The Last Plant Controller

Chapter 111: Intense Battle

This chapter is the third update yesterday. I fell asleep and forgot to post it... Continue to ask for recommendations, monthly tickets, collections and subscriptions.

Unknowingly, the battle lasted from morning to noon.

The sound of gunfire continued, the smoke was filled, and the officers were supervising the battle at the top of their lungs. The zombies under the city made strange roars from time to time, and the sound of corpses being shattered by shells intertwined to play a fierce war song!

In such a high-intensity battle, the soldiers' physical strength was consumed quickly. The top leaders of the base considered this before the war and reserved a reserve team in advance. After an order was given, the two teams quickly rotated down. Lin Chen touched his hungry stomach and retreated with these soldiers.

In just a few hours, the zombies under the east wall had fallen to the ground. I don't know how many tens of thousands of them were lost, but there was still no end to the zombies in the distance!

This battle seems to last for two days.

Shi Xuanxuan, who was staying in the tent at ease, had already prepared lunch. Seeing Lin Chen coming back a little tired, she asked with concern: "What's the situation outside?"

Lin Chen picked up a bowl of rice and said while eating: "It's okay. The base has the upper hand, but the main force of the second-level zombies has not moved yet."

Shi Xuanxuan helped him pick up two chopsticks of shredded potatoes, and then said: "That means there is still a fight!"

"Who said it wasn't?" Lin Chen shook his head and said vaguely: "I will go and see after dinner."

Qian Xu also took a bite of rice and said to Qian Yuwei and Shi Xuanxuan: "Pay attention to packing and make preparations. In case the base is accidentally breached by zombies, we can escape from here in time."

Although this possibility seems small to Lin Chen, Qian Xu's suggestion is not wrong. It is always better to be cautious.

After a hurried meal and a rest, Lin Chen and Qian Xu returned to the city wall. After such a period of time, the zombie army was getting closer and closer to the base. In some places, the zombies' limbs had piled up to five or six meters high, almost flush with the height of the base's walls.

"Use incendiary bombs!"

Major General Wu, who was observing the battlefield from a distance with a telescope, issued an order in time.

A few minutes later, more than 20 helicopters flew up from the base in neat battle formations. The arsenal in the base stored a lot of incendiary bombs, which were just in use now. Accompanied by a series of whistling sounds, countless incendiary bombs were dropped from the helicopters. After the loud explosion, the overwhelming flames splashed a hundred meters, and all the zombies that were infected burned wildly. The heat wave spread far away, and even Lin Chen on the wall could feel the scorching temperature.

"Good job!"

"Brothers in the Air Force did a great job!"

Seeing the continuous sea of ​​fire below, many soldiers cheered and praised the helicopters that were still circling and shooting.

The incendiary bombs thrown by the base were not too advanced, and were considered to be nearly obsolete, but the temperature was as high as more than a thousand degrees. Staying in such a sea of ​​fire for a long time, even iron can melt into molten iron. Not to mention the zombies that rushed in. When they staggered out, most of their bodies had been burned, and soon they turned into ash and fell apart. The air on the high wall was faintly filled with the smell of burnt meat...

The fire lasted for half an hour before it slowly subsided. The piles of corpses collapsed under the burning of high-temperature flames.

Amid the endless sound of gunfire, the battle lasted from noon to afternoon.

The defense forces of the base didn't know how much ammunition they poured down, but Lin Chen clearly remembered that the soldier in front of him alone had emptied dozens of magazines. His gun barrel was destroyed due to overheating, and he had to temporarily replace it with a rifle. The empty shells thrown out gathered on the ground!

The zombies who suffered a loss gradually stepped up their attacks, which put a lot of pressure on the soldiers.

In just a quarter of an hour, the battle became more and more intense. What's more terrible is that the sun is gradually setting.

For the humans defending the city, the night is undoubtedly a disadvantage. Zombies are not afraid of darkness, they just need to keep rushing forward step by step. Fortunately, the logistics department of the base made preparations in advance. In addition to searchlights and flares, they also temporarily pulled a lot of ordinary electric lights with wires, making the high walls of the base brightly lit.

To be precise, Lin Chen also contributed to this.

If they hadn't found the generator set accessories in time, the base would definitely not have had so much electricity. Without electricity, even if there were more electric lights, it would be useless.

The soldiers were more or less tired and numb after fighting until now. Lin Chen also pulled Qian Xu and prepared to go back and come back tomorrow. But at this moment, there was a huge change in the zombie group, and a wave of tens of thousands of zombies rushed up. This number is nothing, but the key is that these zombies are almost all second-level evolved!

"A large group of second-level zombies!"

"Everyone be alert, artillery units get ready!"

"Be on guard! The zombies are coming for real!"

Screams came one after another, and the soldiers were alert and ready to deal with this extremely powerful wave of zombies.

