The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 151: The Road Ahead is Barrier

"Professor Xia? The base has been completely abandoned, Commander Chen's convoy is about to leave. Just think of me as begging you, let's evacuate quickly!"

In the temporarily established biological experiment center, Lieutenant Chen, who looked pitiful, was pleading helplessly with the professor in front of him. He had been standing next to him for almost twenty minutes. Unfortunately, Professor Xia, who only had virus information in his mind, ignored him at all.

"Why panic!"

With that said, Professor Xia recorded the latest experimental data, then stood up and sorted it out with satisfaction, and asked: "What did you just say? Are you going to withdraw it? What about the things here?"

Lieutenant Chen was overjoyed when he saw his reaction: "Don't worry, Commander Chen has told me that I will transport everything I can for you!"

Professor Xia glanced at him and shook his head: "What about the virus samples here? You must know that the facilities of this temporary experimental center are very imperfect. Although most of the various virus samples stored in it have been expelled from the infection ability, there are still some There are still dangers. If something like anthrax is leaked or even interacts with the zombie virus, it will be troublesome. Therefore, I must destroy all the samples stored here before evacuating!"

"Didn't I inform you before? Why didn't you clean it up in advance?" Lieutenant Chen asked.

"I was busy at the time, how could I know what you were going to say?" Professor Xia's natural words choked him again.

"Then, how long will it take?" Lieutenant Chen asked with a glimmer of hope.

"It will take a few hours at the earliest."

Professor Xia looked at the virus samples that were transported from the fourth-level biological laboratory and passed through the two bases of Andu and Songping, and he couldn't help but shook his head. If he had known that the zombies were so difficult to deal with, he should not have brought these things out at that time.

"No!" Lieutenant Chen immediately rejected his words, but considering his temper, he rolled his eyes and suggested: "The researcher who handled this matter for you should be able to handle it, right? You are very interested in the development of the zombie virus vaccine." It’s very important, so the commander told me to take you and several other assistant experts away immediately!”

"That's true, but..."

Before Professor Xia finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by Lieutenant Chen.

"I should have done this a long time ago!" He looked at Professor Xia who had fainted on his seat with satisfaction, and proudly said to his subordinates: "Quick, take him to the car first. I'll go find the researchers and ask them to help destroy it. The rest of the virus samples. You guys, hurry up and bring all his latest research information, no less!"

After such an explanation, Lieutenant Chen felt relieved. After everything was settled, he went back to resume his duties with Chen Gaoyang.

However, Lieutenant Chen did not notice the latest and most detailed report so far that fell on the ground!


"Awesome superpowers!"

Wei Ping didn't expect that there really are superpowers in this world. Recalling the incredible scene just now, he suddenly sighed: "You did it all by yourself before I even came up to help!"

It's a pity, why don't I have any superpowers?

Wei Ping's eyes flashed with envy, but he also knew that life was not fair. Although he has no superpowers, he is related to Lin Chen, who has superpowers. I'm afraid this is enough to make many people envious!

Lin Chen saw his envy and a little bit of disappointment, and said modestly, and then deliberately let out a little bit: "Superpowers are really popular, but they are nothing special. If you want them, I can help you get them. !”

"Nothing special? How can...ah? What did you say?!"

Wei Ping was surprised at first, thinking that he heard wrongly, but then he realized what he was saying and couldn't help being surprised and happy. He immediately caught up with Lin Chen and asked, "You mean, I can also get the superpower you just showed?"

The fish is hooked.

Lin Chen smiled and nodded, but quickly changed the topic and talked about something else. Wei Ping was so anxious that he was scratching his head and scratching his head. He didn't even care about the zombie army that might attack outside the city soon, and he was focused on thinking about that super power. But he couldn't act too eager, so he could only walk around Lin Chen anxiously and expectantly.

"The zombies are coming soon. Let's pack up and leave here first. Is Zhao Gang ready?"

Hearing Lin Chen's question, Wei Ping said absently: "Everything is packed and ready to go at any time."

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Okay, let's meet outside the east gate as agreed. You should go back and talk to Zhao Gang first. The time will be set in a quarter of an hour!"

"Oh, okay."

When Wei Ping left, his expression was one of sadness, and it was not too much to look back every three steps. You can understand it if you think about it. Who can resist the temptation of supernatural powers?

"What, you want to bring them all into our team?" Liu Yi has already bandaged the wound. Fortunately, it is just a flesh wound, and the bullet has penetrated. Although there was a lot of blood, it was not serious and he just needed to recover for a while. Moreover, he is also a person with the power of sunlight, and his physical recovery ability is far beyond that of ordinary people! As for this sentence, Liu Yi heard what Lin Chen said to Wei Ping just now, and soon understood that he had an idea against Zhao Gang and the others.

