The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 425: Mouth Cannon, Arrival (Second Update)

"I'll go in first. Dinner will be ready at 5 o'clock and bring it to me."

Brandy nodded quickly and said, "Yes, manager."

Lin Yi's eyes fell on Lafite Red Wine, "There are still many pests in the store recently. It depends on your performance tonight."

Lafite Red Wine patted his chest with his left hand, raised his small mountain fork with his right hand, and said with a majestic look, "Manager, don't worry, I, the pest security officer, will definitely show my strength tonight."

"Maintain the law and order and peace in the store."

Lin Yi nodded after hearing this, and could not deny it, "Looking forward to your performance."

He walked back to his room and took out the incident book.

He opened the latest page and started recording.

Task No. 27

Time: March 25, 2020, Red Lotus Calendar

Location: Diplomatic Mansion in Red Lotus City

Event: Death of the Sect Envoy Group.

The task issued by the man in black is to solve the death case of the Sect Envoy Group.

After a detailed investigation and survey, the case was caused by an unknown strange existence.

This strange existence can silently invade the soul and spirit of the cultivator, and replace the soul and spirit of the cultivator through assimilation and erosion.

In this process, the strange existence will completely become something exactly the same as the soul and spirit of the cultivator, and the true destiny solution is also difficult to detect.

Analysis of the cause, the erosion and assimilation of the strange fog is completely transformed into a real soul or spirit, so the true destiny solution will miss the trace of this strange existence.

In this incident, a strange existence with high intelligence appeared, and it was also able to hide from the true destiny solution. All of this is worthy of vigilance.

When receiving the reward, he encountered the design of the deputy head of the black-clothed man. The other party wanted to embezzle the sky crystal. He must be highly vigilant against this person, and he is likely to come to the door.

Harvest: One sky crystal.

After recording this incident, Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a trace of contemplation in his eyes, "I hope that the head of the black-clothed man headquarters can't detect who I am."

"But he should know from Huang Yiming how many people he contacted in order to solve the case of the sect."

"From these people, he will eventually investigate me."

"If he detects something from me at that time, it may be the arrival of a great disaster."

"Then I must be prepared to let the Wanshiwu leave Honglian City or even Honglian World at any time."

There was a slight gloom in his eyes, and Lin Yi sighed deeply.

This time, the black-clothed man incident made him feel a real threat.

The other party is an existence that he cannot contend with at this stage. Once discovered, there is only one way to escape.

"I hope that the existence of the other world will respond tonight."

"The Acacia Bell may come in handy."

Take a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in Lin Yi's eyes.

Time flies to 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and Lin Yi sits quietly in front of the French window in the lobby of the Wanshiwu.

Looking at the door, waiting for it to light up red.

At this time, the Wanshiwu had already started to get busy. A strange existence of the human immortal level had descended in the basement.

But it was greeted by a full 20 human immortal level maze puppets attacking it.

Without causing any trouble or tricks, the strange existence that descended was killed on the spot.

The new lotus handprint in Lin Yi's body had been lit up with the fifth handprint brilliance.

Now he didn't need to worry about the Wanshiwu anymore, everything was solved by his men.

At this time in the kitchen, Lafite Red Wine was holding his small trident, flapping the small wings behind him, floating in the air.

His eyes were sharp as he observed every corner of the kitchen, searching for possible pests.

Soon he saw a target, a cockroach sneaking out of the corner.

Approaching the trash can in the kitchen that contained discarded ingredients.

A smile appeared on Lafite Red Wine's face, which looked a little ferocious, and then he swooped down suddenly.

The trident in his right hand was aimed precisely at the cockroach.

The falling body drew a graceful arc, and landed on the top of the cockroach's head as accurately as a missile.


The sharp little trident instantly pierced the cockroach's body.

Lafite Red Wine lifted the pierced cockroach above his head, with his left hand on his waist and his right hand waving his trident, and the cockroach's still struggling body, looking very proud.

At this moment, he seemed like a brave hunter who had successfully hunted his prey.

At the kitchen door, the sneaky shadow of Absinthe floated over.

Seeing the appearance of Lafite Red Wine, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

"You have done a good job as a pest security officer. You have successfully hunted a "cockroach". Awesome."

The ridicule of Absinthe made Lafite Red Wine angry.

He couldn't help but glance at him, "Hehe, you are just a handyman."

"At least I can use my strengths and enjoy the joy of killing."

"It's a pity that you can only serve tea and water to others and look at people's faces."

Hearing this, Absinthe's smile disappeared immediately.

His face became gloomy, his eyes became angry, and the thought of resentment flashed in his heart.

Lafite Red Wine's words evoked a scene in his heart that he didn't want to face.

Seeing Absinthe's appearance, Lafite Red Wine waved his trident at him provocatively.

Not afraid of his anger at all.


Absinthe had nothing to do except to curse angrily.

After all, in this Wanshiwu, Lin Yi was the boss, and his orders were the law.

He could not disobey Lin Yi's orders. No matter how angry he was, he could only swallow his anger.

But he had made up his mind.

As long as there was a chance, he would teach Lafite Red Wine a lesson and let him know his methods.

Lafite Red Wine saw Absinthe leaving with a curse, and a winner's smile appeared in his eyes.

"Hehe, you are still a little naive to fight with me."

The complacent Lafite Red Chrysanthemum once again devoted himself to his insect extermination plan.

Lin Yi saw what happened here, but he did not ask.

With his orders, these guys would fight like that.

At this time, his eyes looked at the door of the Wanshiwu, where a red light had begun to emanate.

The power of the wish shrine had been activated, and a piece of white paper had floated out from it.

The strange child took it in his hands immediately and quickly handed it to Lin Yi.

At this time, there were many words written on the paper, and generally speaking, there were several contents.

The first was the power system above.

Lin Yi was surprised to find that the power system above was almost exactly the same as the power system and name of the Red Lotus Realm.

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