The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 742 Detoxification (5)

She didn't want Murong Yuan to know that she was hurt by him. Although it was Murong Yuan's unconscious behavior at that time, if she thought about it, she would definitely blame herself. A better environment is needed to heal the wound. Besides, at most this In two days, she will be able to get out of bed, and by then, there will be no major problems. Therefore, I can only ask a group of people to help him hide Murong Yuan.

Zhou Zong went to take care of Murong Yuan, and Liu Chen could only take care of Su Yunchu.

After drinking a bowl of medicinal soup, Su Yunchu's face was still a little pale, Is your lord awake?

Liu Chen nodded, I just woke up not long ago, but when Doctor Zhou came out, the prince had already fallen asleep again.

Su Yunchu nodded, Are you sure it won't have any effect on the recovery of the prince after adding the sleeping medicine?

Liu Chen was very sure, The concubine is a doctor, so she should understand this level. If you care about it, you will be confused. Now, the prince needs a long rest.

Su Yunchu chuckled, and murmured the sentence, If you care about it, you will be chaotic. He shook his head slightly, probably out of helplessness for himself, That's good.

However, remembering what Liu Chen said after waking up yesterday, Su Yunchu smiled wryly, Mr. Liu, there is really no way to clean up the residual poison?

Liu Chen shook his head, This is also unexpected by the old man. The original interpretation process should be like this. The hidden grass and the poison in the prince's body are mutually restraining, but... In the early days, the prince tried to detoxify and used a lot of drugs. The medicine is three-point poisonous, not to mention that I kept trying. When I checked earlier, it was probably because of the suppression of the poison brought in my body since I was a child, so I didn't find anything wrong. Now, I used Yincao, but the The grass is mixed with the medicine used in the early years to produce other toxins, resulting in incomplete removal of residual poisons.

There was an unconcealable guilt in Liu Chen's tone.

Su Yunchu heard this, but his tone was still a little weak, I don't blame Mr. Liu, you and I are not familiar with Yincao, and it is too late to deal with what kind of medicine it can be mixed with, but the toxin in the prince's body must be dealt with. Otherwise, there is no time.

However, although the remaining poison is not cleared, it will not cause any physical damage, nor will it cause harm, because there are hidden grasses in the body that can restrain even if it is not cleared, it can maintain balance. It's just leftover poison.

However, the headache in the middle of every month will accompany Murong Yuan. Even if it is a faint pain, it is difficult for Yueyue to be like this. It is also the time when Murong Yuan is weakest in the middle of the month. However, compared to the toxin Much better before cleaning.

After thinking about it, Su Yunchu continued, In the next half a year, if you continue to take the medicine, the prince will still feel a little uncomfortable except in the middle of the month. Is there any other discomfort?

Liu Chen nodded, Princess, don't worry.

Then, like a promise, Princess, next, I will look for an antidote for the symptoms in the prince's body again.

Su Yunchu only smiled weakly, Please trouble Mr. Liu.

For a whole day, after Murong Yuan woke up during the day, he slept until late at night and didn't wake up again. He didn't come back until after the hour of the second day. The person who took care of him had turned into Mu Yang. .

Although Murong Yuan was still weak at this time, after a night of news, he had already recovered a little.

Murong Yuan reached out and touched the cold bed beside him, frowned slightly, Mu Yang had already brought the medicine, Murong Yuan took the medicine soup, and said, What happened these two days? Is it?

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