In Liu Yi's view, with the powerful weapon in hand, it is almost impossible to attract others, and no one can resist the temptation! Once they possess special powers and experience that kind of power, they will be even more unable to escape Lin Chen's control. Because the power to abolish the power seeds lies entirely in Lin Chen's hands!

"Zhao Gang and the others have a lot of connections and are not bad at their abilities. Of course they are safer if they can be included in the team!"

Of course, this was what Lin Chen was thinking, but at this moment, Qian Xu finally drove over from the crowd. Seeing the injury on Liu Yi's arm, he couldn't help but be surprised and quickly asked what happened just now.

"It's nothing special. It's just a few blind people who want to snatch your sister away for one night."

Lin Chen explained lightly, which immediately made Qian Xu furious: "Who? Are you seeking death?"

Liu Yi stretched out his hand and said, "I've asked the captain to take care of these guys lying on the ground."

"Dead? That's really an advantage for them!" Even though he knew that nothing would happen now, after hearing his sister describe it with a bad face, Qian Xu couldn't help but take it out on the corpse on the ground, and fiercely He was whipped with a gun and the remaining half of the magazine was emptied!

Then, he solemnly thanked Liu Yi, which made Liu Yi a little embarrassed.

"Now that the car is here, let's go. If we have anything to say, we'll talk about it on the way." Because he was worried about the hundreds of thousands of zombies, Lin Chen couldn't help but urge. A few minutes later, the team drove out of the courtyard they had just acquired. This time, once they leave, they probably won't come back.

Compared to the crowd just now, many people have already rushed out of the base, so the road to the east gate is not too difficult.

Almost at the appointed time, Lin Chen, Zhao Gang and the others met outside the east gate. There are four or five other teams here, most of whom are acquainted with Lin Chen and have helped wave the flag during the municipal hospital's commission. The other team is even more acquainted with Gao Ming and the others whom Qian Yuwei introduced!

The total number of people in the group was about sixty or seventy, and there were more than twenty vehicles of various sizes, so it was quite large.

Seeing Lin Chen coming, some familiar people said hello one after another.

Zhao Gang also looked at Lin Chen specifically. There was doubt and curiosity in his eyes that had never appeared before. Apparently, he had learned the news about Lin Chen's supernatural powers from Wei Ping. After listening to his description, Zhao Gang also developed a deep yearning for supernatural powers! However, now is not the time to talk about this.

He decided that after everyone retreated to Longqishan Villa, he would talk to Lin Chen about this matter!

After waiting for a while, dozens more people came outside the east gate. They were all members of the reserve brigade, some were recruited by Lin Chen, some were friends with Zhao Gang, and some came with the crowd. After adding these people and their families, the total number of people in the convoy has exceeded a hundred people!

"Can that villa be lived in?" Lin Chen looked at the fleet of thirty vehicles and couldn't help but have deep doubts.

Zhao Gang obviously didn't expect so many people to come, and he couldn't help but said with a headache: "If we squeeze hard, we might be able to occupy half of it..." As for the rest, they had to camp outside the villa.

Lin Chen had no choice but to watch and discuss it when the time came. However, the rooms for him, Qian Xu, Xuanxuan and his party are definitely guaranteed!

"Attention everyone, target Longqishan!"

Zhao Gang shouted on the intercom, and then led the way with Liu Yuhu and others. As one of the persons in charge of initiating the invitation, Lin Chen also followed closely behind, while the rest of the people lined up in sequence. While countless survivors were desperately trying to squeeze out from the south gate, Lin Chen's convoy seemed a bit unique.

"Hey, it looks like there's someone else with us."

Not long after the convoy drove out, several jeeps passed them from behind, which made Qian Xu a little curious.

Lin Chen lazily gnawed on the ham, curled his lips and said, "It's nothing surprising. There are a lot of smart people. Only those fools and those who panic and choose their own way swarm towards the south gate!"

"That's right." Qian Xu nodded, looked at the jeep that was far away from them, and said, "It's not a bad idea to have someone clear the way in front, so that if there are zombies ahead, they can help investigate."

This statement attracted the approval of many people in the convoy, and several people whistled at the jeeps in the distance on the spot, praising them as live thunder fronters. However, after just a few minutes, everyone's faces turned green. Three hundred meters ahead is a bridge built in the early 1990s due to the natural subsidence of the ground. The length of the bridge is very average, even less than thirty meters, but it is the only channel connecting the area to the other side. At this moment, those people who had already crossed the bridge, probably fearing that the zombies would come after them, actually used bombs to blow up the bridge deck!

With an explosion, the bridge that was already in disrepair collapsed!

Those people actually completely ignored the huge convoy not far behind them.

Such a selfish act instantly made the entire team furious. Even Lin Chen, who had a good temper, scolded them fiercely when he saw them leaving arrogantly! It would be fine if the zombie army was really behind them, but it was still far away and they might not catch up here. How could those few people do such a thing!

At this moment, everyone imposed the most vicious curse on them! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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