The Forbidden World

Chapter 1889: assassin

On the cliffs beaten by the sea, the dark-skinned youth in dark sportswear said something incomprehensible to others, while on his side, the gentleman in white who was almost the opposite of his appearance, rebuked lightly: "Noisy. You are always so noisy before work. Work is done quietly and calmly."

"Is it... this is... I know, I know!"

Faced with the elder brother's reprimand, the younger brother was very dissatisfied, but who called him the younger brother? This can only be the case.

The elder brother in white stopped talking, and turned his eyes to the magnificent building in front of him.

"It’s spectacular. It was possible to build such a base hundreds of years ago. It’s a pity that it’s outdated. The geographical location in the past was like a rift. Now, it’s just a dead place with no escape. So, start the mission, absolutely Can't fail!"

It seems to be hearing something very funny, the younger brother just laughed out loud: "Failed? How is it possible!"

With a clear snapping finger, hundreds of figures with explosion-proof shields, body armor, and assault rifles slowly walked out from the back of the two. They formed a square formation in front of them, and then gradually walked towards the building in front of them. go with.

The tidy footsteps made the ground tremble, and the sound of bell-shaped footsteps passed along the sea breeze to the building in front. Such a sudden movement suddenly awakened the people in the building. They hurried to the window and looked towards this side. Come.

"This is! An army formed by blood servants?"

Clay looked at the phalanx gradually approaching the tower, and his breath became thick. He had fought vampires in remote places such as laneways, and fought against them in the shadows. It was the first time Clay encountered such a situation that constituted an army.

Just looking at the sophisticated equipment on these blood servants, Clay felt a huge pressure. This is not an old-fashioned musket that was slow to load and fire and aimed at a few centuries ago. It is an automatic weapon that can be fired continuously. The barrage formed by so many people firing together, even the most powerful Hunters are also difficult to avoid.

"Don't stare."

Ezio pulled Clay back and said to Desmond, who was still calm, "Go and inform Bishop Lal. Let him build a defensive formation. I just saw two vampires without body armor. , These two should be their main fighting power, let me handle it."


Desmond was very worried. He also saw the two people said by Ezio. The problem was that both of them were in the center of the phalanx, under layers of protection. How would Ezio solve them?

"Go! The other party will not give us time to wait!"

After seeing Clay and Desmond leaving, Ezio returned to the room to sort out his equipment and made sure that there were no omissions and then came to the top of the tower alone.

To be honest, compared to hunting vampires, the work of assassinating enemy leaders among this kind of crowd is his most familiar thing. Unfortunately, the overall quality of vampires is much higher than that of ordinary people. The normal latent approach does not work, and he can only use the most risky way.

However, the scene at the top of the tower made Ezio extinguish his original thoughts.

"who are you?"

Two fallen guards stood in the middle, standing a man dressed as a cowboy, several cards in his hand flipped back and forth, seeming to have stood here for a long time.

Seeing the arrival of Ezio, the cowboy turned to bow and salute, introducing himself: "Dear Master Ezio, my name is Tobaruka Cain Alhambra, and acquaintances like to call me handsome guy."

"You are also part of them?"

"Ah, yes."

The card in his hand was held in front of him, and Tobarukaca glanced at the deadly place on Ezio with his murderous double pupils.

"Come here and take charge of Master Ezio's life."

Countless playing cards flew out of the edge of Tobarukacaine's sleeve out of thin air and turned into a whirlwind behind him, while Tobarukacaine took advantage of this whirlwind to cover Ezio's sight. Ao threw out the cards in his hand!

The thin playing cards flew towards Ezio as if they were shells. When Ezio saw the playing cards flying around Tobaruka, he guessed that the opponent's ability was related to the playing cards. Baruchain's specific abilities will naturally not be stupid with him. After a tumbling escaped the attack, a round object was thrown at the ground.

With a thump, the thick smoke filled the top of the tower, which made Tobarukacain uncomfortable.

"Why, is the rumored Master Ezio just a brave person who only uses small means?"

There wasn't a little sound around, which made Tobarukaca irritated. He looked around to find Egeo's location, but Egeo seemed to be a ghost and disappeared completely.

Fold your hands together, then open, and a series of playing cards appear in his palm. Under the control of Tobaruka, all the playing cards are turned into destructive weapons flying around, but in addition to the gust of wind and the destruction of the ground , These playing cards are useless at all.

Seeing that the smoke was about to dissipate completely, Tobaruka caused an idea, could Ezio escape?

He touched his brim, frowning, and he couldn’t believe it. Anyway, Ezio was also called a master. How could he escape without a fight?

Just when Tobarukacain was A hand suddenly appeared in Tobarukacaine's throat.

The silver blade separated Tobaruka's throat, and blood flowed out. Tobaruka was trying to turn around, but could not do anything, so he could not help but fall down.

Ezio, behind Tobarukacain, took a hood and looked calmly at Tobarukacaine's body.

suddenly! Ezio jumped all over and jumped away from the spot while facing a clearing in his hand as a flying crossbow!

The arrow flew to a sudden stop halfway, and then fell to the ground weakly like a kite with a broken line. The figure of Tobaruka was reappeared, and around him, playing cards formed a circle to protect him . As for the body whose throat was cut before, it gradually turned into a pile of playing cards and dissipated in the air.

"It's worthy of Master Ezio, who has never concealed you, but why can you see through it? Obviously there should be no flaws."

Ezio quickly filled the crossbow, pulling away from Tobaruka and said at the same time: "Feeling wrong."

Tobaruka was stunned. Feeling wrong? This... feels like cutting a throat?

The result wasn't waiting for Tobaruka's questioning. Another smoke bomb was thrown out. Tobaruka was angry when he saw that Ezio's figure disappeared again.

"Are you the only one? Coward!"

The voice still echoed in the air, and the shimmering silver sword appeared again! This time, the Xiu Jian penetrated the heart of Tobaruka.

Behind Tobarukain, Ezio spoke lightly: "I'm just an assassin."

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