The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 287: Connection and Movement (3rd update)

The moment he appeared, the sound of "Da Da Da Da" had already exploded.

Countless bullets were ejected from his double-handed machine guns.

The transfer power from the maze just now not only acted on Scorpion, but also on the three people of the Violent Black Dragon.

They were all sent to various parts of the maze, and were struggling to fight against the dark green silk threads that permeated the maze.

Among them, the Violent Black Dragon was the most difficult, and he took the body training route.

Although his defense was amazing, he could not get rid of the entanglement of these dark green silk threads.

He could only use the weapons in his hands to blow up the walls of the maze one after another.

In this short period of time, he destroyed at least 1/5 of the maze.

Just when he wanted to continue to destroy the entire maze and rush out.

The distortion that transferred it to an unknown area appeared again, arousing his vigilance.

He used his machine gun heavy weapon at the first time and started attacking the moment the distortion disappeared.

In his heart, firepower is everything, and everything cannot kill the enemy, that is just because the firepower is not strong enough.

Lin Yi was a little surprised by the sudden attack of the violent black dragon.

However, in an instant, he had already performed "Nine Heavens Mysterious Ice".

At the same time, the purple corpse monster had blocked in front of him and rushed up violently.

The two-headed dog pounced on the legs of the violent black dragon from the lower body, and the two blood-spraying mouths on the left and right directly bit his legs.

He suddenly flipped him to the ground with force, and the purple corpse monster directly pressed him with a bear hug.

Suddenly, the two machine guns of the violent black dragon were smashed to pieces in the collision.

He and the purple corpse monster fought on the ground, and the two-headed dog bit his legs tightly, making him unable to stand up.

The violent black dragon could only lie on the ground, waving his hands fiercely, constantly attacking the purple corpse monster all over the body.

This is a war that is difficult to describe in words, with every punch hitting the flesh and every punch drawing blood.

It was as if two prehistoric beasts were fighting for life and death.

At the same time, countless dark green threads extended from the ground and the wall, sweeping towards the violent black dragon.

This time, he could no longer struggle.

As the dark green threads penetrated into his body from his wound, the transformation had begun to be inevitable.

"Ah, get out of my way."

"Damn it, damn it, damn it."

"Get out of my way," violent power burst out from the dying violent black dragon.

At this time, he seemed to have used some kind of forbidden technique, his skin was red, and his strength doubled in an instant.

The purple corpse monster could not suppress him, and was hit by his countless fists and flew up.

But at this moment, Lin Yi, who was covered in black ice armor, moved.

I don't know when he came in front of him and slapped him on the forehead lightly.

The cold veins penetrated into his brain meridians in an instant.

Under the observation of the true destiny, the violent black dragon had no secrets for Lin Yi.

His power came from the potential explosion of the brain, which was a means of overdrawing life.

He directly used his energy to seal the meridians in his brain, blocking this stimulation.

He was silenced instantly, and countless dark green threads had penetrated into his bones.

After dozens of seconds, the violent black dragon completely stopped its struggle, climbed up from the ground, and stood respectfully beside Lin Yi.

"Great master, the violent black dragon reports to you."

"Call me the store manager from now on. From now on, you are under the jurisdiction of Scorpion."

"Yes, store manager."

Lin Yi's eyes were cold, and he continued, "Next, I will transfer the other two people at the same time, you get ready."

"Take them all down."

"Yes, store manager," Scorpion and violent black dragon replied.

The other summons bowed their heads and submitted to Lin Yi's orders. Vodka stood aside and never had a chance to attack.

The next moment, the maze twist appeared again, but this time there were two people.

Ice Killer and Blood Artist.

The two of them just used their own methods to resist the dark green thread attack from the maze.

Walking in the maze at the same time, looking for the exit, they immediately became alert as the distortion appeared.

When the distortion ended, their faces froze.

They appeared in a brand new passage, and there were at least 8 immortal masters looking at them.

There was a trace of disbelief in the eyes of the two, because their companions, Scorpion and Violent Black Dragon were among the 7 people.

"What's going on? Why are they on the opposite side?"

It was beyond their understanding, and they had no idea what was going on.

They just saw the cold eyes of Scorpion and Violent Black Dragon, which made them feel cold all over.

At this time, a thick black fog quickly enveloped the place.

From the bad doctor, a faint threat quickly covered the passage.

The Ice Killer and the Blood Artist felt cold all over.

A corrosive force was eroding the essence of their bodies.

"Not good."

The two moved instantly.

They had a tacit understanding and rushed directly in one direction.

They knew that once they separated, they would not have any chance of winning, and death would be their only result.

They can only attack together to have a chance of survival.

The Ice Killer was in front, with a sharp sword light, directly covering the direction where the scorpion and the violent black dragon were.

In the direction where they were, the purple corpse monster and the strange child were guarding.

Countless black smoke tentacles slashed out crazily, rushing towards the two people.

Countless sword lights rose in the hands of the Ice Killer.

The extremely cold sword light accurately fell on each black smoke tentacle.

In just a moment, the black cold air spread to countless black smoke tentacles.

These tentacles were all broken at the same time under the huge impact of the sword light.

At this time, the purple corpse monster had passed the strange child in one step and arrived in front of the two.

Two huge fists slammed down on his chest, and the violent power was endless.

Facing the violent attack of the purple monster, the faces of the two people changed drastically.

At this time, the Ice Killer was exhausted and had no strength left.

He could only reluctantly push the tip of the sword and stab at the fist of the purple corpse monster.

The blood artist saw this scene and his eyes sank.

Countless blood threads around the body turned into a huge fist, smashing the purple corpse monster's fist.

The bravest wins when two meet on a narrow road, a completely head-on fighting style.

The fist made up of countless blood-colored filaments is as big as a human head.

These blood filaments are entangled with each other in an amazing structure, forming a perfect power structure.

In an instant, all the blood thread power is concentrated to one point.

The fist and the sword light collided with the left and right fists of the purple corpse block at the same time.

A huge muffled sound exploded instantly.

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