The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 286 The First One (Second Update)

Thinking of this, he couldn't help showing a hint of interest in his eyes.

They walked slowly towards the depths of the passage, while paying vigilant attention to the surroundings.

As long as there is any danger, they will immediately return the same way.

At this time, Lin Yi's mind is connected to the strange magic cube, controlling everything in the Wanshiwu.

He quietly watched the four people walking into the maze.

He needed an opportunity to display the space shuttle ability inside the underground maze.

Instantly disperse all the four people, let them appear in various places in the maze, and disperse their forces.

"We have to wait a little longer, we need them to go deeper."

Time passed by every second.

This is a game of hunting and anti-hunting.

Whoever has enough patience will be the winner of this hunt.

However, the four scorpions who have stepped into the trap have the most losses, and soon they came to the first T-junction of the underground maze.

They did not split up, but directly chose the left passage to move forward together.

Just a few seconds after they stepped into the left passage, the maze suddenly began to change.

Countless dark green threads shot out from the wall, covering the four people.

Scorpion shouted, "Oh no, there's a trap."

The violent black dragon took his rocket launcher from behind without any hesitation, pointed it at the back and pulled the trigger.

A flaming rocket rushed out and blasted in the direction they came from.

Countless blood threads shot out from the blood artist's body.

They were entangled with the dark green threads sprayed from the walls, the sky, and the ground.

This entanglement quickly bought time for others.

A black light bloomed from the waist of the ice killer.

It was a soft sword, a dark light enveloped the sword body, and countless cold lights burst out, cutting towards the dark green threads around.

This sword light contained a coldness beyond common sense. All the dark green threads blocking her in front of her would be frozen into ice the moment they came into contact with the sword light, and then shattered by the power of the sword light.


A huge explosion exploded from the direction of the passage they came from.

The rocket exploded with great power, shattering everything within a radius of 5 meters.

A large gap was blown out of the maze wall, and a huge air wave swept in three directions along the passage.

The countless dark green silk threads extending from the maze swayed under the air wave and were even torn off.

In just a moment, the 10-meter range of the explosion became a chaotic ruin.

At this time, the violent black dragon had rushed over like a wild bull, heading towards the direction of the passage they came from.

As soon as the trap appeared here, he knew that the danger was heavy, and he decided to escape immediately.

The power characteristics of this maze are very similar to those of the blood artist.

It’s okay for the blood artist, it’s an ability used by individuals.

As long as the blood artist can be killed, his ability will naturally be useless.

But in this maze, they don’t know how to destroy this ability at all.

If they keep resisting this attack unilaterally, problems will arise sooner or later.

They can survive the siege of the empire, so they naturally have their own set of combat concepts.

They have a strong ability to observe danger, and any threat that they cannot deal with will make them choose to run away.

They don't need to risk their lives for an amnesty order.

The violent black dragon is not the first person to do this.

The moment he moved, the blood artist and the ice killer also moved.

Three figures rushed towards the entrance of the underground maze like a hurricane.

Scorpion saw this scene and his face turned blue with anger.

"Damn it, how dare you..."

But before he finished speaking, the underground maze bloomed with dark green light, and his eyes were blurred.

When he came to his senses again, Lin Yi and his summons appeared in front of him.

He was completely surrounded in the center, and Scorpion's face was ashen.

He knew that he had fallen into a trap, and the other party had been waiting for them to step into it.

He was shaking with anger, but there was nothing he could do.

The prey stepped into the trap, and everything was out of his control.

Facing the siege of the purple corpse monster and the two-headed dog, Scorpion was knocked to the ground before he could even fight back.

He was stepped on by the purple corpse monster and struggled to raise his head, looking at Lin Yi in front of him, with anger and resentment in his eyes.

"You will die, you will definitely die."

Scorpion knew that he had absolutely no way out, the other party would never let him go back, and death was his only outcome.

So he also risked his life and cursed Lin Yi.

But Lin Yi didn't care at all, he just smiled slightly, and then countless dark green silk threads grew out from the ground.

Like leeches, they pierced the scorpion's skin and entered the scorpion's body.

Countless severe pains spread from his body, making him howl and struggle in pain.

"Ah, it hurts, kill me, kill me quickly."


But no matter how he wailed, Lin Yi just watched coldly.

He wanted to use the power of the maze to transform Scorpion into a guard here, and then get all the information he wanted from him.

After becoming a maze guard, they would become maze slaves.

Even their minds would be distorted, and they would be completely loyal to the master of the maze, that is, Lin Yi.

This is the horror of the maze transforming life into a maze guard.

In just one minute, Scorpion stopped screaming.

He climbed up from the ground, and there was no change on his body, but he was no longer a normal life form.

His life and the maze were completely integrated. As long as the maze was not destroyed, he would not die.

Looking at Lin Yi respectfully, he knelt on the ground, "Great master, Scorpion offers you the highest loyalty."

Looking at the surrendered Scorpion, Lin Yi smiled.

"Very good, from now on, you are the general manager of the underground maze."

"I will leave this place to you in the future."

Scorpion stood up slowly. He was a middle-aged man about 40 years old.

He had two small mustaches on his face and looked very gentlemanly.

For the order from Lin Yi, he said respectfully from the bottom of his heart, "Yes, master."

Lin Yi glanced at him, "Don't call me master, call me store manager."

"Yes, store manager," Scorpion said respectfully, and would not go against Lin Yi's will at all.

But he has wisdom. The only difference from ordinary intelligent life is that he is absolutely obedient to Lin Yi.

"Get ready. Next are the other three people. We will take them down one by one."

As he said this, Lin Yi's will had communicated with the maze.

After a slight twist, the figure of the violent black dragon appeared in front of them.

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