The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 652 Perfection, shock

This palm lightly patted Gin's vest, injecting a burst of energy.

Gin trembled involuntarily, and he felt that his body muscles were stimulated.

Especially when he was practicing boxing, his muscles, which would produce a slight soreness and numbness, became clearer.

Inexplicably, he felt in his mind that the muscles involved in these boxing techniques seemed to be connected together.

They quickly formed a connection with each other, as if they had become a muscle.

When ordinary people exercise, they can at most feel the presence of some muscles. Even if the whole body is moving, the perception of muscles is still very vague.

But with Lin Yi's slap, a burst of pure energy rushed into Gin's body.

Let the muscles of his body connect together under the coverage of energy.

At the same time, these muscles undergo rapid transformation under the stimulation of energy.

Basic skills that originally took months or even years to practice can be catalyzed and completed in a short period of time.

Ginjiu practiced his boxing skills over and over again, and every minute, Lin Yi would slap him on the back with one palm after another.

Lin Yi manipulated these powers to attack every muscle involved in Ginjiu Boxing, making them transform faster and faster.

At the same time, during this process, Gin's control over his own muscles and fascia also increased at a geometric rate.

At the same time, his movements were constantly making slight adjustments.

Becoming more in tune with his own body structure, he completely integrated the three falcon attacks into his physical instincts.

A full two hours passed before Lin Yicai stopped slapping.

At this time, Gin had completely transformed into a flying eagle.

Every movement is so natural and harmonious, full of the beauty of strength.

In particular, the muscles and fascia on his body have changed, and there are some obvious differences from normal people.

The human body has a total of 639 muscles, and this boxing method involves more than 300 muscles at this time.

Mainly the muscles of the legs, chest, back and hands, which are connected together to form a muscle skeleton.

Every time Gin exerts force, these more than 300 muscles are connected together and exert force at the same time.

According to the force of this Falcon's three attacks, it can reach at least 500 kilograms of impact.

This is a very amazing phenomenon. In just two hours, Gin has completed a journey that would take others several years to complete.

Gin felt the power of his body, and his eyes were filled with wonder.

This feeling of fullness and fulfillment made him feel powerful.

It seemed that even if there was a cow in front of him, he could kill it with one punch.

At this time, he saw Lin Yi beside him, who was looking at him calmly, as if observing his changes.

After a long while, Lin Yi nodded, "You can practice hard for two more days, and then go to Falcon Martial Arts School to learn the next thing."

Gin nodded, "Yes, store manager."

In the lobby of Wanshiwu, Shirley Sakuramiya said a little strangely, "I took a look at his technique."

"It seems to be a way to exercise the body, somewhat similar to the body-training method in the sect."

"It's all about cultivating the muscles, bones, skin, and internal organs, so as to build an indestructible body of steel."

"But the sect will need essence and energy assistance later on. The energy in this world has no spirituality. It can only be transmitted as pure chemical energy and cannot be manipulated."

"It's also impossible to integrate into the body, so they should take the purely physical enhancement route."

“Let your body naturally evolve physically through exercise.”

"However, this kind of evolution has its limits and cannot exceed the natural physical limitations of the human body structure."

Sakuramiya Shirley is not a pure member of the sect. She also has a considerable understanding of the modern technology of the Red Lotus World, and there is no shortage of various theoretical knowledge.

She quickly grasped some of the secrets of boxing in this world.

"Yes, this is the first stage of this world's strength system, strengthening the body."

"Strengthening the body to the point of being unable to progress, and in the process of this physical evolution, some kind of wonderful changes seem to occur."

"Let the practitioners of this world finally touch the spiritual level."

"Physical strength seems to be the foundation of this world's cultivation system, while spiritual strength is the fruit."

"What will happen next depends on the changes in Gin."

Sakuramiya Shirley nodded. She was also very interested in cultivation methods that involved the soul.

Currently in this strange world, although he can borrow the energy from the blue bricks to practice, it is still not as good as the training environment in the Red Lotus World.

Sakuramiya Shirley's progress also began to become very slow, and it took a long time to accumulate.

If you can find a spiritual cultivation method in this world.

Maybe she can find a new path, maybe enter the immortal path.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Wang Hongwei, the director of the Falcon Martial Arts School, felt incredible when he saw Gin appearing again on the training ground.

Because the person in front of him is the only genius he has ever seen in his life.

The basic skill he taught the opponent - the three-pounce falcon attack.

It only took the other party three days to practice to the flawless state of entering the palace.

Every movement has the feeling of a falcon swooping down to catch its prey, as if a real eagle is spreading its wings.

He remembered that he only taught the other party the preliminary stance and movements three days ago.

But in just three days, the opponent relied on these to practice this basic boxing technique to perfection.

For the first time, he began to face up to what Gin had said at the beginning, to smelt hundreds of schools of thought and form his own school.

Next to him, his eldest disciple, the lean man Wang Kuohai, also had his eyes widened.

He looked at Gin who was training in the training ground with a look of disbelief on his face.

He could clearly see what the other person looked like three days ago. It was clear that he was completely an ordinary person.

But now every movement of the opponent seems to have been practicing this basic set of boxing techniques for more than several years, and has reached the peak level with no progress.

"Is there really such a unique genius in this world?"

Wang Kuohai felt incredible in his heart, as if he had seen a ghost.

At this time, Wang Hongwei seemed to have made some kind of decision in his heart. He came to the training ground and called Ginjiu.

"Gin, you have mastered the basic boxing skills. Now I will teach you all the moves, training and fighting methods of "Falcon Boxing"."

Hearing this, Ginjiu nodded with a smile on his face, "Okay, thank you Master."

At this time, Wang Hongwei's heart was trembling slightly as he looked at Gin who was learning the entire "Falcon Boxing" bit by bit.

He wanted to know if the other party could still practice all his boxing techniques to a great level in a short period of time.

If the other person can really do it, he will make up his mind.

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