More than a dozen flares were fired into the air, and with the help of the extremely bright light, countless light and heavy machine guns burst out with fierce firepower. Major General Wu, who had always insisted on watching the battle, looked solemnly for a while, picked up the walkie-talkie, and issued orders to the heavy artillery unit in the base.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A series of unusually dull and loud explosions sounded, the sound was earth-shattering, and even Lin Chen on the high wall could feel the terrifying destructive power. This is a large-caliber heavy artillery that the base had not used before. Now, as soon as it was used, it caused unparalleled damage to the zombie army! The tanks acting as mobile turrets also opened fire wantonly, and cooperated with the heavy artillery troops to suppress the charge of the second-level zombies!

In the face of the extremely terrifying firepower, the second-level zombies are nothing more than that!

Many excited soldiers have begun to raise their arms and shout long live mankind!

After the continuous bombardment, the zombies who suffered heavy losses calmed down a bit. Although the attacks continued throughout the following night, no second-level zombies of this size were used again. Amid the anxiety of countless survivors, the base spent its first night surrounded by zombies.

When Lin Chen woke up again, he was awakened by the base's loudspeaker.

This broadcast was not Chen Gaoyang's voice, but it had the same passion and momentum. In his announcement, half of the zombie troops outside the base had been eliminated. By tomorrow morning at most, this super zombie army, which totals between 3.5 million and 4 million, will be completely annihilated!

This news undoubtedly greatly inspired people's hearts. Countless survivors rushed to tell each other, as if they had foreseen a bright future.

Lin Chen was somewhat noncommittal about the news, but one thing was certain. The base did eliminate a large number of zombies yesterday. Even if this announcement is a bit watery, it is at least 70% likely to come true.

"It seems that our preparations are no longer needed."

While having breakfast, Shi Xuanxuan said somewhat optimistically. In fact, not only her, but even Lin Chen himself believed that the base should win this time. The only suspense was the time and loss of the end of the war.

However, the zombies were not willing to fail like this.

Starting at ten o'clock in the morning, the zombies restarted their ferocious offensive, and the battle instantly became intense!

"Comrades, come on, fight to the death to destroy the zombies and defend our base!"

Under the encouragement and leadership of the officers, the morale of the soldiers was extremely high. The fifty meters of the base seemed to be a line of death. No matter how the zombies attacked, they could not get close to the high wall of the base. Unable to defeat the enemy for a long time, the zombies once again launched an unprecedented offensive. They seem to have staked everything. There are at least three to four hundred thousand second-level zombies appearing on the four walls. It can be said that the zombies are the strongest and the last stand!

Tens of thousands of second-level zombies protected their heads with their hands and walked in scattered formations at the front. Then there are other second-level zombies, vaguely mixed with some unknown number of zombie animals.

Without unified command, it is very difficult for the zombies to do this spontaneously.

The soldiers, who were both nervous and excited, couldn't help but wipe the sweat from their palms and opened fire under the orders of the officers. The dense barrage hit the oncoming zombies like huge waves, but unfortunately it failed to take them away in one fell swoop. These second-level power zombies are quite difficult to fight after blocking the vital parts of their heads. Although the bullets of the heavy machine gun can severely damage them, it is not enough in front of the sea of ​​tens of thousands of corpses!

Soon, the zombie army really advanced to the city wall.

This distance is already very dangerous. Although the city walls are made of reinforced concrete, and the main entrance is also an ultra-thick steel gate, it will collapse sooner or later under the constant attacks of zombies. In order to stop the zombies, the soldiers threw grenades one after another, and some soldiers fired rockets one after another with shoulder-mounted rocket launchers!

"There's no need to hold back, use all the means you have!"

Chen Gaoyang, who had been overlooking the entire battlefield, thought about it for a while and finally issued the order.

After getting his words, the huge military machine in the base operated to the extreme. All artillery, including ordinary small-caliber artillery and heavy artillery units, fired at all costs. The helicopter was also loaded with advanced napalm incendiary bombs again, forming a sea of ​​​​fire thirty meters near the base. All the TNT explosives that had been buried in advance were also activated. In several places with weaker defenses, the base even launched more than 20 Dongfeng series short-range surface-to-surface missiles one after another!

Ten minutes later, the helicopter formation flew back again carrying a large amount of industrial acid. These extremely corrosive liquids fell from the sky, creating a real acid rain, corroding the hard skin of the second-level zombies with holes.

At this moment, the base exploded with its most powerful firepower!

The deafening explosion became the only sound in the world, and countless pieces of limbs and dust were raised high, covering the sky and the sun. The carpet bombing covering the entire battlefield extended for thousands of meters, and then plowing was repeated twice before gradually stopping. Under such a blow, no matter how many second-level zombies there are, they will all be destroyed! (If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (qidian.) to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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