The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 290 Codewords, Evidence (Second Update)

"Okay, sir, I'll take you there. Please give me 5 yuan. This is my reward."

The boy was wearing a washed white shirt and jeans. Although they were worn, they were very clean.

His appearance is relatively upright, and his eyes are full of intelligence. He looks about thirteen or fourteen years old.

Smiling slightly, "5 yuan, you lead the way."

As he spoke, he casually took out 5 yuan from his pocket and handed it to the young man.

There are many alleys in the slums in the north of the city, although these alleys are planned roads.

But it is very difficult for ordinary people to find the correct location, and there is even no navigation.

Only then will these teenagers have the opportunity to earn money as tour guides.

Only a boy who grew up in a slum like this can distinguish the small streets from the front, back, left and right.

Lin Yi followed the young man everywhere. In the countless alleys, he came to a sunken staircase after twists and turns.

Soon he entered an ancient alley, only two meters wide.

The buildings in the alley are all ancient blue brick structures, and there are many small shops on the left and right sides.

After bringing him here, the young man looked at Lin Yi and said, "Sir, this is Crescent Alley."

"As for Mr. Huang you are looking for, you have to ask yourself."

Lin Yi looked at the young man with satisfaction and nodded and said, "Don't leave yet. I will come to you later if I have something else to do."

The young man's eyes lit up, and he knew that he still had a big order to take.

He smiled slightly and said, "Of course no problem sir, I will wait for you here."

The young man was very discerning and had no intention of following Lin Yi here.

The other party had something to do here, and following him might disturb Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at him and nodded. This little boy also had his own set of survival rules.

Don’t look at things you shouldn’t see, don’t ask about things you shouldn’t ask.

This kind of person will be able to get along no matter where he goes in the future.

Without him, he knows how to advance and retreat, and he is sensible. Too many people in this world do not know how to advance and retreat, and they are ignorant, so they are struggling.

Lin Yi stood in front of the street of Crescent Alley, looking left and right, searching for his target.

Soon he saw where his target was.

An old bookstore is located at the end of the Corner Alley, about ten meters away.

The bookstore is called Huangsan Bookstore.

According to Xie Zi, Old Huang is the owner of Huang San Bookstore.

One of his evidences is hidden in Old Huang.

Once something happens to him, the evidence will be made public by Mr. Huang.

The reason why Old Wilderness helped Scorpion was because Scorpion had helped him in his early years.

Mr. Huang's current bookstore house was also bought for him by Scorpion.

He has been able to survive until now because of Scorpion's support.

However, Scorpion only used cash to fund him and never used any online funds.

And it was given to him through special means, and no one knew about it.

In all these years, Scorpion has never revealed the existence of Mr. Huang.

Grandpa Huang also keeps his bookstore here and never goes out casually.

A few minutes later, he arrived at Mr. Huang's bookstore and saw rows of yellowed bookshelves when he entered.

Most of the books in Lao Huangye's bookstore are books with a little color.

Because there are only a few people in this slum who are willing to learn, and most people live to satisfy their own desires.

A low-cost color book was naturally welcomed by them.

It also allowed Mr. Huang to run a bookstore safely in this slum.

Of course, in addition to these books, there will also be various books related to knowledge.

After all, not everyone is unmotivated.

Most of the books here are for rent, but you can also buy them if you are willing to pay.

Lin Yi entered the store and immediately attracted Mr. Huang's attention.

His appearance and dress were incompatible with the people in the slums, and his whole person exuded a unique temperament.

Old Huang's heart felt slightly cold. He didn't know if trouble was coming.

He maintained his original appearance, not daring to be careless at all, and looked at Lin Yi and said.

"Does this gentleman want to borrow any books? The price here is very cheap. You only need 5** national currency to read it for a day."

Listening to Mr. Huang's introduction, Lin Yi smiled slightly and looked at him.

"I am Scorpion's boss. Please give me all the evidence. This is Scorpion's letter."

As he spoke, he placed a letter in front of Mr. Huang.

It's said to be a letter, but it's actually just a note with what Scorpion wrote to Mr. Huang.

"This is my new boss. The evidence I put here before is useful to him. Please give it to him."

"Because of some things, I can no longer show up in person. From now on, you can only rely on yourself."

After seeing the words above, Mr. Huang's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

There is Scorpion and his secret code on it, and the content of the secret code is that the other party is trustworthy.

The code is: the evidence works for him.

This is what Mr. Huang had agreed with Scorpion a long time ago.

If one day someone comes to him with this sentence, it proves that this person is indeed trustworthy.

Old Huang's heart sank slightly. In his mind, maybe there was something wrong with Scorpion.

Only then did he let the gentleman in front of him come. He sighed and came to the bookshelf behind him.

From the highest point inside, take out the seventh book on the left.

After opening the book, there was a small notebook inside. He took out the notebook and handed it to Lin Yi.

"Sir, this is the evidence that Scorpion gave me. I want to ask if he is really okay?"

Lin Yi glanced at him, smiled slightly and said, "He is really fine, you can rest assured."

Old Huang took a closer look at Lin Yi. He could feel that the other party had no need to lie to him, and there was no expression on his face.

Although he had lived an ordinary life, he still had a keen eye.

As a shop owner, he had seen all kinds of guys, and he could still observe whether a person was lying or not.

Hearing that Scorpion was really okay, he put down his worries and smiled.

"It's good that he is okay. If there is a chance, let him come and sit with me."

Lin Yi nodded, "Don't worry, I will tell him. If he can come, he will come."

Looking at Lin Yi leaving, Old Huang slowly sat back in his seat, his eyes swept across his shop, and sighed slightly.

"It seems that I won't be able to be so leisurely in the future. Fortunately, I have saved a lot of money, so it shouldn't be a problem to open it for another ten years."

"By then, I will be almost buried in the ground."

Shaking his head, Old Huang took the book in front of him, sat back in his old chair, and began to savor it carefully.

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