The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 112 Victory

As the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, the battlefield gradually calmed down.

The sight that appeared in front of him stunned Lin Chen who was standing on the high wall of the base. Under the fatal blow just now, all the zombies within a thousand meters of the base were killed. The piles of broken limbs looked like a huge slaughterhouse. Those artillery pieces and bombs had pocked the flat open space, and craters of varying sizes could be seen everywhere.

If you want to go back through here, it will be impossible without some repairs.

"Long live!"

"Humanity will win!"

The soldiers cheered loudly. They all knew that the wave of attacks just now was the strongest lineup of zombies. Since they failed to break in, it means that it is almost certain to defend the base! At the same time, the cheers from the distant west city wall were even louder. It turned out that the zombie army on their side could already see the edge!

The dawn of victory is at hand!

Encouraged by this, the morale of the defending army suddenly reached its peak. Even if the zombie attack continues and tens of thousands of zombie animals join the battle, this will not shake their confidence at all!

Compared with human zombies, animal zombies are undoubtedly more difficult to deal with, and some zombie animals have even evolved preliminary long-range attack methods. Caught off guard, some soldiers did suffer and were unfortunately infected by the virus. But the military also made timely adjustments to prioritize killing these animal zombies. In addition, many of the artillery had already cooled down and firing again did not cause any waves for these zombie animals.

"The overall situation has been decided!"

Chen Gaoyang, who was sitting in command, was completely relieved. He did not expect that this war would go more smoothly than he expected.

Before this, he had considered whether more advanced zombies would appear, but now it seemed that there were obviously no more. Or perhaps a large group of zombie birds would join the battle, for which he also made preparations and mobilized all flamethrowers and anti-aircraft artillery. Unfortunately, the zombie bird has not appeared yet, which makes the whole battle much easier!

So, after securing the Andu base, the next step is to counterattack!

Without these more than three million zombies, the number of zombies in Andu City has been greatly reduced. Considering the zombies that have been killed one after another these days, there are not even half of the zombies in Andu City at the beginning. Although the base's arms reserves were greatly consumed after this battle, it can still support another large-scale war. When he completely captures Andu City, he can use this as a center to gradually regain nearby important areas. At that time, production will be fully resumed and everything will be on track!

After careful planning, Chen Gaoyang showed a proud smile on his face.

As far as he knew, the evolution of zombies was similar in various cities. In the past two days, other bases have also been attacked by large numbers of zombies. Many small bases were destroyed as a result, and among the provincial bases except the capital, his Andu base was the first to completely eliminate the zombie army. When the army completely recovers Andu, his prestige and momentum will be unmatched by anyone, hehe...

As long as there are no major accidents, even if some measures were taken to seize the power of the base, how can the central government do anything to get him?

Thinking like this, Chen Gaoyang turned his mind to the next step of recovering Andu City and even how to resume production.

At the same time, the zombie troops outside the east wall also saw Bian for the first time. When Lin Chen looked at the horizon, it was no longer an endless sea of ​​zombies, there was a gap in the middle!


Lin Chen knew that the outcome of the war had been decided, and it would end earlier than expected!

Over the next few hours, the sound of gunfire became noticeably sparser and continued intermittently into the afternoon. At almost half past four, the final gunshots on the north wall also stopped. The 700,000 survivors who had already received the news of victory listened to this rare silence, and then burst into cheers!

"Long live humanity!"

"Long live Andu Base!"

In the end, someone even took the lead in shouting "Long live Commander Chen Gaoyang!" In their opinion, the base successfully eliminated the invading zombies under the control of Chen Gaoyang!

Lin Chen, who walked down the city wall, didn't know what Chen Gaoyang was thinking at this moment, but he knew one thing. Now Chen Gaoyang's prestige in the base has reached its peak, and it is truly unmatched by anyone!

The grand celebration party lasted all night, and the base military also canceled the curfew considerately. Countless survivors sang and danced. More than two months after the outbreak of the apocalypse, they achieved such a glorious victory on a frontal battlefield for the first time. Does this mean that humans have begun to gain the upper hand in the battle against zombie viruses? Many survivors who think so begin to think about life after defeating zombies, and many even shed tears to mourn their relatives and friends who died at the hands of zombies.

"No matter what, it feels a little too easy."

Lin Chen muttered, but quickly put this worry behind him.

