The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 426 Contents, Convening (3rd update)

Mortal Dao, Human Immortal Dao, Ghost Immortal Dao, but on this paper it seems that the highest level is only Ghost Immortal Dao.

At the same time, the ruling system of the opposite world is also described in detail above.

A parliamentary system controlled by various forces, formulating rules and managing the entire world.

As long as you have money and power, you can become one.

The common people can only live according to the rules of the parliament. Although they are not very poor, they are not considered rich either.

These forces have one most important mission, to protect ordinary people from the evil demons.

Resentful demons are special existences in that world. They have no emotions, no reason, and take pleasure in killing.

Only practicing warriors can kill these resentful demons. Ordinary people cannot pose a threat to these resentful demons.

It was an era when all the people were eager to practice cultivation, but the methods of cultivation were firmly in the hands of various forces.

It won't spread easily. The owner of this letter, Kurie, is from a group.

Their group is in danger because of the only master of ghost immortality in their company, the father of Kurie.

Suffering fatal injuries, he has gone into hiding and has no time to take care of their group company.

At present, only Kurie knows about this matter. Others in the group do not know that the group director has disappeared.

Because of her strong worry, she attracted the power of the wish shrine.

After Lin Yi had a rough understanding of the world on the other side, he was thoughtful.

"The upper limit of strength is not high, at least for now."

"There I can at least grow up in safety, as long as the love bells are useful."

"I can continue to enter one world after another in the future."

"Eventually we will find a higher level of power."

Lin Yi had a perfect plan in mind.

As long as this experiment is successful, his future will be smooth.

A calm and comfortable life will gradually be born in his hands.

"But there is a resentful demon in that world. I don't know what it is. I have to take a look to be sure."

At this time, his eyes were looking at the end of the paper.

"Great being, please save my family's group. I am willing to pay a sufficient price in exchange for your help."

Lin Yi saw this and wrote a sentence at the end.

"Your wish can come true. After it comes true, you must become my servant. When I need you to do something, you must do it for me."

After finishing writing, he handed the piece of paper to the weird child.

The strange child took the white paper handed by Lin Yi and quickly threw it into the door of the Wanshi House.

Looking at the white paper disappearing into the door, Lin Yi's face showed a hint of expectation, "I hope everything goes well."

At this moment, in a high-end club in Honglian City, a group of people came here quietly.

A VIP room here has been opened, and more than 10 people wearing black robes with secret identities came in one after another.

Everyone wears a mask, and their bodies emit a strange wave that interferes with other people's perceptions.

There were 15 of them in total. After they all arrived, they heard a hoarse voice.

"Everyone, I am inviting you this time because I have a piece of news to sell you."

Everyone looked at him, waiting for his next words, and no one answered rashly.

"In a distant era, there was once a magical skill that could simulate all the skills in the world, change the foundation, and deal with any danger. It was the supreme magical skill for cultivating immortals and practicing Taoism."

"I don't know if you have heard of the name of this technique."

Someone immediately blurted out, ""The Law of Heaven, Earth, Universe, and Everything"? How is that possible?"

"Isn't this technique lost a long time ago? Could it be that it has been reborn?"

The air in the hall instantly froze, and everyone's eyes turned to the convener.

Behind the mask of the convener was Xing Yuezi. After noticing Lin Yi's weirdness and growth rate, he made the decision to use other people's hands to eliminate Lin Yi.

At this time everyone was attracted by his words.

A slight smile appeared on Xinyuezi's lips behind the mask, "Maybe there's no way to get the "Dharma of the Universe, Universe, and Everything" from you."

“But I can make up for that elsewhere.”

"After all, your information is also a kind of resource."

This thought flashed through his mind, and Xing Yuezi's voice became hoarse through the mask.

"You all guessed right, it is this magical technique."

Hearing this, everyone's breathing became heavy.

This is a legendary skill that can be secretly learned from other sects.

No matter how bad your own skills are, as long as you are in a certain realm, you can secretly learn the skills of a certain realm.

After secretly learning a skill, if it is a certain magical skill, your own foundation will be modified when you change the skill.

A bad foundation will be turned into a good foundation. It can be said to be a magical technique that conquers the world and is unimaginable.

Everyone looked anxiously at Xing Yuezi, knowing that the other party must be seeking something when he released this news.

I heard one person's voice say anxiously, "Where is this skill now? What price do you need?"

Xing Yuezi chuckled, "I know exactly whose body this technique belongs to."

"Since everyone knows how powerful this technique is, I won't introduce it further."

"If you want to get the information about this technique, it is impossible without sufficient wealth and resources."

"I don't want much."

"I want a Earth Spirit Pill and a portion of Three Lights True Water."

"Of course, none of you can take out these things."

"But as long as a few of you are willing to come up with one, I am willing to tell these people this information."

"As for who can finally get this technique, it depends on you to fight for it."

"And the technique is no different from others, it is not the only one, as long as you get it, you can share it."

"And you can cooperate to provide the materials I need, and spend the least money to get such a magical technique. No matter how you calculate it, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

"And the greatest value of this technique is to change the foundation in the process of peeping at the technique."

"Repair the various defects caused by the past in the process of cultivation."

Xing Yuezi had planned it well, and even the possible reactions of these people were within his expectations.

That's why he designed this rhetoric, the purpose is to use the greatest benefits and the least effort to arouse their inner greed.

Xing Yuezi himself is a master of manipulating people's hearts.

The people he summoned this time were all members of a secret mutual aid association.

He himself was also a member of this secret group, and the others were all members of various sects.

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