The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 734 Understanding and Stealing (Second Update)

This is the difference in the way of understanding power, a gap in the foundation. Lin Yi shook his head with all his thoughts in his heart.

"This kind of power is strong, but it can't really lead to eternal life. When encountering a stronger existence, it can only go to death."

"There is always a mountain higher than the one in this world. Who can say that they are invincible?"

His eyes have swept across the battlefield and looked in the direction of the tree.

In the deepest part of the tree, in a wonderful space, the Dark Star floated there.

That space is full of various forbidden powers.

At a glance, there are at least thousands of completely different bans. Anyone who touches this ban will immediately alarm the dark monarch, the Ancient Tree King.

However, this kind of ban has no effect on Lin Yi.

He quietly performed the True Destiny Boundless, and the next moment he sank into the ground.

Relying on the True Destiny Dao Jie to see through everything, he went to the center of the tree along the ground.

The interior of the tree is not a complete material structure, and basically still has a part of spatiality.

In other words, this mysterious Ancient Tree King, his lair is a fortress with spatial power.

However, no matter what kind of power it is, it cannot stop the True Destiny, which has the most powerful penetrating power in the world and ignores the effects of all forces.

A few minutes later, Lin Yi had already arrived at the bottom of the giant tree.

He stood in an internal pipe with a diameter of about two meters, winding upward.

There are many such pipes inside the tree, which are intertwined to form an internal circulation network.

A huge roar surged from the bottom of the pipe.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked behind him. A dark and deep energy torrent was drawn up from the ground and spread along the pipe to various parts of the tree.

At this time, the whole tree was trembling slightly, as if the battle outside had affected here.

Lin Yi was submerged by the black energy light, but these energy lights just passed through his body calmly.

They could not touch him at all.

He continued to walk towards the tree, and his feet were dozens of meters away.

About a few minutes later, he had arrived outside that wonderful space.

This is a huge empty cave, about 100 meters long and wide, a bowl-shaped space with a diameter of about 100 meters.

The four walls here are connected to pipes of different sizes.

A large amount of energy will rush in here, and then flow to other places through some pipes.

This place is like an energy node, and it doesn't look special.

But in Lin Yi's eyes, there is another layer in this space, which is a space on another level.

The light of the true destiny flickered, and time and space could not stop his steps.

The next moment, he seemed to pass through a layer of film and came to a brand new dark space.

This place is very huge, at least thousands of square meters at a glance.

Layers of light stood in front of him, forming a huge ban, and it was impossible to see what was inside.

But in Lingyi's eyes, everything was clearly visible.

There were thousands of layers of bans, each layer was densely covered with black mysterious words.

It was extremely detailed, and the words were connected to each other.

The power of the entire tree is completely integrated. If you want to break these bans, you must first have the power to destroy the entire tree.

But this tree is 3 kilometers in diameter and more than 10 kilometers in height, just like a mountain.

To destroy such a huge monster, even if it is a nuclear bomb, it may take dozens or hundreds of nuclear bombs to do it.

Although the Tianxiandao is powerful, it can't do this.

This is where the creatures in this world are powerful. The sheer size makes it difficult to be completely destroyed.

But Lin Yi didn't come here to destroy this tree, but just to get the Dark Star.

The True Destiny Without Boundaries continued to launch, and the next moment, he had stepped into the thousand-layer seal.

Without any obstruction or any power, he easily stepped into this world.

The power of the True Destiny Without Boundaries is really terrifying, a completely bug-level existence.

At this time, while Lin Yi was constantly using the True Destiny, he had vaguely sensed the power essence of the True Destiny.

Lingbo seems to be a wonderful spiritual power.

It can be produced naturally from the true destiny, or it can be taken away from their bodies by killing strange beings.

Or it can be stripped from the essence of strange beings.

Indistinctly, there is a guess about strange beings.

"Could it be that the essence of strangeness is also some kind of existence at the spiritual level?"

"Then why do strange beings invade the world and kill living beings?"

"Is it for the power of the soul, just like me?"

Thinking in his heart, he stood in the middle of the thousand layers of prohibition.

A dark power floated in front of him, and the light of the true destiny was observing this dark.

This dark contains an unimaginable amount of energy, pure without a trace of impurities.

And most importantly, this energy is not just pure energy.

It flickers with matter, energy, time, space, and even some fluctuations of the soul.

This is a group of objects composed of 5 kinds of matter, perfectly and harmoniously.

Suddenly, Lin Yi thought of something similar.

The treasure of the universe in his hand is the same as this thing, containing 5 kinds of innate basic world power.

However, the treasure of the universe contains information, while the dark star in front of him is pure power.

And this group of power can be absorbed, just from the volume.

This group of darkness is more than 10 times the total power of Lin Yi's Tianxiandao body and clone.

Lin Yi felt a little shocked by this dark star.

However, he was not shocked for long, and soon came back to his senses.

He raised his hand slightly, and a deep dark golden power flowed out.

Under his control, the dark golden power turned into countless wonderful structures.

It was a three-dimensional sealing formation, originating from an unfamiliar sect in the Red Lotus Realm.

In an instant, the formation suddenly shrank, and a black crystal slowly fell and appeared in his hand.

Lin Yi raised his hand and took the crystal in his hand. He could feel the majestic energy in the crystal.

The true destiny covered the crystal, and he turned and walked outside.

Without a sound or a trace, the Dark Star had already fallen into his hands, without even causing any change.

A minute later, he had already appeared in a distant part of the battlefield.

A thought silently connected to Gu.

"The thing is already in hand."

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