The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 961: Questions, Arrival

"The ancient gods used these materials, sorted these particles into categories, and finally formed the so-called five innate rules."

"In the process of compilation, the ancient gods also simplified the complex, integrated the five rules into one, changed their essence, and gained eternity."

"In other words, the ancient gods were not eternal beings at the beginning, but after creating the void, they developed the eternal path."

"I see, but why did the ancient gods disappear?"

One mystery was solved, and another mystery appeared.

There were countless questions in No. 4's eyes, but no one would answer him.

At this time, he could feel an extremely evil power flowing in his body.

It has vaguely merged with the power of the ancient gods, making the power of the ancient gods even more evil.

The two seem to have formed a kind of balanced relationship.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"This evil power has merged with the body of the ancient god. Relying on the power of the mind, I will not be affected for the time being."

"But I still have to find a way to completely eliminate this strange aura."

"Otherwise, the fusion between me and this body will never reach 100%."

There were countless lights flashing in No. 4's eyes. Suddenly, countless information flowed into his mind from outside this space and time.

"Has the first stage of the strange invasion completely erupted in the void?"

"This is troublesome."

"Spirit wave weapon system? It can actually eliminate the strange essence? Incredible power."

"But this is an opportunity."

"If this power can really eliminate the strange essence, then it should also be able to eliminate the strange essence that invaded the body of the ancient god."

Thinking of this, countless thoughts flashed in his eyes, "Maybe this can be done."

There was a gleam in his eyes, and he seemed to have made a decision. The mysterious No. 4 stepped out of this space and time and appeared in the desert void.

The violent void storm blew on him, splashing countless explosions.

He reached back and grabbed the sphere of time and space and put it away.

He turned his head to look in the direction of the life void, took a step forward, and directly tore through countless storms.

As he left, an extremely dark claw tore through the void, covering the area of ​​​​tens of millions of kilometers.


As if the world was created, everything in the world turned into powder in an instant.

No void rules could exist, everything turned into the most primitive particles, and only a dark claw appeared here.

Without catching anything, the huge claw slowly retracted and finally disappeared.

This place returned to its original state again, and countless void storms blew past from afar.

This area that was almost turned into vacuum particles was flooded again.

All traces were erased, as if nothing had happened.

In the life void, No. 4 appeared here, and his body remained at a height of two meters.

He turned his head to look at the desert void, where something seemed to be watching him.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"The desert void, it seems, is not really a desert. There are some dangerous things in it. Even my ancient god body feels an instinctive threat."

"I don't know whether the appearance of the desert void is a blessing or a curse."

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but reveal a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"The ancient gods left a lot of mysteries."

"The strange land, the desert void, none of them is simple."

Thinking, his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

When he appeared again, he had come to the void wormhole of a world group.

He was surrounded by a faint dark golden light, and his figure began to change rapidly.

In the end, he turned into a humanoid with a metal texture.

The power was quickly converged, not a trace was leaked, and the eternal characteristics were hidden deeper. At this time, he was like an ordinary Tianxiandao level strongman.

This world group has fallen into war, and a large number of void strongmen, void fleets, and war weapons have been invested in the war against the weirdness.

Countless weird things were wiped out, but a large amount of weird essences were released into the void, making the void of this world group even colder.

No. 4 looked indifferent, watching all this quietly, and shook his head slightly, "Unfortunately, this kind of offensive will only increase the speed of their spread."

The next moment, he appeared in the center of this world group, where there was a huge void fortress.

This fortress was emitting wonderful power at this time, and a huge formation covered an area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

The formation was composed of small fortresses one after another, which were densely packed with various soldiers.

The power fluctuations of these soldiers were almost all at the lowest level of Tianxiandao, but they were all produced soldiers, not those outsiders who rushed out of the world group.

The potential of these soldiers has been exhausted in this process of stimulation, and it is almost impossible to grow.

However, their combat power is unquestionable, especially now that they are all equipped with mysterious spiritual wave weapons.

This mysterious formation was also completely covered in a green glow.

As long as any weird thing rushes into this light, it will first be strangled by the power of the formation, and then the weird essence will be swallowed up by the power of this blue light.

When No. 4 came here, he naturally had his purpose and quietly stepped into this formation.

His appearance is covered with the spiritual power he has mastered, directly blocking the depth of the spiritual waves.

At the same time, a mysterious token appeared in his hand.

The huge fortress located in the center of the formation created a strange attraction, pulling him quickly towards the fortress.

Ten minutes later, he arrived at a huge palace in the fortress.

There is only a huge throne here, and sitting on it is a powerful being of a non-human species.

He is 10 meters tall, has a crocodile head, is covered in scales, wears a huge gold-like armor, and holds a golden spear in his hand.

He looked at No. 4 in front of him, slowly stood up from the throne, and walked down step by step.

Quietly kneeling down on one knee, bowing his head like No. 4, "Great master, your loyal servant pays you the highest respect."

No. 4 nodded lightly and reached the throne in one step. He sat calmly on the throne and looked down at his servant.

"Report to me the latest situation in detail, especially all the information about the Lingbo weapon system."

"Yes, great master," the giant crocodile-like king lowered his head and said.

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