The General Said She Didn’t Take a Wife

Chapter 123: Southern Xinjiang · China

Lin Aoxue ordered the southern garrison to keep an eye on the southern border's actions, then ignored Wang Desheng's proposal to take the emperor's husband, and left Zaochao directly.

After leaving the Xuande Hall, Lin Aoxue hurriedly went to the imperial study. The messenger who was in charge of receiving the news had already waited outside the imperial study with the documents from the southern border. Lin Aoxue took the documents and read the contents of the documents at a glance.

Her frown became tighter and tighter. The content of the letter was divided into two parts. The first part was the situation reported by Xue Guan in the last month, and the second part was the handwriting of Yunyan, which was familiar to Lin Aoxue.

Although Yunyan's mother was the emperor's concubine, the emperor avoided her identity and did not allow her to be buried in the emperor's tomb. After her death, Que Rong, as her maid, collected the demon concubine's clothes and returned to the southern border for her A tomb was erected.

After Yunyan returned to the southern border three years ago, the soldiers and horses of the southern border did not allow the soldiers of Ningguo to set foot on their land. Even though Yunyan had already stated his intention, a hundred guards were the limit they could allow.

So Xue Guan led a hundred soldiers to **** Yunyan across the border, while the remaining 5,000 elite soldiers waited for news in the southern garrison camp. Yunyan first went to her mother's tomb to pay homage, and then buried Que Rong's ashes beside her mother's tomb. Right next to the new tomb, Que Rong lived in the small bamboo hut.

Xue Guan and his soldiers became Yunyan's nursery.

A month later, the monarch of Nanjiang sent someone to invite Yunyan to enter the palace. After learning that Yunyan was a witch who was sent to Beichen Palace, she also inherited Que Rong's witchcraft technique, and Yunyan befriended the new emperor of Ning. The monarch of the Southern Border became active and wanted to persuade Yunyan not to hold grudges against the wet nurse.

Even in the southern border, the magic of witchcraft is very rare. The monarch of the southern border does not want the magic of witchcraft to be lost, so he wants Yunyan to pass on the magic. Yun Yan did not immediately refuse, but said that if the monarch wanted her to teach her the secret art of witchcraft, it would not be impossible, but he had to kill the national teacher first.

At the beginning, it was proposed to send Yunyan's mother to Beichen, and even later, under the coercion of Beichenhe, he joined forces with Beichenhe to help Beichenhe rise to power, and the person who killed Que Rong was the national teacher.

How could the monarch of the Southern Border kill the hard-working national teacher because of Yunyan, but he refused to give up the witchcraft in Yunyan's hands. At first, they were moved by love and reason, intending to persuade Yunyan, but Yunyan did not. Impressed, the monarch secretly sent a master, intending to make Yunyan submit.

However, none of the soldiers and horses under Xue Guan were vegetarians, and several sneak attacks were blocked.

So entangled, in a blink of an eye, three years.

The monarch of the Southern Border was furious and couldn't bear it any longer, and finally moved his troops to capture Yunyan directly with tough means. Xue Guan heard the change and immediately wanted to leave Southern Border with Yunyan.

This is the end of the letter in Lin Aoxue's hand. The news from the previous month said that Yunyan and the monarch of Nanjiang were deadlocked, and no one had compromised. This time, the monarch of Nanjiang intended to send troops to force Yunyan to submit.

There was no panic between the lines of Yunyan. She said that although the monarch ordered to send troops, she had already made a plan to retreat, and there should be no danger when there were soldiers from the border of Ningguo. She told Lin Aoxue not to worry.

But how could Lin Aoxue not worry.

She frowned, her eyes flashing with cold light, this time the mutiny on the southern border is obviously unusual, Yunyan said to retreat, but she did not receive the news of Yunyan returning to Ningguo, if what happened when their plan was implemented What's wrong, where did Yunyan bump into each other, or was caught by the monarch of the Southern Border, what should I do?

Lin Aoxue snorted coldly and stood up from her seat, and then sent someone to invite Bei Chenling and the old prime minister. When the two entered the imperial study to salute, Lin Aoxue said straight to the point:

"Prime Minister, Fu Fu, I want to go to the southern border. I wonder if the two of you have a good plan to let me get away for the time being?"

The prime minister and Bei Chenling didn't understand the meaning of Lin Aoxue's words at first. After a short period of stunned, the two turned pale in shock. They quickly linked Lin Aoxue's current state with the emergency report from the southern border that they learned in the court today. , Bei Chenling didn't care about his dignity for a while, he stepped forward in fear, and asked with a face full of shock:

"Your Majesty! What happened to Southern Border to make Your Majesty be so at a loss?"

Lin Aoxue made up her mind, then raised her eyes and glanced at the old prime minister. After hesitating for a while, she replied:

"Today, in addition to the Southern Border Military News, I also received a letter from Dr. Yun from Southern Border. In her letter, she told me that she would return to Ningguo, but now that Doctor Yun has not returned, there has been a mutiny in Southern Border. worried."

Bei Chenling knew about the relationship between Lin Aoxue and Yunyan. After Yunyan left for three years, Lin Aoxue misses him every day.

Three years ago, when she knew that Yunyan was her own sister, she was happy and at the same time unspeakably melancholy. Coinciding with Beichenhe's death under torture, Beichenling lived in a daze for a period of time, so she never explained her feelings to Yunyan at the time, and she didn't even send Yunyan away when she left.

This matter was in her heart, and she always felt very regretful, thinking that when Yunyan came back, she must find a chance to talk to her, how happy she was that Yunyan was her sister.

