The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1184 Division, Crying (First Update)

Three reports were the reward for this time, three pieces of D-level information on ghost stories, and a large sum of money.

He didn't get these rewards until today, because there are a lot of procedures needed to go through within the Abnormal Event Investigation Bureau.

Shaking his head slightly, he opened the first document and began to read it carefully.

The contents inside are all basic, and what he is more concerned about is the classification of ghost stories.

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First of all, Kaidan events are divided into 7 levels.

SSS level, SS level, S level, A level, B level, C level, D level.

Both the skinned mother-in-law and the clown incident belong to the lowest D level.

Basically, C-level and D-level incidents are small-scale incidents that mostly affect the lives of one to dozens of people. Moreover, most of these incidents are very secretive and not known to many people.

Level A and Level B are already truly large-scale events, such as some famous mysterious places.

The Bermuda Triangle, Shennongjia Immortal Cave, the ancient legend of Yin soldiers passing through the border, etc.

Many of these ghost stories and even mythological stories are B- and A-level ghost stories.

As for the higher S level, it can even affect the demise of a city.

The most famous ones are the legendary Tunguska Explosion, the Apocalypse Explosion, this mysterious unsolved event, the historical Pompeii volcano eruption, etc.

These events are disasters that can directly destroy a city or even a civilization, and the reasons behind these disasters are usually very mysterious.

As for the SS level, it is a mysterious event that can affect the world.

For example, in the mysterious Mandela Effect, countless people have formed completely different memories and senses from other people.

Or an inexplicable disease suddenly appeared and killed hundreds of millions of people. For example, the Black Death in the Middle Ages was said to be a strange phenomenon in nature.

As for the legendary SSS level, it seems to involve several mass extinctions of life across the entire Blue Star.

However, the probability of S-level and above ghost stories happening is very low.

In fact, the most harmful things to human beings are various ABCD level weird incidents.

Their number is astonishing, and they are distributed in various regions around the world. They can be found in the civilized world or in primitive forests.

According to countless studies, all strange incidents are related to human beings themselves.

As for the specific situation, there is no detailed description here. These are just some rough inferences.

However, there was still some basic information in it that caught his attention.

The Anomalous Events Investigation Bureau was established with the support of almost all countries around the world.

A truly cross-world and cross-regional organization has a variety of privileges.

The reason why the Abnormal Events Investigation Bureau appeared was because an organization called the Doomsday Order appeared in this world.

They believe that the Kaidan incident is the original sin of mankind. Only by destroying the entire human race will the Kaidan incident disappear from the world and the entire world return to true peace.

Therefore, they are committed to destroying the world. It is said that they have their shadow behind World War I and World War II.

Looking at this information, Lin Yi seemed to be reading another kind of history, a story hidden behind countless civilizations known to normal people.

"I really didn't expect this world to be so scary. I didn't even know there was such a thing before."

He shook his head slightly, with a complicated look in his eyes, feeling lucky that he didn't know the truth before.

I also feel a little dissatisfied that I have been blinded by false history.

In the end, he shook his head slightly and put down the popular science document in his hand.

He handed the document to Shirley Sakuramiya who was sitting opposite, "You can take a look and understand the true face of this world."

Sakuramiya Shirley nodded, took the document, and began to read it carefully.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at the three reports.

He picked up one of them, and the name on the report was - Crying in the Orphanage.

Opening the report, the content was about an orphanage located in Maocheng, a small city in the north.

There is an orphanage in that city. It was an orphanage in the 1980s.

But I don’t know when a fire broke out, and eventually the orphanage and the seven children inside were killed in the flames.

Eventually it was abandoned and was originally planned for demolition.

But something strange happened during the demolition process.

All the workers who entered the orphanage seemed to have been burned to death and turned into a pile of mummies.

According to people outside the orphanage, when the workers entered the orphanage, they seemed to hear the children crying.

Then, for a long time, those workers didn't come out.

Some workers noticed something was wrong and quickly called the police.

When the police arrived, they found the bodies of more than a dozen workers who had been burned and mummified.

Eventually the bodies were removed and the orphanage gave up on demolition.

The orphanage is closed and no outsiders are allowed in. Only occasionally there will be some crying sounds from the orphanage.

These cries seem to have mysterious power, and some people will go inside if they can't control themselves.

Those who go in can never come out again.

However, the crying only occurred three days before and after the fire in the orphanage.

As long as you stay within a hundred meters of this welfare house during those times, you will not be affected.

Basically, at certain times every year, the police will block this place to prevent people from entering by mistake.

Even if someone enters at ordinary times, no accident will happen as long as they do not destroy the welfare house.

This incident was also rated as a D- incident in the D-level ghost story incident.

In fact, D-level ghost story incidents are also divided into three levels, D-, D, and D+.

There will be detailed divisions according to the severity.

For example, the human skin grandmother he had experienced was an ordinary D-level incident.

And the clown ghost story incident was classified as D+ level.

The main judgment mark is the number of victims.

The fewer the number of people, the safer it is and the less harm it will cause.

After reading the crying incident in the orphanage, Lin Yi immediately analyzed something.

"It can be judged based on the content of the incident."

"There are basically several logics."

"The orphanage cannot be harmed or damaged."

"Only on the day of the fire, use the mysterious crying power to lure others in."

"The dead were burned to death, just like experiencing the fire again."

"Why are people who go in normally not burned to death except those who are working on the construction?"

Looking at these four questions, Lin Yi had a faint smile on his face.

"A D-level incident that is relatively easy to solve."

Putting down this report, he looked at the second report.

The name of the second report event is also very strange-midnight call.

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