The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 960 Discussion, No. 4

In a mysterious space, five figures gathered here again.

"Things have changed. The first stage of the weirdness has completely arrived, much earlier than we expected."

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"We must temporarily stop dealing with Lin Yi."

"The information from the Void Destiny Committee shows that the world group they are in has completely suppressed the weirdness."

"This is good news for the current situation."

"We need to use Lin Yi's power first to suppress the weird invasion that permeates the entire void."

"At the same time, we can study his spiritual waves in secret. Transmission device."

"I found a trace of thought imprint inside. According to my observation, it should come from Lin Yi."

"The most peculiar thing is that all the spiritual wave energy flows from this trace of thought imprint."

"This means that as long as we can trace the source, we can find out what the secret of his power is?"

"This is probably his flaw. He himself is not aware of this problem."

"This person suddenly appeared. Obviously, he was not born in a big force. He didn't understand that the imprint would sometimes reveal a lot of information."

"We are Well, we can take this opportunity to understand where his power comes from. "

"Originally, I suspected that he was some kind of spiritual existence, but now I can rule it out."

"Using his power, we can avoid exposing our traces in this disaster."

No. 3 suddenly said, "But this man requires all world groups that use spiritual wave weapons to give him 1/10 of their income."

"The resources gathered under such conditions will be extremely terrifying, you should understand that."

"With such a huge amount of resources, he may do something unexpected."

"You should also understand that this man will not propose so many resources for no reason, right?"

"He also proposed the rule inheritance items of the enlightened."

"This thing can be exposed to spiritual power. We have discovered this secret for countless years."

"The acquired rules are divided into a series of void evolution and a series of life creation that violates the rules of reality."

"These two series have their own mysteries. Do you think the spiritual power he possesses is related to the rules that violate reality?"

No. 3's words immediately attracted the attention of others.

"It is very likely, otherwise he would not collect these things."

Another person in the shadow said slowly, he is No. 2 among the five people.

"We can also study this kind of things and find the secrets related to the mind."

"Then, study the spiritual wave transmission device and find the secrets."

"No. 2's method is feasible, let's do it first."

No. 1, who is in charge of the overall situation, said slowly.

At this time, one of the remaining two people said, "What about No. 4?"

"He has disappeared for a long time."

"I am afraid that the infected ancient god's body has been mastered by him."

"Maybe he will become a complete body."

No. 1 looked at the person who spoke, "Let's put aside No. 4's matter for the time being, now is a time of trouble."

"It is the most important thing to lie dormant and maintain our strength and find the secrets of the mind."

"Even if No. 4 becomes a complete body, he is not invincible, but has perfected eternity."

"No. 5, you don't have to focus on him."

No. 5 heard this and his eyes flickered, "Okay, then let's put it aside for the time being. "Let him go when he is gone."

No. 6, who had been silent all this time, said, "There is one more thing."

"I have been investigating those old antiques that I have been paying attention to."

"They went to the strange place again."

"I have been observing them for a long time, and they seem to be looking for something all the time."

"Every time they enter the strange place, they will go to one ancient god ruin after another after leaving."

"This is the third time they have done this."

"These old guys are not ordinary strong men, each of them hides deep secrets."

"It is not a simple matter to deal with them."

No. 6's thoughts are low and have frequency, a solemn and cold thought.

No. 1 was silent for a moment, "Let's continue to observe and see what they are looking for."

"I once knew something by chance."

"The ancient gods seemed to have obtained something in front of the distant coordinates?"

"This thing only appeared once and then disappeared."

"I suspect they are looking for this thing."

"This thing seems to be related to some secret."

"These old antiques are mysterious and have existed since before the establishment of the void."

"They are from the same period as the ancient gods, so they may know something."

"If we act rashly, we won't get what they want."

"Let them toss in the strange place first."

"When they find something, we will take it away."

"Everything in the void belongs to us and should belong to us."

"They are just our tools."

"The task of observation will continue to be handed over to you, No. 6."

No. 6 nodded slowly, "Okay."

Darkness returned to nothingness, and five figures disappeared here.


At this time, in the desert void, there was a strange space-time.

It rises and falls under the wind of the endless storm in the desert void.

The appearance of this space-time is 10% tiny, and at first glance it looks only the size of a human head.

It remains motionless under the wind of the hurricane, like an unshakable iron stone.

In this mysterious space-time sphere, there lies a dark coffin.

Inside is the mysterious body of the ancient god.

This infected body was seized by the mysterious No. 4.

It turns out that he moved the body of the ancient god to the desert void. In this extremely dangerous area, no one can find his trace.

This huge body of the ancient god slowly wakes up, and it is filled with majestic power.

But the strange fluff that grew all over his body due to the infection still exists.

The body of the ancient god, or No. 4, showed a hint of excitement in his eyes, feeling the mysterious power in his body, which is the real power of the ancient god.

It has the mysterious power to create everything.

He slowly walked out of the coffin, feeling the narrow space of more than ten kilometers in radius, and raised his hand and gently pulled.

The rules of space and time were directly pulled out by him, and they were extremely clear in front of him. It was like countless networks, woven by countless extremely tiny space-time particles.

No. 4 carefully watched the network he pulled out, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"Sure enough, the rules in the void are the product of the ancient gods weaving various basic particles."

"Originally, there should be only pure basic particles of time, space, soul, matter, and energy."

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