Now hearing Lin Aoxue say that something may have happened to Yunyan at the border gate, Bei Chenling's heart suddenly lifted, she frowned slightly, her expression solemn, and asked again:

"Isn't there any news from my sister from the border?"

Lin Aoxue let out a long sigh, her face filled with sorrow:


Once any news of Yunyan got into her hands, she wouldn't be so flustered. The old prime minister watched Lin Aoxue and Bei Chenling circling around the room, his face also became a little ugly, and he said:

"Your Majesty, you are the ruler of a country, and you should take state affairs as the top priority. As for Miss Yun, you can ask your subordinates to investigate and respond. Why should Your Majesty go to the southern border in person?"

He knew that Lin Aoxue and Yunyan had a close relationship, but no matter how good the relationship between sisters was, how could they be so selfish? What's more, there is still no conclusion about whether there is an accident in Yunyan. Lin Aoxue ran over in a hurry at this moment, not to mention the delay of state affairs.

Lin Aoxue frowned and glanced at the old Prime Minister helplessly.

The old prime minister was an important minister of the previous dynasty and Hongming's teacher. In the past three years, the old prime minister has given Lin Aoxue a lot of help in state affairs. Although he is not a pedantic person, in his heart, national affairs will always trump personal affairs. , He thought that Lin Aoxue couldn't leave court affairs for a cloud of smoke.

As for the old prime minister, Lin Aoxue naturally couldn't directly shake her face like the courtiers outside. She gritted her teeth, walked a few steps in the room, and turned around and said:

"Prime Minister, Miss Yun is different to me. In the past three years, I have never been negligent in state affairs, and I have no personal time at all, but Miss Yun is my old knowledge, and I cannot be ruthless and unrighteous. People, besides, the mutiny in the southern border, I went to investigate the situation, it is not completely irrelevant to state affairs, I also ask the Prime Minister to give me an idea."

Lin Aoxue spoke sincerely, and the old prime minister frowned. Lin Aoxue has really worked hard for the past three years and devoted a lot of effort to the affairs of her country and country. It is extremely rare for her to ask for one thing so persistently.

The prime minister considered, Lin Aoxue's own martial arts needless to say, she went to the southern border, and there were very few people who could secretly murder Lin Aoxue. As for the government affairs in the DPRK, with his help, the problem is not serious. After thinking about it for a long time, the old prime minister finally compromised, nodded and replied:

"That being the case, the old minister thought that instead of going there secretly, His Majesty might as well lead the troops directly to expedition."

Lin Aoxue used to be a general, and no one was better at leading troops than her. She personally led the army to the south, and there was no possibility that someone would secretly murder her after knowing her identity. They were the first to cause trouble, and Lin Aoxue personally went out to fight to clean up the southern border, which could also accumulate Lin Aoxue's reputation.

The old prime minister thought of several reasons to convince himself.

Lin Aoxue finally stretched her eyebrows, this was the answer she wanted most.

Bei Chenling looked at the smile in Lin Aoxue's eyes, and shook her head helplessly. It seemed that Lin Aoxue had already made a decision in her heart. She just wanted the Prime Minister to say these words. In this way, with the Prime Minister supporting her, The ministers of the DPRK and China couldn't make any waves.

The next day, a holy decree spread throughout the capital, stunned everyone.

Lin Aoxue decided to go on a personal expedition, and threw all the political affairs in the DPRK to the old prime minister and Bei Chenling, and led the 10,000 forbidden troops to set off the next day to lead the southern garrison to attack the southern border.

The matter was widely spread in Beijing, and the people originally did not understand why Lin Aoxue did this, but the former rebel Bei Chenhe colluded with the southern border assassins to interfere with the previous dynasty's administration and affect the change of dynasties. Now the southern border army is taking the initiative to provoke the southern border. After the news of Lin Aoxue came out, Ning's public opinion was boiling, and all the people cheered for Lin Aoxue.

Lin Aoxue put on the general's uniform again, but this time, the general's uniform on her body was obviously tailored to her figure, and she didn't need to tie a man's hair in a bun.

The capital's position on the way to Ningguo was closer to the south, so Lin Aoxue led the forbidden army to march with swift horses and whips before arriving at the southern border within five days.

The chief general of the southern border, Chen Feng, personally greeted Lin Aoxue's arrival from the camp, and the soldiers of the three armies shouted long live.

Chen Feng was also very confused when he received the order from Lin Aoxue to go on a personal expedition. Although Southern Border had dispatched troops to confront them, they did not launch an attack. Even if the two sides confronted each other and a war broke out, there should be an analysis of the battle situation. The process of deciding whether to request support from the court.

Unexpectedly, he just sent a military report to the capital that there was a change in the southern border army, and Lin Aoxue directly led the mighty people to come. Mistakenly thought that the war situation was very serious and had reached a critical moment of life and death, so they rushed to the rescue in such a hurry.

But when he thought about it, he felt that something was wrong. If Lin Aoxue came to the rescue, why did he only bring ten thousand troops?

Therefore, when the team led by Lin Aoxue appeared outside the gate tower in the southern border, Chen Feng had not yet figured out what was going on, so he had to greet him from the camp in a confused manner, and followed the big Buddha Lin Aoxue first.

Lin Aoxue's face was cold all the way. The more Chen Feng thought about it, the more confused his mind became. He couldn't understand Lin Aoxue's intention, so he simply kept silent. Since Lin Aoxue has come, what should be done, how to do it, Lin Aoxue will naturally make arrangements. No need for him to worry more.

The author has something to say: Oh Huo~ Er Mao went to pick up his daughter-in-law

One more chapter to come!

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