The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 733 Action, Conclusion (First Update)

Gu slowly stopped outside the mountain range, staring at the tree with cold eyes, and a solemn voice slowly sounded.

"This is our target, the Dark Lord - the Ancient Tree King."

"The Dark Star is in his lair."

"This giant tree is the shell it shed in the past, and it is also its current lair."

In Lin Yi's eyes, the true destiny solution was running to the extreme, and in an instant, he saw through everything about the Ancient Tree King.

A little black wonderful substance existed inside it, connected with all the power of the Ancient Tree King.

And next to this black substance, there was a tree man covered with wrinkles.

He held the black substance in his right hand, and a stream of power permeated his body, blending with the black substance.

This black substance should be the Dark Star.

He seemed to be absorbing the Dark Star and turning it into his own power.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at Gu, "There is a humanoid figure that seems to be made of trees, absorbing this dark mysterious substance."

"The power contained in that substance is very strong, and I feel scared when I see it."

"That thing should be the dark star you are looking for."

Hearing this, Gu's eyes flashed with a glimmer and smiled slightly.

"Yes, that's what I'm looking for."

"I will come to provoke you directly later, and wait until we start fighting."

"I'm most annoyed that Manager Lin waits for an opportunity to attack."

"If he leaves the dark star in the nest, Manager Lin will help me steal it out."

"I will do my best to hold this guy back."

"If he doesn't leave it, please ask Manager Lin to wait for an opportunity to attack."

Lin Yi nodded, "That's no problem."

"Okay, then I'll start."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu had already started to act.

Endless darkness rose from his body.

Connected to the huge lizard outside his body.

The next moment, the scales around the lizard seemed to crystallize, spreading out pieces of black crystals.

The crystal covered it, like a layer of crystal armor, and the next moment, it had already launched a charge.

The huge body twisted, slithering on the ground like a snake.

At the same time, its four legs also slid like wood pulp.

It rushed towards the mountains at an extremely alarming speed, and rushed directly to the huge tree dozens of kilometers away.

At this time, a harsh noise sounded from the trees, which were the screams of countless creatures feeling the danger.

But what greeted them was a loud roar and a huge black beam of light.

The huge black lizard opened its mouth, and a terrifying black light gushed out.

It attacked the big tree directly, and the black light was filled with a terrifying atmosphere.

Facing this sudden attack, the branches above the giant tree began to tremble violently.

It fell around the trunk and intertwined into a black wall in front of the black light column.

The black light directly hit the wall composed of countless branches.

The horrible collision exploded in an instant, and the black mushroom cloud slowly rose. The area of ​​thousands of meters was shrouded in the huge explosion.

An angry voice sounded from the big tree.

"The despicable reptile is here again."

"You deserve to die."

As he said that, a tree man wrapped in black light stepped out of the big tree.

This tree man was only three meters tall, with countless branches and leaves all over his body. His whole body was made of wood and covered with mottled bark.

There was a face on his head, and he looked very angry at this time.

Gu was less than 5 kilometers away from the giant tree, and he was about to rush under the giant tree.

At this time, the tree man suddenly waved his hand, and countless branches fell from the giant tree, like whips, slapping the oncoming giant lizard.

Countless whips fell heavily on the ground. With a huge body of hundreds of meters, the lizard was as flexible as a fat man.

It passed through the gap between the branches in an instant, but its impact speed slowed down involuntarily.

At this time, countless scales around her body have stood up, like sharp blades.

Each scale is several meters long, and his body rolled wildly while moving.

The branches that accidentally entangled it would be cut off in the next moment.

This is not the first time that the two of them have fought.

Gu knew the power of these branches very well, and had already prepared a way to break them.

There were thousands of branches falling down from the sky.

When the fallen branches hit the ground, deep gullies would appear.

The collision between the two continued to occur in pure physical combat.

The collision range of hundreds of meters completely turned into a natural disaster.

Gu controlled his lizard, surrounded the giant tree, and continuously launched attacks.

Black light spurted out, exploding one wave after another, and countless branches were torn into pieces and turned into powder in the impact.

But the branches falling from this tree are endless, and at this time, a large number of branches are gathering in the sky, turning into two giant hands.

It is like a dark cloud covering hundreds of meters of the sky, and suddenly slapping the huge lizard on the ground.

It is like two human hands trying to kill a lizard crawling around.

Lin Yi watched this scene quietly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

This is the first time he has seen a battle between Tianxiandao-level strongmen outside the Honglian Realm.

In terms of pure power, they far surpassed the masters of the first and second levels of the Heavenly Immortal Dao.

However, the immortals practiced immunity to all damage, although their attacks seemed very powerful.

But as long as they practiced to the second level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao, they would be immune to all their attacks.

Unless their attacks contained the power of space.

But at present, it seems that the attacks of these two people are pure physical and energy collisions, and space has not yet been involved.

After all, the power of space is very high-end in most worlds, and even the strong men at the level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao may not be able to master it.

This is a problem of realm, not a problem of power itself.

Lin Yi vaguely sensed the difference between the Red Lotus Realm and other worlds.

Although the volume of this dark abyss seems very large, there are huge creatures hundreds of meters long at any time, and the power it explodes is almost comparable to a nuclear bomb.

Even beyond the power of a nuclear bomb, it has a fatal flaw.

That is, they pursued physical and energy power too much, but ignored the understanding of realm.

Although they have mastered powerful power, they are not immune to the damage caused by this power.

In simple terms, they can use this power, but they cannot truly grasp its essence.

While the immortal practitioners master this power, they also understand the essence of the power, so that this power cannot have any effect on them.

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