Instead of having that free time to worry about his man's intuition, it would be better to hug the girl next to you and do something that both of you love to do. It is said that as the number of intimacy increases, Shi Xuanxuan's cooperation with him becomes more and more tacit, and she is willing to do some embarrassing actions for him. This made Lin Chen like her even more.

It was a wise choice to take this girl away from the New Garden Club at that time!

Not to mention the night of love, when Lin Chen got up the next day, the sun was already very high. Countless survivors had already climbed out of bed, waiting to see the base clearing away the millions of zombie limbs outside.

If you think about it, it is unrealistic to move all the corpses away. Besides, there must be some zombies left inside. Even if half of their bodies are blown off, as long as their heads are still there, they can struggle and bite people. Therefore, after struggling for a long time, the top leaders of the base decided to burn these zombies into ashes.

Barrels of gasoline were poured from the city walls and helicopters, and then there were countless incendiary bombs!

At the moment when the first spark splashed, a series of explosions occurred around the base. The flames that rose to the sky burned fiercely, generating a huge expansion airflow. The sudden heat wave almost blew several careless soldiers off the city wall, and some empty bullet boxes were pushed far away.


The sound of burning bones and flesh and the stench that was heard from time to time drifted with the wind, and most of the people in the base had to cover their noses with wet cloths.

The last incendiary bomb dropped by the base lasted only twenty minutes at most. But this time it was different. Firstly, there were more zombies, and secondly, a lot of gasoline and more incendiary bombs were poured on it, so the scale of the fire was much stronger than before. Even the first place to be extinguished had been burning for at least three hours, and some places where corpses piled up like mountains had been burning for a whole day. A thick layer of gray-white powder appeared on the burned ground, which looked both disgusting and creepy.

A gust of wind blew, and the burned corpses collapsed sparsely, raising ashes all over the sky.

When the flames were finally extinguished, the main gate of the base slowly opened. Bulldozers, excavators and other engineering vehicles that had been on standby for a long time drove out of the base one after another, preparing to clear a passable road first.

Many curious survivors followed behind and came out, wanting to take a look at this unprecedented battlefield. Of course, there were also many people who came with the idea of ​​making a small fortune. In the past two days, the base has fired at least tens of millions of bullets, and there are countless tons of artillery shells. The number of bullets that have returned is an astronomical number - you know, every ten bullets or shells can be exchanged for a good bullet at the base.

"Wow, the ashes are not even up to the calf!" A survivor took two steps curiously and found that the soft gray-white powder buried him directly below the knee.

The survivors around him also looked around: "The high concrete walls are all burned black, and there are many scratches underneath!"

The third person accompanying saw a lot of bullets not far away and took a big step to pick them up. Who would have thought that his feet would go soft after just two steps, and then he fell down with a plop: "Help! I fell into a three-meter-deep crater!"

Although the thick ashes under his body did not hurt, he could not escape in a mess.


With the full assistance of the military, it only took one day to open the road to the highway.

With the communication with the outside world restored, the operation of the base was back on track, and the negative impact of the attack of more than three million zombies on the base quickly dissipated. However, although the overall zombie army was eliminated, there were still many zombies left a little further away from the base, including groups of second-level stuff. For this reason, the base issued a new batch of commissions, the main content of which was to clean up the zombies in the designated area!

With Qian Yuwei's advance guidance, Lin Chen naturally grabbed a good commission.

The target this time is about 150 kilometers away from the base, which is a relatively marginal location. According to some intelligence just obtained by the base from high-altitude reconnaissance, there are more than a thousand zombies scattered in the target area, many of which have evolved from the second level.

More specific information is unknown, but this is enough for Lin Chen to make up his mind.

If it were in the past, Lin Chen would probably not dare to take the initiative to face so many zombies. But now that his superpowers are about to break through to the eighth stage of the initial stage, and he has the military Dongfeng Warrior in his hand, he already has the capital to fight against so many second-level zombies. Besides, it is impossible for all the second-level zombies to be together. There is always a way to divide and eliminate them. Because Qian Yuwei's anchor work has been very busy recently, she did not go with them. Considering that the performance of the van is not enough to keep up with the Warrior, the four of them squeezed into this top-level off-road vehicle obtained from the military.

After killing some blind zombies along the way, the three of them arrived at the target town.

This not-so-big town is not well-known, and Liu Yi has no impression of it. Considering that everyone is unfamiliar, Qian Xu, who has had a taste of driving, carefully parked the Warrior two hundred meters away from the town. (. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets at (qidian.). Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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