The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 653: Great Success, Shocking

It was another night, Gin was practicing all the "Falcon Fist" in the backyard.

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Lin Yi was constantly instructing him beside him, accelerating the transformation of his muscles, fascia, and bones.

Gin was undergoing transformation at an astonishing speed under the energy stimulation of Lin Yi.

The power of the True Fate Dao Jie completely analyzed the Falcon Fist in a short time.

Basically, for Lin Yi, this boxing method has no secrets.

Gin is his experimental subject, and he wants to see what changes will occur after practicing the boxing method to perfection.

This time, the "Falcon Fist" covers almost all of Gin's muscles, fascia, skin, and bone tissue.

However, the boxing method still has its emphasis and bias, and the transformation of the muscles, fascia, and bones of the hands, legs, and back is the most affected.

The muscles, fascia and bones in other parts of the body have relatively less transformation.

Gin let out a sharp long whistle, the sound did not come from his mouth, but from the fists in his hands.

In just one second, he threw a full 100 punches, and dense fist shadows formed in front of him.

This is the state of the "Falcon Fist" when it is fully developed - Hundred Eagles Striking the Air.

There are no more than three people in the entire Falcon Martial Arts School who can achieve this step. Basically, at this step, it is already the limit of this boxing book.

Going up seems to be the core secret of this boxing book, which can only be taught by disciples who have entered the world.

For example, Wang Kuohai, the eldest disciple of Wang Hongwei, the owner of the Falcon Martial Arts School, is a real disciple who will inherit the martial arts school in the future.

Watching Gin throw hundreds of punches in three seconds without stopping for a moment.

The people in the Wanshiwu were also very surprised. This has basically entered the ranks of the human body's limits.

After the punch, Gin was like a scalded lobster, and dense steam flowed out of his pores.

The intense heat quickly dissipated, and he looked like he had just been fished out of the water.

Lin Yi looked at Gin's current state and knew that it was a series of combos just now that generated a lot of heat.

At this time, as the pores of his body opened, he could no longer control this heat, and it evaporated with the pores and the water in his body, and quickly dissipated.

After the steam dissipated from his body, his skin instantly returned to its original state.

At this time, Gin looked very sunny and strong, without a trace of fat on his body.

He had completely transformed into a powerful martial artist, practicing the "Falcon Fist" to the extreme.

His arms, legs, back, and the muscles, bones, and membranes of his spine were exercised the most, and the whole person gave people a strong sense of oppression.

Lin Yi looked at him and nodded, "Basically, you have reached the peak of your practice now."

"You have reached the limit of physical training, but you have no fighting experience."

"If a conflict occurs, you can't even beat someone who is inferior to you."

"You have almost learned what you need to learn in "Falcon Fist".

"Go to the Falcon Fist Gym today and tell the owner Wang Hongwei that you plan to go to other martial arts gyms to continue learning boxing."

"By the way, you can show him your current practice results, maybe there will be unexpected surprises."

Lin Yi's expression was unfathomable, which made Gin have some inexplicable thoughts, and he roughly guessed Lin Yi's thoughts.

"It's the manager."


At 9:00 in the morning, Gin had already arrived at the Falcon Fist Gym.

When he appeared in front of Wang Hongwei and Wang Kuohai again, the two were completely shocked.

They looked at Gin, who was full of the aura of "Falcon Fist", and couldn't believe their eyes.

There was even a blank look on his face, as if he was hit by a meteor and felt dizzy.

Completely fell into a dreamlike feeling.

"How could someone in this world master the Falcon Fist in less than a week?"

"Have I been practicing like a dog in my whole life?"

An indescribable sense of frustration flashed through Wang Hongwei's heart.

And Wang Kuohai, who was standing next to him, also had a gloomy look on his face.

Feeling that the results of his life's hard work were not as good as others' in a few days, this was simply the biggest blow to his confidence.

He considered himself a genius and would have the opportunity to practice the Falcon Fist to the peak in the future.

But now facing Gin's terrifying progress, he felt that the other party would soon surpass him.

Gin looked at the unpredictable faces of the two and laughed in his heart, "If it weren't for the store manager helping me, how could I have completed the boxing so quickly."

"I am just a mortal, the store manager is the real god."


He deliberately coughed twice to attract their attention.

"Master, I'm here to say goodbye."

"I've learned almost everything I need to learn at Falcon Martial Arts School. Now I'm going to go to other schools to continue my studies."

"Melt the boxing techniques of hundreds of schools and find my own path."

At this time, Gin boasted about his dream without shame.

His purpose was just to show his talent in front of the master Wang Hongwei.

He wanted to make the other party moved, and then teach him the most essential things of "Falcon Boxing".

Then he could get a complete set of boxing techniques, which was what Lin Yi really wanted.

Wang Hongwei listened to his words, his face changed from green to red, and finally nodded heavily, saying a little dejectedly.

"Indeed, with your talent, "Falcon Fist" is too small."

"What you need is a more profound secret of boxing to fully bring out your talent."

"Go ahead, I won't stop you."

Hearing this, Gin suddenly froze for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He knew that he had messed up and scared the other party, making the other party feel that his boxing was not worth mentioning at all. He wanted him to find a more powerful boxing.

Gin froze for a moment, but he immediately controlled his expression and said helplessly, "Okay, Master, I'll leave first."

The master nodded, watched Gin turn around and leave, and walked out to another martial arts hall on the street.

Wang Kuohai's eyes were still blank until Gin really left, and he suddenly realized it.

He looked down at Wang Hongwei, "Teacher, why did you let him go?"

"If this peerless genius stays in the martial arts school, our martial arts school will definitely become famous."

Wang Hongwei shook his head disapprovingly when he heard this.

"His talent is too terrifying, and it can be said to be unprecedentedly powerful."

"Our small Falcon Martial Arts School cannot keep such a natural talent, a peerless monster."

"It's good to have a good relationship with him. If he can really melt hundreds of schools in the future and become invincible in the world, we can also benefit from it."

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