The Forbidden World

Chapter 1890: plan

Standing on the edge of the tower, Ezio watched the battle below.

Gunfire continued.

Necessary evil churches and demon hunters’ associations are armed with weapons in the base, but they are all in the headquarters next to London for the hoarding of vampire bullets for decisive battle. Although there are some here, they are prepared relative to the field. As far as the number of blood servants is concerned, there is indeed a shortage.

Moreover, the blood servants are wearing bulletproof vests and holding explosion-proof shields. The light weapons of the necessary evil church are difficult to cause fatal blows to these blood servants. The ordinary injuries of broken hands and feet are basically harmless to these blood servants.

In contrast to the enemy, although the bullets in their hands are ordinary goods, they are enough to cause fatal damage to everyone who is a human being. Even if there is a solid wall as a cover, there have been many casualties on the human side.

Looking at the two figures approaching the tower not far away, Ezio took a deep breath, and he rearranged the sleeved swords that were tied to his hands, ready to leap.

It hasn't been used for a long time, even if it is a simple technique of double assassination in the air, he still needs to brew it, or the smoke bomb is easy to use, but unfortunately he did not bring too much smoke bombs, which is not enough to support him to break in.

Ezio's arms spread, and his heart was calm like water. In the next moment, he would send the sleeve sword into the hearts of the two vampires like a predator.

However, before waiting for his action, the brick on which Ezio stepped suddenly exploded! Splashing stones hit the back of unprotected Ezio, leaving Ezio unbalanced as a whole!

The roaring wind in his ears reminded Ezio of his current situation. At the height of the necessary evil church headquarters, he would fall to the ground within a few seconds.

Even if the technology is good, Ezio is just an ordinary person. If he is prepared, he can use the leap of faith or the ability to assassinate in the air to let him fall from the sky safely, but under unprepared circumstances, he The final result only becomes a mud.

In a hurry, Aiqiuqiang endured the pain, and reached out a hook to catch the edge of the top of the tower, and then made a circle around the tower like a swing, and returned to the tower from the back.

As soon as he climbed the tower, Ezio was a tumbling, just avoiding a flying poker card, and looking at Tobarukaca, who was standing not far away, Ezio's face became very ugly .

"you are still alive."

"Of course I'm still alive. You can have many smoke bombs, and I can naturally use the trick many times, so Master Ezio, you who have been injured, how can you fight me? You, how many smoke bombs?"

Looking at the arrogant Tobarukacaine, Ezio did not respond, but pulled out his saber very calmly.

"Huh? Are you ready to die?"

If Ezio still used smoke bombs for assassination as before, then Tobarukacain might be more afraid. After all, his tricks are not flawless. Has he been found once before? If Ezio finds his true body and gives him a sword in his throat, he will surely die.

However, this kind of face-to-face melee, Tobalukain is really at all true, how to fight him with his physical fitness?

Tobaruka Cain doesn't even use playing cards anymore, he just stabs his fingers together as a weapon!

A shriek that broke through the sound barrier rang at the top of the tower, but Tobaruka's attack did not hit!

Ezio, who avoided the attack by a few centimetres, tried to attack, but his attack was directly blocked by the flying cards around Tobaruka.

Upon seeing this, Ezio knew he was going to be hard this time.

Now he can only do his best to block Tobalukain here, hoping that his disciples and those of the necessary evil church will be able to block the enemies underneath.

As Ezio struggled desperately at the top of the tower, Lal ordered the crowd from the battle command room.

"The other party's firepower is too fierce. We don't have the advantage outside. When they attack, we use terrain and magic to solve them. Those two vampires should not be the low-level goods we have encountered in the past. What special abilities should they have, It must be handled carefully."

"That, Bishop Lal, the instructor said that the two vampires would be dealt with by him."

Lal shook his head at Clay: "Master Ezio should have acted if he wants to act. He has not appeared so far, indicating that something must have gone wrong, maybe the other party secretly has a third ace, and has already been with Egie Has Master Austria met? In short, we can only rely on ourselves now."

Both Clay and Desmond looked ugly. They realized that what Lar said was probably true. When they thought that their mentor might be in crisis at the moment, they became anxious uncontrollably.

Lal noticed the difference between the two, but now he has no control over the two. Now the most important thing is how to deal with the army. He turned to look at his disciples: "Zhang, I asked you to contact the hellsing agency. What is the situation now?"

"The other party installed an electromagnetic jammer, all wireless devices were disabled, and the cable of the cable phone was also shortened. We can only send a message to the headquarters in London by magic and let them tell the hellsing agency about our attack."

Although he could not establish contact with the hellsing agency, Lal nodded with satisfaction: "As long as they know that the other party's attack target is They will formulate new strategies according to the situation. We just need Just consider how to fight."

Immediately, the new order was given to Zhang by Lal: "Next you go to the basement and get those things out. Although all the ordinary bullets are used, it should be no problem to deal with the blood servants."

"Bishop Lar, what are you talking about?"

"That's what I asked you to seal in the secret room. Archbishop Komyi made things that were not just for display!"

After receiving the order, Zhang immediately planned to leave, but was stopped by Bishop Lal.

"Don't worry. You have to tell you something first."

Lal looked around, the senior demon hunters in the Demon Hunter Association and the necessary backbone of the evil church, all facing Lal, waiting for his command.

"I plan to go to the back room and implement the hide plan. Don't make a big mistake, do you understand!?"


Clay and Desmond still looked serious. Their mentor, Ezio, went out to fight early, and did not know that the hide plan had started. No matter what mistakes Ezio had made, the hide plan would fail, which meant that they had to find a way to tell Ezio .

"It seems that the two of us can only run once in person, and hope that your skills have not deteriorated, Desmond."

"How could I go backwards, but you, Clay, I won't care if you are pulled down."

The two were ready to pack and planned to break out to find their mentor, but they did not know that their mentor was fighting at the top of the tower.

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