The General Said She Didn’t Take a Wife

Chapter 122: Southern Xinjiang · Shang

"Since the two of you have no objection, then I will reply to the grassland."

As Lin Aoxue spoke, she took out a pen from her desk and began to write a reply letter to Zhe Ji. She ticked off a few of the plans listed in Zhe Ji's document and suggested revisions, taking into account the fact that there was no war between the two countries before. There is no other commercial exchange, so it is better to build a small trading town at the junction of the northern border and the grassland.

The city is divided into two sections, the north and the south. The south is guarded by the Ning Kingdom, while the north is managed by the barbarians of the grasslands. The two sides maintain harmony and stability in the city. Once they enter the city, swords are not allowed to be used in the city.

Lin Aoxue wrote down his thoughts and suggestions on trade in detail, and finally wrote:

If your country intends to do business with Ningguo and sign a contract, please send key officials, agree on a place, and discuss in detail in person.

After she finished writing, she handed the document to the old prime minister and Bei Chenling for review. After they both nodded in agreement, Lin Aoxue asked her cronies to send the document to the north.

In the following three months, Lin Aoxue and Zhe Ji communicated with each other by letters, basically determining the main points of the bilateral trade.

When the cooperation between the two countries was initially decided, Lin Aoxue and Zhe Ji each sent their staff to the border to check the terrain and prepare for the construction of a small trading town in the future. A small place called Shengshi.

As for the written contract, Bei Chenling took some of the personal guards sent to her by Lin Aoxue and a party Xiaoyin to the north, and had an interview with the envoy from the grassland. The meeting place was set at Shengshi.

Ningguo and Caoyuan each sent 10,000 soldiers and horses to build a temporary camp in Shengshi. Beichenling rushed to the north before winter came, and was escorted by Pei Qing to arrive at Shengshi's camp in Ningguo at the agreed time. After half an hour, the people who came to negotiate on the grassland also arrived.

Bei Chenling opened the tent, and the guards outside the tent carefully guarded her. She raised her eyes and looked not far away, and saw several tall horses kicking and kicking running over. The first woman was dressed in wolf skin clothes, and when she arrived at the station, After turning over and dismounting, and all the people who followed behind were respectful, Bei Chenling knew that this woman was Boca's new barbarian king, Zhe Ji.

The two sides sat down to discuss the contract. When Zhe Ji saw Bei Chen Ling, the first sentence was:

"The girl looks a bit like an old friend of this king."

Yunyan used to serve Beichenling before, and Beichenling also knew about her connection with the interior of the grassland, so she laughed when she heard the words:

"Then the old man that King Barbarian said was his sister Yunyan."

Zhe Ji raised her eyebrows, somewhat surprised, but upon closer inspection, it seemed that Bei Chenling's eyebrows gradually overlapped with Yunyan's. She laughed, held the pen in her hand, looked at Bei Chenling and said:

"I don't know if there is a chance to be friends with the girl after today?"

Bei Chenling didn't say no, didn't say yes, just pursed his lips and smiled, and said:

"The two countries are engaged in business and have their own exchanges."

Zhe Ji failed to strike up a conversation, and shrugged helplessly.

After that, they discussed the business contract for about two hours before finalizing the plan. Zhe Ji was a straightforward person and immediately signed the document. Bei Chenling also signed his name, and then used Lin Aoxue's small seal. Sealed.

Because Ning Guo and Grassland were doing business for the first time, Lin Aoxue and Zhe Ji didn't stretch the time too long, they only wanted to try it out for ten years, and then sign an extended contract if they needed it later.

Bei Chenling left Shengshi with the signed document, Zhe Ji glanced at the team that had gone away, the corners of her lips twitched, and she smiled at the person beside her:

"This Ning Guo's female official is eloquent, not worse than her sister at all! The two sisters are both human beings."

When negotiating the contract just now, Bei Chenling brought out the momentum and majesty he had when he was the county master. In some controversial places, he pointed out the conflicts that might arise in the future, and then asked them for a way to deal with them. If there is no suitable solution. The solution must be as she said.

Zhe Ji was amazed, she turned around with a smile, and the people around her quickly followed, and then she heard her say to herself:

"Hey, I never imagined that Lin Aoxue was actually a woman, huh, when will I find a chance to go to Ningguo to see her."

Her words were scattered in the wind and slowly disappeared.

After the contract was signed, the northern border and the grassland each sent their troops to build a small trading town in Shengshi. When the snow covered the pass, the troops and horses of both sides simply settled in the small town. If something happened, the southern city smelled the fragrance of horse milk from the northern city, so they took Xingbeiguan. To exchange the fruit brewing, the prairie people are curious about the silk and porcelain of Ningguo, and they also bring their furs to trade.

One after another, it was the two armies that first started the trial of the transaction between the two countries.

By the second year when the ice melted and the snow melted, Shengshi had been built, and there was an endless stream of merchants. In the next two years, there was no war in the northern border and grassland. With development, the northern border, as a bitter and cold place on the border, has become the most prosperous place in Ningguo.

Three years have passed quickly in the midst of busy affairs of state affairs. Recently, Lin Aoxue often frowned, and even did not want to go to court.

Just after the Chinese New Year, Lin Aoxue woke up, and when her consciousness gradually returned, her face was wrinkled. Yesterday was the last rest after the Chinese New Year, which meant that it was time to go to the morning to wake up this morning.

