The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 62 Situation, Cultivation (Please collect and recommend)

Looking at the screen in the phone, a yellow and white thing covered the screen, the sour and refreshing, looking at it is very vomiting.

Lin Yi frowned, waved his hand, and swept the phone away.

"Take it away, take it away, don't you see I'm drinking tea?"

Brandy was beaming at this time, "Boss, I saw the comments, there was an explosion in the sewer."

"I heard that someone felt a huge vibration underground, and it was serious. There are also vibration data, and it was analyzed that it was caused by the explosion."

Lin Yi frowned when he heard it, "Explosion? Really? Let me see."

He took out his mobile phone and directly clicked on some forum APPs to see various posts.

The sewer explosion also quickly made the front page headlines.

"Mysterious sewer explosion? The truth is the secret experiment of the empire."

"The truth of the explosion? It was caused by an unknown event."

"The strong people on the cultivation list competed for treasures, causing the sewer explosion?"

When Lin Yi saw the three words "cultivation list", he was attracted.

He carefully read the content of the article, which described some masters on the cultivation list who appeared in Honglian City today.

The consortiums and families behind the famous masters have made some moves.

Some people even commented on the names of several people.

King Kong Arhat Lie Kuyang, Silver Sword Feipeng Li Bolun, and others are all masters on the list.

These people disappeared after arriving in Honglian City, so they were listed as suspects.

It has to be said that with the increasingly developed network, famous people can't hide their whereabouts at all.

Some things are directly exposed.

After Lin Yi carefully checked it, he was thoughtful.

"It seems that these people's purpose should be the weird illusion in the Superman Laboratory, or the research materials inside."

Lin Yi didn't know how important the weird core in the weird illusion was, so he didn't associate it with the weird core.

The next day, the whole Honglian City was filled with a strong smell that lasted for a long time.

Although the fire brigade used water to wash the streets frantically, and the engineering team quickly repaired the damaged sewers.

But the result was still embarrassing, the smell lasted for a long time, and the whole Honglian City had a hard day.

There were no customers coming to the Wanshiwu for dinner, which showed how big a problem the sewer explosion had caused.

However, this did not affect Lin Yi, and he began to practice according to the method of the "Vajra Seal".

Through the translation dictionary sent by Sakuramiya Shirley, he had completely analyzed the "Vajra Seal".

Dongcheng Park, this is the largest park in Honglian City, and one-third of the area of ​​Dongcheng is occupied by this park.

Lin Yi's purpose of coming here is also very simple. The energy here is very active, which makes it easier to practice the "Vajra Seal".

At this time, he was practicing in a remote pavilion in the park.

This seal method is a combination of movement and stillness. There are a total of six seal methods and six moves. Each move and seal method performed at the same time will trigger the resonance of the body's essence and the external vitality.

At this time, Lin Yi was practicing, and the moves and seal methods were repeated. Every complete practice would increase the upper limit of the body's essence.

If you want to break through to the human immortal path, you must first reach the first level of human immortality. This realm is divided into three stages.

The first stage is the spirit pool. As the name implies, it is to open a spirit pool in the Dantian of the Qi Sea.

Only the spirit pool can store more essence. The capacity of the human body's Qi Sea and meridians is limited, and the spirit pool is a tool for tempering and accommodating more essence.

To break through the spirit pool, the essence contained in the body must be raised to the limit of the body and reach the level of resonance with the outside world, so that the spirit pool can be constructed with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

At this time, Lin Yi is still at the level of raising the upper limit of essence, and there is still some time before he can condense the spirit pool.


The six moves and seals are constantly rotating in Lin Yi's hands, nine cycles in one breath, a full hour of practice time.

When he felt a feeling of fullness in his body, he ended today's practice.

On the first day, he felt that his upper limit of essence increased by at least 1%.

"This is really a huge gain, but the "Vajra Seal" is probably a test of willpower."

He exhaled slowly. After the first actual practice, he had understood the hardship of this seal.

Every time you practice, the flow of vital energy will exert a strong pressure on the body, resulting in constant stabbing pain.

Short-term stabbing pain can be tolerated, but the pain that lasts for an hour is enough to make most people give up practicing this technique.

However, Lin Yi also discovered a benefit of this seal method. After completing the practice, he felt that he was energetic and his mind was very clear.

A few days passed in the blink of an eye. The sewer incident in Honglian City had subsided, but the undercurrent did not disappear.

On the streets of Honglian City, various mysterious people appeared from time to time, as if searching for something.

Lin Yi was drinking coffee in the Wanshi House at this time, and his eyes kept observing the streets outside.

From time to time, you can see some people with martial arts passing by.

Most of these people are only at the level of swallowing air, but they practice various techniques.

Lin Yi made observations and records through the true destiny solution, and he has more than ten martial arts methods in his hands.

These techniques have different focuses, some focus on speed, some focus on resistance to blows, and some focus on improving strength.

He used all these skills once for testing.

However, he also found a problem in the process.

When he continuously used different skills, his body would be damaged.

Although the damage could be repaired later, it also limited his use of these skills.

As long as he continuously switched five skills in a short period of time, he would directly suffer internal injuries.

But even so, it was a huge help. He could switch several combat modes in a short period of time.

If it were an ordinary warrior, it would be impossible to switch skills at will.

He could do it because of the true destiny, which was unique in the world.

In the past few days, Honglian City was not peaceful, and conflicts often broke out.

Although it would soon disappear and the imperial police who heard the news would return empty-handed.

But this kind of tossing also disturbed the whole Honglian City.

While drinking coffee, he looked at a stack of documents. This was the information he bought from Lao Wei, which cost him ten gold coins.

"The strange illusion under Superman's laboratory was destroyed, but did the core strange existence inside escape?"

"It seems to be possessed by the death god Li Huan."

"This guy is so unlucky. He went to hunt down Sakuramiya Xueli last time and ended up losing himself."

"I didn't expect that he is still possessed by a strange existence now. It's really tragic."

"But it seems that he carries the strange core of the strange illusion. Many forces are tracking him down."

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