The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1315 Waiting, Secrecy (Second Update)

Through the True Destiny Solution, Lin Yi can be sure that this is definitely the legendary Four Pillars Heavenly Realm level.

He compared his own True Power at this time, which was almost the same as these people.

"It seems that the upper limit of the True Power of my second set of True Destiny System has reached the Four Pillars Heavenly Realm level."

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath, and a trace of thought appeared in his eyes.

"These people should be the real behind-the-scenes commanders of this base."

"The Final Order System said that some help may be found here."

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"Is the target on them?"

Just as Lin Yi was lost in thought, he found that these people seemed to be a little bit wrong.

He looked at them carefully, and the brilliance of the True Destiny Solution quickly increased.

Finally, he found the problem.

The consciousness of these people did not seem to be in their own bodies, or in other words, their True Destiny did not have their consciousness.

This scene scared Lin Yi, and he used all his strength to operate the True Destiny Solution and observed carefully.

Suddenly, his heart skipped a beat. The bodies of these people were controlled by a distant consciousness wave.

Each consciousness wave was different and originated from an unknown place.

This discovery startled him, and his eyes began to follow this wave to track the source of these consciousnesses.

As the power of truth continued to increase, he was surprised to find many things.

These mysterious consciousnesses seemed to have passed through some kind of time and space fluctuations and came from the distant past.

Each one seemed to fall from a different era.

But he could only see some vague things. The time and space rules within the boundary of death were very powerful, and the true destiny solution could not spy on them at will.

"Could it be that these mysterious living dead were controlled by their past selves?"

"What kind of means is this? It's too magical."

He found that this fluctuation was very obscure, almost completely integrated with time and space, without causing any time and space fluctuations and interference, which was perfect and shocked him.

"If these consciousnesses really come from the past, that is to say, someone has been preparing for it in the very early days."

"They control themselves and move in the border of death."

"It's like a living person controlling his future corpse, but why?"

This weird speculation shocked Lin Yi. He felt that the entire border of death seemed to be shrouded in a big network.

Whether it is these living dead. Or those managers or crowns, they all have their own networks.

"Could it be that the existences of the Four Pillars of Heaven have not yet ended their battle with the border of death?"

His heart was pounding, and everything he saw today showed this possibility.

"But I can notice this, will the managers and crowns of the border of death not notice it?"

"Their living dead are just pure corpses, without even consciousness."

"It's weird no matter how you look at it."

He felt a kind of strange cloud and wave shrouding his eyes, making him unable to see clearly, and everyone seemed to be just a pawn in it.

There are two huge forces competing, and no one knows what the result of the competition will be.

Lin Yi took a deep breath. He really couldn't figure it out.

"If I want to get help, do I need to contact these four pillars of heaven? Ask them for help?"

Deep doubts flashed through his mind, but apart from this possibility, he really couldn't find any answer.

For the first time, he felt that his brain seemed to be insufficient.

His face was uncertain, and he was thinking about whether to show up and contact these mysterious beings.

What consequences might be caused by contact?

After thinking for a long time, he decided to give it a try.

"With the title, at least I have a chance to escape, and nothing can stop me."

"With the power given by the system to avoid locking, there should be no problem in protecting myself."

After thinking for a long time, Lin Yi finally decided to give it a try.


A few days passed in a blink of an eye. Lin Yi has been here recently, wandering around the city and looking for opportunities to contact.

He found that the group of people deep in the palace would not stay there all the time. After issuing various orders, they would quickly leave and do something of their own.

But most of them are still in the palace, and they basically won't come out.

Lin Yi has also been observing the operation of this palace these days.

He found that this palace has at least thousands of different spiritual pattern systems, simulating thousands of different true destinies.

After these forces intertwined with each other, they formed a huge protection, and even formed an almost another world in the palace.

The rules of time and space seem to have changed, and after this change, it seems easier for the consciousness of the distant past to enter these bodies now and control their behavior.

The rules of the world of death will be slightly repelled by this huge force, forming a vacuum in the palace.

This repulsion is not pure repulsion, but through grafting, the rules of the death boundary cannot feel repulsion.

All the rules are still running normally, but the world in this palace is like a non-existent place, and will not interfere with the operation of the death boundary.

After confirming a lot of information, Lin Yi finally found an opportunity today.

One of them seemed to be about to walk out of the palace, and she was wearing a lot of spiritual patterns.

The effect of these spiritual patterns was the same, which seemed to strengthen his connection with his past self, so that his consciousness could still reach his body.

No one seemed to know these mysterious people, and even those in the palace would only treat them as ordinary members after seeing them.

They hid very well, hiding themselves among the vast number of living dead, not at all noticeable or special.

Even their orders were issued through the spiritual pattern system in the palace.

Other living dead have always thought that the palace is a huge intelligent system that specializes in commanding the battlefield.

I don’t know who was the first to discover this place, and then noticed the various task information and rewards in the palace.

In the end, more and more people spontaneously entered the palace, began to complete these tasks, and then received rewards.

This is a very strange phenomenon. Lin Yi really doesn’t understand why the administrators and the crowners would allow such things to exist.

It is impossible for them not to see such a big thing, but they still allow it to exist.

There must be something hidden in it.

At this time, he had suppressed the countless questions in his mind and his eyes fell on the mysterious living dead who walked out of the palace.

He saw a woman wearing a snow-white flowing fairy dress, a delicate and cold face, long black hair draped over her shoulders, and wearing many exquisite hand ornaments.

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