The palace servants were already waiting outside the imperial study. Lin Aoxue just woke up when the palace servants' voices came from outside:

"Your Majesty, it's time to change."

Lin Aoxue was extremely helpless. Fortunately, the capital was not as cold as the north, so she turned over and quickly put on her underwear before allowing the palace people to enter the palace.

The maids in the palace groomed Lin Aoxue and changed the court clothes as usual. When Lin Aoxue took care of it and went to Xuande Hall, the ministers had already arrived. However, the ministers in the hall had obviously not recovered from the languid state of the rest period. Lin Aoxue yawned a few times, but stepped forward to the minister named Wang Desheng in the hall.

"Your Majesty, the Chinese New Year has passed. As for the matter that the ministers mentioned the day before yesterday to replace His Majesty's husband, how has His Majesty considered it?"

Lin Aoxue's sense of drowsiness disappeared immediately, and there was even a chill down her spine.

She is already thirty-three. If she is called another emperor, there are seven or eight of her princes and daughters.

But Lin Aoxue has a special status. She used to disguise herself as a man to fight in the army, and she has nothing to do with men, but now she is on the throne. Ministers inevitably began to consider the success of the country.

Lin Aoxue is a woman, so of course she can only accept the emperor's husband. Since Lin Aoxue ascended the throne, she has great power. Many dignitaries in Beijing want to send their little babies into the palace. However, Lin Aoxue focuses on the state affairs. While the ministers are relieved, they are also a little anxious. Although Lin Aoxue has the talent and virtue to run the world, but she has no successor. When Lin Aoxue abdicates in the future, who should run the Ning Kingdom and the world?

Therefore, the matter of recruiting a royal husband for Lin Aoxue, in the eyes of these ministers, on the one hand, is to satisfy their selfishness, on the other hand, it is also for the sake of the country and the society.

The ministers were so careful that Lin Aoxue couldn't understand. Their old thoughts had not been completely let go. After Lin Aoxue accepted the emperor's husband, no matter who came to the throne in the future, whether it was a prince or a princess, in a sense, it was considered to be a tendency towards power. On the side of the royal husband.

Although Lin Aoxue has flaws on her face, as the ruler of a country, there are countless numbers of people who are secretly plotting. The scars on her face can't be a reason to discourage those who put their interests first.

In the first two years, not many ministers mentioned this matter. Perhaps it was because the Ning Kingdom was established at the beginning of the new dynasty, and the main purpose was to pacify the country. At the end of last year, Wang Desheng advised Lin Aoxue to be the emperor’s husband, and Lin Aoxue dismissed it with a few words. At the beginning of the new year, he did not give up on bringing the matter up again.

Wang Desheng is a fourth-rank civil official. If Lin Aoxue remembers correctly, he has three sons in his family. The eldest son is an adult and has not yet been married.

Lin Aoxue is one big and two big, Wang Desheng's performance is too obvious.

She thought to herself how to be euphemistic and fooled, but at this moment, an urgent report suddenly came from outside the Xuande Hall:

"Southern Border Emergency Report!!"

Lin Aoxue is very sensitive to the word "Southern Border" now. The messenger knelt outside the hall. Lin Aoxue waved his hand, ignoring Wang Desheng, and shouted directly:

"Bring it in!"

Wang Desheng had a look of embarrassment on his face, but now there is an urgent report from the southern border, and it must be that state affairs are more important, so although he is not reconciled, he can't say anything else, and reluctantly takes two steps back and vacates his seat in the hall.

The messenger stepped forward quickly and handed the urgent report that he had just received with both hands. Immediately, a palace servant took the urgent report from his hand and presented it to Lin Aoxue's table.

Lin Aoxue heard that the urgent report came from the southern border, and she had a vague feeling of bad feeling in her heart. After opening the document, she scanned the content of the urgent report at a glance, her complexion suddenly changed, her heart was burning with anger, violent drink:

"No reason!"

All the ministers were startled, and all the ministers in the hall fell to their knees and shouted:

"The phoenix body is the most important, Your Majesty calm down!"

The blue veins on Lin Aoxue's forehead jumped rapidly, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

She snorted coldly, gritted her teeth and said:

"Southern Border is really rampant!"

Bei Chenling understood, immediately took two steps forward, bowed and asked:

"I don't know what happened to the southern border, which caused His Majesty to be so angry?"

Lin Aoxue handed the urgent report to Bei Chen Ling, and Bei Chen Ling's expression changed suddenly when he saw it, and then picked up some important words and read it out:

"The southern border sent troops to Ningguo, and the army marched to twenty miles outside the southern border of Ningguo, with the hidden intention of attacking the city."

After speaking, she frowned and asked suspiciously:

"Nanjiang and Ningguo have never been at odds with each other. Why are you doing this this time?"

Lin Aoxue sneered:

"Nanjiang seems to be peaceful and uncontested these years. In fact, they are secretly calculating. In the chaos at the beginning of the dynasty, the six princes of the previous dynasty were killed by assassins in the southern border. , I learned some techniques, and I can't say that I was succeeded by that servant!"

She said so, but she was thinking to herself, just as the three-year period between her and Yunyan is coming, is it related to Yunyan when the people of Southern Border make a move at this time? The secret letter from the southern border every month should arrive today. If there is a change, it must be mentioned in the secret letter.

The author has something to say: strive to see Yunyan in today's update!

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