The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 291: Plan, Public Transport (3rd update)

From then on, his life belonged only to himself, and he no longer had to worry about Scorpion.

The mission relationship between him and Scorpion also ended here.

After leaving Old Huang Ye's bookstore, Lin Ye quickly returned to the location where he entered the corner alley.

There, the slum boy was still waiting for him, very trustworthy.

Looking at the slum boy, Lin Yi smiled and said, "Next, accompany me to the second place, I want to go to Longquan Street..."

In one morning, Lin Yi went to three places in the slums, got three different evidences, and met three different people.

They were all people arranged by Scorpion in the slums to help him guard the evidence.

Each of them was someone Scorpion had helped for decades and was selected after examining their personalities.

These people have a common trait, that is, they are honest and dutiful, and they value promises and love their families.

They have various virtues and are not those who are greedy for money.

Almost everyone, after handing the evidence in their hands to Lin Yi, will ask about Scorpion's safety.

That kind of concern comes from the bones, without any falsehood.

Under the attention of Lin Yi's true fate, no one can lie to him.

Standing outside the slums, Lin Yi shook his head slightly, "Scorpion is really good at judging people."

"All three candidates are just right."

Why didn't Scorpion just find a secret place to store the evidence? The reason is actually very simple.

His purpose is to prevent himself from being silenced because he knows too much.

If his evidence is unknown, then the evidence will eventually sink into the sea and disappear in the torrent of history.

Even if it is found out for some reason in a few years, it will be useless and may not even cause any harm to the parties involved.

But it's different if he gives it to these people. Once he dies unexpectedly.

Their source of funds is cut off, they will immediately be alert to the problem-Scorpion may have died.

At this time, they will take out their own evidence and expose it through various means, so that the people pointed to by these evidence will be accused and even punished by law, although this possibility is very small.

But small people also have their own revenge methods. Although they can't kill you, they also want you to get into trouble.

Moreover, after these things are exposed, the group represented by Donggong Wudi will inevitably be severely impacted.

Under the excitement of the crowd, their company group may be greatly affected.

Although this possibility is also very small, after all, the power of wealth is very terrifying.

Lin Yi took three pieces of evidence and got on a bus heading to the Wanshiwu.

On the bus, he began to flip through these three palm-sized notebooks one by one.

There are detailed records of one plan after another, as well as various photos taken.

There are even photos of living people being killed.

At the end of each notebook is a memory card.

This memory card obviously contains something like a video.

Seeing these contents, Lin Yi has a deep understanding of Donggong Wudi.

This is an absolutely perverted person who has no fear of killing.

He will gladly use all evil plans, as long as he can achieve his goal, he can do whatever he wants.

An existence without any conscience at all.

"Human beings can be so bad, this Donggong Wudi is really eye-opening."

"Like father, like son, and like son, like father."

"If Donggong Wudi is so bad, then Prime Minister Donggong Taiyu is probably not much different."

"Recently, Donggong Taiyu has had a lot of problems and is under attack from public opinion. He may step down at any time."

"This is a good opportunity to organize and spread these evidences."

"It is also a huge shock to him. Maybe it will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back."

"It is possible that he will be directly driven out of the position of prime minister."

"Without the protection of the prime minister's identity, the threat of the Donggong Group to me will be reduced by one level."

"And I belong to the black-clad man. If he is not the prime minister, he can't control this."

Planning before acting, Lin Yi will not rashly confront the imperial power head-on.

Especially this second-generation son, who has a deep background and power.

If you want to deal with this second-generation character, the first thing is to defeat the forces behind the other party.

He had no one to rely on, just like a tiger without claws and fangs, and could only be slaughtered.

A cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he would go to other places in Honglian City to get more evidence left by Scorpion.

At this moment, he suddenly froze for a moment, because he felt an unusual breath.

He looked up at the bus, and then froze a little.

I don't know when, the bus he was riding was full of people.

But each of these people had a blank expression and did not make any sound.

The bus was as quiet as a quiet secret room.

The light of the true destiny flashed in his eyes, and Lin Yi already knew what happened.

I don't know when he got on a bus of the dead.

Or this bus is a resentful spirit, a collection of resentful spirits.

"I really have the temperament of absorbing spirits. I will encounter such things wherever I go."

He did not move, but just sat here quietly. He wanted to see where this resentful spirit bus wanted to take him.

Looking at the midday sky outside, a strange thought came to his mind.

"There is a moon in broad daylight now? Is this caused by the second change in the world?"

"These vengeful spirits seem to be getting stronger and stronger."

He looked carefully and could see wisps of extremely strong vengeance in every corner of the bus.

The entire bus seemed to be composed of these vengeances.

Although its basic skeleton is made up of an abandoned bus.

10 minutes passed in a flash, and the bus brought Lin Yi to an overpass.

This overpass is a bridge located in the east of Honglian City. Because it was noon, there was little traffic at this time.

It is normal for a bus to enter the overpass.

Just after it entered the overpass, the bus began to accelerate suddenly.

As its speed increased, it suddenly crashed into the guardrail of the overpass.

It seemed that it wanted to rush down the bridge with Lin Yi and then go to death, or let Lin Yi die.

After feeling the purpose of this vengeful spirit bus, Lin Yi was no longer interested in playing.

The light of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Ice flashed around him, and he leaned back suddenly, while the light of the Spiritual Wave flashed.

Lin Yi was sitting in the last row of the bus, and behind him was the rear window of the bus.

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