After occupying the sea where Poseidon was originally located, Typhon stopped for a while.

He shows his cruel and ruthless side, there are many small islands in the Poseidon sea inhabited by many Poseidon humans, there are many creatures at the bottom of the sea, and there are native gods who do not want to follow Poseidon to leave.

The beasts have drowned these beings, their fangs appear extremely hideous, and the blood stains the ocean red, and it is not too much for the creatures to be used here.

Poseidon’s temples on the islands naturally could not survive, and were neatly torn down, and some island dwellers prayed until their deaths why the gods they believed in did not appear to protect their devout believers.

But praying that if it were useful they would obviously not bury the belly of the beast, Poseidon was far away on Mount Olympus, he knew the situation here, and he was angry, and then it was gone.

This sea area turned into a dead domain after the beast plague, and tens of millions of human souls were resentful in front of the river of the underworld, unwilling to cross the river.

The peace of the underworld was disturbed, the creatures that had been resting were awakened, and Hades hurriedly dealt with it.

But this is just the beginning, the beginning of a catastrophe.

Typhon’s beast tide marched towards the earth, and 670 locusts crossed the border, leaving no grass, leaving a mess.

The towns they traveled through turned into mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and mortals had no ability to face powerful monsters, they could not resist, and could only pray to the gods in the sky.

However, at this time, the Olympian gods fell into hesitation.

The Mother Earth is Gaia, and she did not respond when the Olympian sent an envoy to inquire.

Although it is said that nominally Olympus Zeus rules the sky, Poseidon rules the sea, Hades rules the underworld, and the three brothers jointly rule the earth, in fact, there is the existence of the mother of the earth, and the actual controller of the earth is Gaia.

But Mother Earth Gaia did not have a temple for people to worship, and at this time, the human region was dedicated to the Olympian gods, and humans naturally did not know the twists and turns, and did not want to know.

Humans prayed to the Olympian gods, but received no answer, no gods to take care of them, their faith until the last moment of their lives, and after death they no longer wanted to believe in the Olympian gods.

They turned into grudges and cursed the gods of heaven, the gods they once worshipped (afah).

With the spread of time, one human town after another has been pulled out, which is comparable to the extinction of the world, and in a few days like this, the human race may become extinct.

Zeus was a little overwhelmed, and he wanted to meet Typhon head-on, but was dissuaded.

“Zeus, you have to calm down, this is not the time to confront them head-on.”

“Not at this time? Until when? Before we were looking for them, at this time they came out and we wanted to avoid the war? ”

The roar of Zeus spread throughout Mount Olympus.

Although Hera, the queen of heaven, was frightened by the wrath of Zeus, she still stood up, and she gently persuaded the angry god-king.

“Mother Earth Gaia does not want to help us, but secretly helps Typhon, and it is difficult for them to defeat Typhon standing on the earth.”

That’s right, but it’s cold to humans.

In addition to the goddess who is slightly weaker, although the scene of the gods is unbearable, but can be indifferent, Zeus still has a human heart after all, he can’t help. Watching the human burial and the belly of the beast.

“Even if he stands on the earth, how can we defeat him head-on, are you afraid?”

“…… We are not afraid, we just want to wait until he leaves the earth. ”


The Olympian gods discouraged Zeus from being impulsive, and they wanted to wait until Typhon attacked Mount Olympus before fighting to the death.

Zeus’s heart was depressed, like a dark cloud in the sky.

He did not want to stay in the temple any longer, and strode out, and then he found his beautiful daughter Aphrodite outside the temple, her eyes red, and she seemed to have wept.

“What’s wrong? My dear daughter. ”

Zeus stepped forward, slowed down and asked her softly, he did not want to vent his own to his daughter.

Aphrodite wiped her tears when she saw her father coming, but when she heard Zeus’s question, she couldn’t help but cry.

“Father, those beasts are so cruel, my followers pray to me and cry to me, I don’t want them to die.”

When Aphrodite was born, Zeus carried her to an inland sea to bathe, and later gave it to Aphrodite, and she has been running it with her heart, and many believers believe in her religiously.

If God did not stop it, the peace and quiet of the Aegean region would be broken, and it would be no different from the previous region.

Zeus was speechless, he suddenly felt how ironic his supremacy was.

As a god king, you can’t protect humans? As a god king, the gift to his daughter cannot be saved? As a god king, even the apple town he hopes to leave a legend to keep?

Perhaps it was not the first time that people could be recreated after defeating Typhon, that they could be taught new history, and that the same legends they had written could be passed on.

Zeus saw the anger in the heart of the world and wanted to stop Typhon from such a brutal killing, but he was dissuaded… Is it really persuaded and not afraid of the consequences of the defeat of this war?


Can Zeus himself forget about this? Zeus felt that it would not work.

He is the god-king of Olympus, the supreme god-king, and he is Zeus, and he is invincible to Zeus in this life

How could he be afraid?


Zeus caressed his beautiful daughter’s blonde hair, his voice gentle and firm.

“When my father gave you a gift, he promised that as a father he would never lose faith in his daughter, and that the waters of the Aegean Sea would always be clear.”

Zeus smiled at Aphrodite, who was startled, but then reacted, his face pale.

“Father don’t go”


Zeus just smiled and hugged her gently.

Then, without any hesitation, he flew into the sky, possessed by the armor of Uria, Aegis Aegis in his left hand, and the thunderous spear attached to his right hand.

The waters of the Aegean Sea are always clear, and the legend of Apple Town lives on.


ps: The second more, the four or five more said on the shelves … This is a coincidence, and when this wave of owed updates is completed, we will talk about the five more. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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