The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 61: Chasing and Exploding

An invisible black air shone directly from the eyes of the God of Death Li Huan onto him.

In a moment, he felt a terrifying and strange cold air was madly invading him.

His life was slipping away, and he couldn't stop it at all.

At this time, a hand was placed on his back, and a hot power rushed out of it and merged into his body.

"Use all your strength, this is the eyes of the God of Death, the strange power of the God of Death Li Huan."

How dare Li Bolun neglect it, and he used all his strength to urge his own skills to flow through his body, and resist the invasion of the strange power together with the hot power of Lie Kuyang.

At this time, the God of Death Li Huan, who was stabbed by a sword, flashed and rushed towards a passage at the end of the laboratory.

After a full ten seconds, Li Bolun finally recovered his breath, and the strange power that enveloped him was expelled.

In just ten seconds, he almost consumed most of his strength, and his face was gloomy.

"Chase him, I stabbed him in the vitals, he can't stop bleeding, and he can't run far."

"The core of the strange illusion must be on him."

The two of them flashed and rushed into the direction where Li Huan fled.

At this time, Li Huan did not fall down as they thought.

The power of the strange child was rapidly spreading around him.

His blood kept flowing out of his chest, but his speed did not slow down at all.

It seemed that the blood in his body would never stop flowing, but in fact his body was already filled with black strange power.

Li Huan's consciousness was gradually weakening, and the cold thing was devouring his will bit by bit.

He had no way out, and his body was gradually no longer under his control.

At this time, he did not see that his face was changing into another person.

It was the strange child who possessed him, an adult's body with a strange child's face.

The god of death Li Huan had come to the entrance of the strange illusion, and his strange body jumped up and rushed out of the illusion.

The moment he rushed out of the illusion, the illusion was directly triggered by a huge shock.

It began to collapse rapidly, and the souls of many powerful men still inside all emerged and began to gather towards the exit.

At the gate of the No. 5 laboratory, more than a dozen powerful men were fighting each other.

A figure rushed out of the laboratory, which naturally attracted their attention.

A man with a faint green light all over his body, holding a mountain-splitting knife in his hand, chopped directly at the black shadow.

"Stay here."

This is a man with a naked upper body, with very strong muscles and bones, and the knife light is heavy.

The knife light is covered with an inch of green light, like a green sky knife falling, giving people an irresistible momentum.

The strange child controlled Li Huan's body to rush out of the laboratory, facing the oncoming knife light, his eyes were fierce.

A death sickle has been blasted out, and a cross flashed in his eyes.

The eye of death is activated.


With a muffled sound, the two knife lights collided, and at the same time a strange breath of death enveloped the green light man.


In the air, the green light softened, and then was flashed by the death sickle.

Blood was spilled all over the ground, and the controlled Li Huan's body trembled slightly, and his bones and flesh shrank for a moment.

Obviously, the two big moves just now consumed the potential of this body.


A terrifying roar came from the mouth of Li Huan, who was no longer like a normal human.

His mouth opened to the size of half a head, and black sound waves came out from it, spraying towards everyone present.

Everyone felt like their heads were struck by lightning, as if something exploded in their minds.

At this time, "Li Huan" passed through the gap where everyone was sluggish and rushed towards the passage outside the experiment.

Two figures just rushed out of the weird illusion at this time and saw this scene.

"Where are you running."

With a loud shout, the silver sword light exploded like a meteor, bringing endless cold light to cover the back of "Li Huan".

The crisis came, and "Li Huan" who was running in front turned around and blasted out two death sickles on the left and right at the same time.

The pupils in his eyes flashed in a cross, covering the owner of the silver sword light, Li Bolun.

At the same time, countless black mists enveloped a three-meter radius for just one second.

All the power that Li Huan possessed was fully exerted.

But the price seemed to be very serious. Li Huan's flesh and blood seemed to have been drained, and he looked like a skeleton with skin and bones.

He disappeared in the black mist in a flash.

In the strange illusion, figures rushed out one after another, and their breaths rose and fell.

As they rushed out of the strange illusion, they started fighting directly.

The terrifying collision sound turned the laboratory into a more chaotic battlefield.

And in less than a minute, a huge roar exploded in Laboratory No. 5.

A terrifying shock wave sprayed out from the explosion, and a huge airflow rushed out along all ventilated places.

Everyone present was submerged by this huge shock wave.

At this time, the northern urban area of ​​​​Honglian City was affected, and the sewer wells exploded one by one.

A piece of sewage flowed, and countless feces were directly poured out of the toilets of more than hundreds of households.

For a time, the poorest northern city of Honglian City became a stinking smell.

Sirens rang out a moment later, and various fire brigades quickly rushed to the North City.

At the same time, in the underground Superman Laboratory, a group of people suffered different injuries in the explosion.

The ground of the No. 5 laboratory had been completely blown up, and a huge pit with a radius of ten meters appeared.

The strange illusion had been completely destroyed, and dozens of figures were staggering, and many people's breath was directly weakened.

Some weaker people even lay on the ground, without breathing.

The living people struggled to stand up, guarded against each other, and walked out of the Superman Laboratory in groups of three or five.

The strange illusion was destroyed, and they had nothing to fight for.

Some of them had already taken some things from the strange illusion, which was considered a gain.

Honglian City was popular in the news of the Honglian world, and even various live broadcasts began to be broadcast quickly.

Lin Yi was sitting in the bedroom of the Wanshiwu watching TV, wearing pajamas, a night cap, and holding a cup of calming tea in his hand.

His mouth was wide open, and the TV was playing a scene of countless sewage manhole covers in the north city rising into the sky.

The scene like a fairy scattering flowers made him feel a taste.

The picture kept changing, and every angle was a scene of sewage rising into the sky, which was obviously recorded by various video equipment.

Some were recorded by monitors, some were recorded by mobile phones, and some were recorded by cameras, basically all by chance.

"This is a savory video."

"Awesome, really awesome, it's blown up, what happened?"

Dong Dong Dong

There was a knock on the door, Lin Yi looked at his door, "Come in."


The door opened, and Brandy walked in with a shocked look on his face.

"Manager, did you see that North City exploded."

"I saw in the live video that some people's toilets in their homes exploded and were flooded with sewage."

As he said that, he handed his mobile phone to Lin Yi, like offering a treasure.

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