Chapter 1205 – Lose both

[Purgatory Meteor] is a blitz that is faster than [Shiranui]. Guijiang Ma almost lost Bai Yu’s vision this time. If it weren’t for Shiba to walk in a straight line, at that speed, Guijiang Ma’s. Vision can’t keep up.

However, Guijiang Arima responded in the first place. Guijiang Arima tossed his {Mingshen} in the air, Guijiang Arima did not throw it high, just just over his head.

The second reason Arima Kijo did this was to do multiple-choice questions for Shiraba. If there is Ma Guijiang holding {Mingshen}, then Bai Yu will definitely attack the arm holding the weapon first, so it may be too late for Ma Guijiang to change hands of {Mingshen} at this time. .

Therefore, Guijiang Ma chose to throw {Mingshen} up in advance, so that regardless of Bai Yu attacking Guijiang Ma’s hand, Guijiang Ma could immediately reconnect the weapon with his other hand, and then confront Bai Yu. Fight back.

Of course, in this case, some people will say that Bai Yu can choose to let go {Mingshen} first, so that Arima Gui will not be able to get back the weapon. But if Bai Yu did this, Gui Ma’s arms would be hugged, and at the same time he would be able to retreat immediately.

When the time comes, Bai Yu will chase again, which will be very passive.

You must know that there is no silly horse, so if he has no weapons, he must choose to escape the first time.

If Ma Gui will run away, it seems that some have sold his teammates. After all, there are still two injured and unconscious teammates on the top of the building. If Ma Gui will run away, it seems that he will lose his grace.

But this is also a question that Guijiang Arima has thought about, but the reason why Guijiang Arima chooses to escape is because Guijiang Arima knows that Bai Yu will not use hostages to threaten him, otherwise, Yui would have been threatening him a long time ago. .

Even if Bai Yu was so embarrassed that he was furious at Houji and Ujinge killer because of Ma Gui’s escape, then Arima Gui could only accept the facts, and would not be overwhelmed, because the two of them survived, all because of Bai Yu’s kindness. That’s it, Bai Yu retracted his kindness, that was his power.

At best, Ma Gui will not be able to protect Houji and Ujing, and the situation is true. Without weapons, Ma Gui will not be able to use his fists to fight Bai Yu, otherwise it will be nothing, and he seems very stupid. Ma Guijiang is an extremely sensible person, so he is not doing that kind of hot-headed, that kind of seemingly brave and fearless behavior.

Bai Yu’s final choice was not to attack Arima’s weapon, but to attack Arima’s dominant hand. [IXA] immediately pierced Arima’s shoulder armor, and then pierced his collarbone and humerus. At the connection point, finally the whole [IXA] was completely passed through the hole, and one of Ma Guijiang’s arm was removed, and only a little part of the skin and flesh of the arm and torso were glued.

There was no time for the pain to be painful, and he immediately returned {Mingshen} with his left hand backhand, then predicted the position of Baiyu, and immediately fired a shot behind him.(Read more @

Because Guijiang Arima’s muzzle was aimed behind him through the gap between his left arm and torso, Guijiang Arima’s gun did not need to turn around, so there was no delay or wasted time.

Although Guijiang Ma is a backhand attack, Guijiang Ma’s backhand is almost aroused at the same time that Baiyu attacks.

Therefore, with this blow, Bai Yu has no possibility to dodge. At this time, it was too late to activate the dragon armor. The electric current hit Bai Yu’s body all at once, causing Bai Yu’s body to become stiff and paralyzed.

Immediately afterwards, Guijiang Arima immediately turned his body over, and at the same time the {Mingjin} in his left hand also changed from the cannon form to the sword form. Guijiang Arima did not hesitate at all, and the sword was directed towards Baiyu. Spine chopped over

Because Bai Yu’s body was paralyzed by the electric current, he couldn’t react immediately. When Bai Yu wanted to dodge, it was too late. The {Mingshen} of Guijiang Ma was already breaking Bai Yu’s spine.

But there is a spinal cord on the spine, and the spinal cord controls the movement of the human body. The spinal cord is cut, directly leaving Bai Yu’s hands and feet out of control.

After Bai Yu found out that his body was disobedient, his heart was very anxious. Just as Bai Yu was considering whether to treat what he said before as fart, when he used Kazuko, Guijiang Ma’s {Mingshen} was already stab at the back of Bai Yu’s head Past.

At this time, Guijiang Arima still had no expression on his face, he was very indifferent, and he was not happy because he was given the opportunity to attack.

Fortunately, Bai Yu’s skull was very hard. The {Mingshen} of Ma Guijiang didn’t penetrate completely, only the tip of the blade pierced in a little bit, but it was certain that the blade pierced Bai Yu’s brain.

If this is an ordinary person, it is estimated that there will be no rescue.

However, Bai Yu did not die at this time. Instead, Bai Yu roared under the stimulation of the current of the sword body. The Dao He in his right hand suddenly released, and then the whole person suddenly turned around, and in the end it was severely slapped. It was cut on the left arm of Guijiang Arima.

With this cut, Guijiang Arima’s entire left arm was cut off neatly.

At this time, the white feather in Ma Guijiang’s eyes seemed to be an irritated beast, with blood spilling out of the white feather’s eye sockets.

Immediately afterwards, Shiraba and Kiyoshi Arima knelt down on the ground at the same time, and then looked like they were about to fall down. Instead, the figures of the last two were supported by each other’s bodies.

The reason why Arima Guijiang suddenly fell at this time was because the strength that Arima Guijiang held was finally used up. Once this last strength is used up, the body has no spare energy, and naturally it can’t support it.

After all, Guijiang Ma is not afraid of pain, but the injury still exists. What’s more, in the end, Bai Yu cut off the other arm of Guijiang Ma. This time, Guijiang Ma was completely relieved. .

The main reason why Bai Yu fell down was that his spinal cord was injured and his body could not fully accept the control of his brain. Secondly, the brain has also been damaged and stimulated by a great electric current, so Bai Yu’s current state does not have to be any better than Ma Guijiang.

If Bai Yu didn’t have Hebao to maintain the body, then Bai Yu is probably dying slowly now.

To talk about who won the battle between Shiraha and Takashi Arima, if you look at the result purely, it may be that Takashi Arima won, or it was a tie, because from the results, Baiyu’s injury is to It will be more expensive than Arima.

But if you look at the whole process and the overall situation, it is that you will lose.

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