The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1185 Shadow, Selection (Second Update)

The content of the report is very simple. This is an incident that occurred all over the country and even the world.

The victim was walking alone on the street at night and suddenly heard someone calling you.

If you turned around and answered, then the next day, you would find that the person's head was twisted 180 degrees and died on the ground.

It looked like something had broken his neck, which was very strange, and there was fear on his face.

Since the world has records, hundreds of such incidents have occurred on the entire Blue Star, dating back 300 years ago.

Affecting the entire Blue Star.

There were survivors in three of them, and there may be more survivors, but only these three people were found.

The reason they survived was that although they heard the call behind them, they did not turn back, but quickly returned to their homes.

After spending a night, they chose to call the police.

All these people who escaped did not turn back because they found the flaw in the words.

The voice they heard was the same sentence.

"xxx, your mother asked me to come to you."

And the mothers of these three people had already passed away.

So when they heard the sound, their first reaction was that they had encountered someone dangerous, and since these three people were originally vigilant, they ran away immediately.

But the final outcome of these three people was not good. After 7 days, they were found dead at home.

And the cause of death was all broken necks, 180 degrees rotation.

The midnight cry was classified as a normal D-level event, which has caused the deaths of hundreds of people.

And it is difficult to track, very random, whether it is the location or the time, it is random.

Lin Yi looked at this report, frowned slightly, and then put it on the table.

He couldn't solve a case like this.

Because its uncertainty is too great, it is impossible to find its deepest logic unless you experience it yourself.

After seeing this report, he suddenly realized a problem, not all strange events can be solved.

He needs to find more suitable cases that can be solved by himself.

Thinking of this, he looked at the third report.

The name of this report is Shadow in the Room.

This incident was very strange. It happened in the capital of an island country. It was a small island country and China was a feud.

In the civilian apartment of the island country, there was a problem with a house.

The guest room was called Room 404.

The guest room was inhabited by a NEET tribe of an island country.

Commonly known as a homebody, he survived entirely on the support of his family.

When he was 35 years old, something happened at home and all his financial resources were cut off.

Relying on his previous savings, he survived for about 10 days and finally died of hunger on the tatami.

But this was just the beginning of everything.

There were deep black marks on the ground where he died. When he was found, his body was half rotten.

The landlord was unlucky and cleaned the whole house. The floor under the tatami had been stained black.

And this situation made it impossible for the landlord to clean it completely.

In the end, he could only lay the tatami again and rent the house out without letting others find any traces.

The first family who moved in encountered a horrible incident.

Every night they dreamed of a black figure appearing in their dreams.

All three members of the family had the same dream, but they had no communication at first.

The figure chased them in their sleep, and every time it caught them, it would attack them madly, making them feel death.

And this attack, chase, and killing made them weaker and weaker.

The spirit was about to collapse. At first, the three members of the family only used fatigue as an excuse in front of other family members.

This is the indifference of the island family. No one really cares about each other, but just barely maintains the existence of the family.

Until one day, the daughter of this family couldn't bear it anymore, and collapsed and said that she dreamed of strange black shadows every day in her dreams.

And the father and mother at home realized that the other party was having the same nightmare as themselves.

They immediately knew that this was a family matter, not just one person.

On the night when they communicated with each other, black marks appeared on the ground where the NEETs had died.

The family was shocked, and then the family encountered the shadow attacking them in reality.

That night, the father and mother were killed by the shadow.

Only the teenage daughter was not attacked, but she was also scared crazy.

The daughter's crazy shouting attracted the neighbors to call the police.

When the police entered the room, they saw two corpses, the crazy daughter, and the strange black shadow on the tatami on the ground.

After a detailed investigation of the whole incident, they got reliable content from the little girl's diary.

The Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau immediately blocked the house and permanently sealed No. 404, and no one was allowed to enter at will.

After the news of this strange incident, the house was quickly depressed and finally blocked.

The owner who bought the house suffered heavy losses, but no one cared about their losses.

One of the privileges of the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau is the right to block any place related to strange incidents.

Looking at this incident, Lin Yi showed a faint smile in his eyes. This is another incident classified as D-level.

It seems that there is a high probability that it can be solved, and the danger is quite small. It is not an instant death incident.

For incidents like this, as long as there is room for conversion, it is quite easy to handle.

At least it is much safer for him than the human skin grandmother and clown ghost story incidents.

With a choice in mind, he plans to start with this incident.

He looked at everyone and fell on Sakuramiya Shirley.

"How is your current martial arts system?"

"I have mastered it completely. The body you created is already in a state of strengthening to the limit."

"As for the integration of the magnetic field, it is not a difficult thing for me to will."

"Basically, I can exert perfect combat power."

Lin Yi nodded, "Let's go, the capital of the target island country-Tokyo Bay."


In the Abnormal Event Investigation Bureau, Zhao Hongxia frowned and looked at an investigator in front of her.

"You mean they bought two tickets to Tokyo Bay?"

"Yes, Captain, the time is 5 o'clock this afternoon?"

Zhao Hongxia nodded slightly, "Okay, you go first."

Zhao Hongxia frowned and thought for a moment, then picked up the phone.

"Contact the Tokyo Bay Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau and ask them to send someone to assist Lin Yi."

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