The Heavens And All Realms Start From Demon Slayer

Chapter 1204 - I only need your hands

Chapter 1204 – I only need your hands

The reason why Bai Yu did not choose to attack is because there is no dragon armor protection. If Bai Yu chooses to attack, he will definitely be hit by the electric shock of {Mingshen}, and this will give Guijiang Arima a chance to counterattack.

Unless Bai Yu is attacking the back of General Gui Ma, as long as Bai Yu can penetrate the back of Gui General Ma, then even if Bai Yu is shocked to a stiff position, then Gui General Ma will be dead, but if Gui General Ma expected By the time Bai Yu would do this, he must have taken precautions long ago.

If the fatal blow is evaded by Arima Guijiang, then Bai Yu’s situation will be very dangerous. Arima Gui will definitely take advantage of Bai Yu’s stiff electric shock and give Bai Yu a fatal blow backhand.

At this time, Bai Yu’s choice to save his life was to re-use Kazuko and enter Longhua.

But if you do that, what Bai Yu said just now is completely fart.

If Shiro Yu changes the easy-to-dodge stabbing to sweeping, then in [IXA] the sword without the blade, it is just like a stick on the head of Guijiang Arima, if Guijiang Ma’s head is hard enough , That attack will only knock out Arima Gui, and the percussion will not have much impact on Arima Gui.

After that, Bai Yu would still be electrocuted.

No matter how Baiyu attacks, {Mingshen}’s attack is 100% sure to hit Baiyu.

In this way, if Bai Yu’s attack did not severely damage Arima, then it is very likely that the opportunity will be given to Arima.

The most important point is that Bai Yu is not interested in Arima’s life. Compared to killing Arima, Bai Yu is more interested in Arima’s hands. This can also be regarded as Bai Yu’s attack on Arima. A powerful counterattack that dropped one’s feet.

Noble General Arima, who has lost his arms, even if he is fierce, he probably won’t be able to fight anymore.

However, in the current situation, Bai Yu could not choose to attack, he could only give up the attack and look for the next opportunity.

After seeing that Shiratori was not attacking, Takashi Arima immediately started to run. The goal was very obvious. He planned to get a distance from Shiba. Only when the distance was opened, could Takashi Arima have more reaction. time.

After running for a few meters, Guijiang Arima’s figure immediately turned around, and at the same time the {Mingshen} in his hand changed from a reverse grip to a forward grip, and then aimed behind him.

Seeing that Shiro Yu turned on [IXA]’s defense mode, Kichan Arima did not shoot Shi Yu again, and at the same time, he was very troubled by Bai Yu’s caution.

Bai Yu is very powerful in his own right, and no matter how cautious he is, this completely does not give Arima no chance.

If Ma Guijiang commented on Bai Yu this time, it would be impeccable.(Read more @

Bai Yu’s judgment is very correct. If he is replaced by Ma Guijiang, he will definitely make the same choice as Bai Yu, giving up offense and changing to defense.

However, since Bai Yu hadn’t violated what he said before, this was even more unexpected to Ma Guijiang. If Bai Yu chose to use Kazuko at the time, he could definitely kill him.

But Bai Yu didn’t do this. Doesn’t he want his life? If this is the case, then why didn’t Bai Yu leave?

“Why didn’t you do it just now?” Guijiang Arima asked very curiously and suspiciously.

“Your life is useless to me. I want to see how you lose your hands.” Bai Yu replied.

Hearing this, Guijiang Ma came to understand at once, and at the same time he was sure that Bai Yu would not kill himself, and only wanted his own two arms.

This news is very important to Arima, because Arima can use this to defeat Shiro Yu.

Of course, the premise is that Bai Yu really will not attack Guijiang Arima’s life gate, but Guijiang Arima now believes that Bai Yu will not attack his life gate. If Bai Yu were to attack, he would have attacked it a long time ago, so he believes What Bai Yu said is true.

“So that’s the case, in this case, it is estimated that you may have to use your life to exchange my arms.” Guijiang Arima replied.

The reason why Kishang Arima said this was that he planned to sacrifice his arm to replace Bai Yu’s life.

This is the best result Arima Guijiang thinks, and it is also a result he can accept. If Arima Guijiang does not make sacrifices, then there is no need to fight against Baiyu. He has to do tactics now. Retreat, Bai Yu seems to be chasing after him.

If you choose Bai Yu to pursue, then Arima Gui will have to lead Bai Yu to the CCG circle of encirclement and suppression, relying on crowd tactics to deal with Bai Yu, but Arima Gui will at this time think that Bai Yu will not pursue.

So in the face of Bai Yu, there are two choices before Arima Guijiang, either fight or run.

“You take yourself too seriously!” Bai Yu couldn’t help but teased Guijiang Arima.

After speaking, Shiro Yu switched [IXA] back to the attacking form, and then pushed towards Arima Guijiang again.

After seeing Shira Yu’s [IXA] in the attacking form, Mr. Arima’s {Mingshen} aimed at Shiraue fired, and immediately, {Mingshen} shot 5 light bulbs from the muzzle.

If Bai Yu is not the normal state, Arima Gui will not use {Mingshen}’s cannon form, but since Bai Yu does not use Kazue, then the cannon form attack is effective against Bai Yu, even if it is not 100% sure to hit Bai Yu, but But it must be able to limit the movement of Bai Yu’s figure.

The premise that Arima is willing to play 1V1 with Bai Yu is also because he has seen that Bai Yu does not use Kyoko. If he finds that Bai Yu is not right, Arima will choose to retreat tactically.

If he refuses to take a fight that is absolutely fair to him, he probably won’t have this chance next time.

After Bai Yu’s figure was attached to the electro-optical ball’s face, Bai Yu’s figure changed.

“Liu Liu Wu!”

After Bai Yu’s use of Liu Liuwu’s body method, his body shape is like the same stream of water, passing through the gap of five electro-optical balls.

Kisho Arima’s figure moved at the same time, and he fired a shot at the ground to make the ground in a state of electric shock. In this way, if the barefoot Shiraito stepped on this area, a strong current would surely rush into him. body of.

Even if Bai Yu’s movements were slightly affected, it was an opportunity for Guijiang Arima.

Bai Yu’s figure suddenly jumped on the ground, and his feet jumped off the ground. The jumped Bai Yu didn’t pull the distance back, but continued to attack Arima Gui.

The electric ground did not stop Bai Yu’s attack. Guijiang Ma also expected that Bai Yu would jump into the air to attack him, but he did not expect that Bai Yu’s jump into the air was not high, so the speed of Bai Yu’s assault was still very fast.

“Purgatory Meteor!”

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