The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1314 Command Center, Observation (First Update)

Even these crystal coffins will emit a bright red-gold glow, constantly absorbing the heat in the storm.

Facing the oncoming hot storm, Lin Yi still maintains the mode of True Destiny Unlimited.

With a flash, he quickly walked towards the end of the stone bridge.

After a few flashes, he has appeared in a passage.

At this time, the entrance of this passage has been submerged by countless red storms, and the entire stone bridge is exposed to the storm.

Lin Yi looked back and shook his head slightly, "The power of this storm is a bit too strong, and the storm also contains wonderful power."

"It seems to be able to ignite everything. As long as ordinary True Destiny-level beings are covered, their power will disappear at an alarming speed."

"Fortunately, I ran fast enough, otherwise I would be affected."

Lin Yi shook his head and continued to walk deeper into the passage.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and he was always moving forward in the state of True Destiny Unlimited.

The distance advanced every day is more than 100,000 kilometers. Ordinary True Destiny strongmen without corresponding True Destiny cannot achieve such a short time and long distance movement.

Along the way, he saw countless strange environments.

There are deserts full of mud coffins, lava rivers full of magma crystal coffins, black lakes with floating black wooden coffins, and coffins of various colors scattered on the land of death.

He found that this border of death has various landforms and environments, and the only constant is that these places are full of countless coffins.

In these areas, there are always some gathering places, where there are many living dead crawling out of coffins.

In addition to humans, there are also various intelligent life forms.

And every other area, there will be a place similar to the eternal battlefield.

The various races in the battlefield took turns to stage a deadly battle, and it seemed that there would never be an end.

However, he also found some strange phenomena, that is, there are always some living dead who seem to have survived for a long time in the battlefield.

These people usually appear in the headquarters of each race's front line, and they seem to secretly influence all the living dead of the same race.

Of course, this is not what Lin Yi finds most strange. What makes him strange is that there seems to be something hidden behind these people.

Almost all races have similar headquarters in various battlefields.

He once quietly approached the headquarters of several human races.

He found that there were some extremely powerful zombies hidden inside. They had super high intelligence and influenced the battlefield through various methods.

The battlefield seemed chaotic, but in fact it was completely controlled by the headquarters, and everyone was fighting under their influence.

These headquarters always gave Lin Yi a special feeling.

The headquarters were usually located in the rear of each race on the battlefield.

There were usually some tall buildings there, just like cities.

There were quite a lot of zombies staying in those cities.

These cities were almost all war-ready cities, and they were all for the purpose of war.

There was also business there, and the main items traded were spiritual pattern instruments, spiritual patterns, essences and other items.

A trading system for the purpose of war was formed.

At this time, Lin Yi appeared in the headquarters city of one of the battlefields.

He was dressed like an ordinary zombie, without any difference.

These zombies did not breathe, and their breathing was just an instinctive reaction.

There was never air in the death boundary.

The living people in the safe spot always have their own ways to avoid the problems caused by the lack of air.

Lin Yi is the same. The boundless true destiny can ensure the health of the body.

He walked on the street, and the streets were full of people with wooden expressions.

They were all filled with a deep fatigue, as if they were ordinary people who had not slept for dozens of days.

Some people entered the nearby tavern and drank to relieve their sorrow.

Some people ate a lot in the restaurant to satisfy their appetite, but there was no happiness on their faces, only a kind of venting emotion.

Some people were communicating with the owner in the weapon shop, and seemed to want to buy more powerful spiritual pattern tools.

But these are not Lin Yi's goals, his goal is the center of the city.

In the center of the city is a huge palace, which is full of living dead who "command" the battlefield.

These living dead are usually very powerful, with at least 4 true destiny in their bodies, and almost all of them have original level true destiny.

They are powerful beyond imagination, even Lin Yi can't ignore it.

But what he cared about was not the strength of these people, but he found that a small part of these people were different from ordinary living dead.

He came here at this time to investigate the situation of these people.

So far, he still has no clues about the projected time and space. On the way forward, he also asked the final order system.

But the answer of the final execution system was that it didn't have a good way.

However, the final order system also gave Lin Yi some information.

It pointed out a direction for him, maybe he could find something useful in this death cave.

It would be helpful for him to project time and space.

And this information immediately attracted his attention, and he came here without hesitation.

At this time, he was already standing outside the largest central palace in the city.

The palace was pitch black, filled with various spiritual patterns, and seemed to be a huge war machine itself.

His eyes were shining with the light of the true destiny, and he was standing in the shadow of a street.

During the observation, the palace was peeled off layer by layer in his eyes, and he was quickly looking for the secrets of this palace.

He believed that the final order system would not be aimless.

As the power of truth was constantly consumed, various secrets quickly appeared in the palace in front of him.

There were many rooms in the palace, and there were strange figures of living dead in those rooms.

These people were doing various kinds of work, such as some people were refining spirit patterns, and some people were refining spirit pattern instruments 2.

Some people were killing some alien races, digging out their true destiny, and putting them into some special spirit pattern instruments.

The whole palace was like a production factory, producing various products in an endless stream.

But these were not what Lin Yi cared about, his eyes were exploring deeper into the palace.

I don’t know how long it took, and soon he found a mysterious room in this palace.

The figures in the room were all powerful people at the true destiny level.

Each of them was filled with vast fluctuations of the Power of Truth, which had far surpassed the World-Shaking Level and reached a completely new realm - the Four Pillars of Heaven Level.

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