people in the jeeps drove out for a distance, they arrogantly poked their heads in to provoke them. From the telescope, you can see that some of them raised their middle fingers with their backhand, clearly showing their mocking intent.

This action immediately angered everyone again.

"A bunch of grandsons who ran over and blew up the bridge by themselves should really be struck by lightning!"

"I hope there are 100,000 zombies on the other side of the bridge and eat them all!"

"I agree, those guys are too selfish... Even if they want to blow up the bridge, they have to wait until we get over before they blow it up!"

In anger, a few people holding sniper rifles couldn't stand it, so they just set up their guns here and started taking aim. Unfortunately, under the dust raised by the jeeps on the opposite side, even a few sniper shots failed to hit the target. Only when they were about to leave the shooting range, one shot luckily hit the tire. The speeding jeep suddenly lurched, slid diagonally for more than ten meters, and almost rolled over on its side.

"Well done!"

Such a big movement can be seen even without a telescope. Lin Chen's team members all cheered and felt relieved!

After being treated like this, those jeeps also knew that there were sniper rifles with a long range here, and their arrogance suddenly subsided. In panic, the people in their car lay down in the car for a while. After Lin Chen and the others took the lead to turn around and drive away, those people got up and started to change the tire, cursing - but they never thought that if they hadn't exploded first, After destroying the bridge, how could the people in Lin Chen's motorcade shoot at them?

However, these obvious truths will never be understood by selfish people.

Fortunately, Lin Chen didn't expect them to understand. Since the way forward was blocked, they had no choice but to go back and take another path. It was definitely impossible to go north. In desperation, the convoy had to turn around and drive south. After this period of delay, their efficiency is not much faster than squeezing directly through the south gate. Although Lin Chen and the others thought they had used all their clever tricks, they were delayed by this unexpected surprise, and in the end they were not as good as those who moved quickly from the south gate. This result was undoubtedly a bit embarrassing!

Moreover, the zombies may have arrived at Songping Base, which is not too far from their current location!

"Everyone, cheer up. It's not safe around here. It's not too late to take a rest after entering Longqi Mountain Area."

After such a commotion, the morale of the team was somewhat affected. Lin Chen felt that he should express his presence, so he took the initiative to stand up. Under the singing and singing of Zhao Gang and others, everyone's attention quickly shifted from the bridge bombing incident just now, and began to pay attention to the current safety of the convoy.

"Listen quickly, the radio message from the troops remaining at the base!"

Someone shouted on the walkie-talkie, and immediately, people with radio stations and radios turned on them one after another. Lin Chen also turned on the warrior's car radio and quickly found the channel of the last unit in Songping Base responsible for sniping zombies.

"...This is the security regiment responsible for sniping zombies at Songping Base. I am the regiment leader Guo Feng. The tide of zombies has poured into one kilometer of the base. In five minutes, we will completely abandon the base. Those who have not yet evacuated the base, Be sure to leave within the last time limit and run at least 100 meters away from the base, otherwise you will be responsible for all the consequences! Repeat..." (. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes, your vote Support is my biggest motivation.)

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