The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 741 Detoxification (4)

She has already made preparations, in this ice cellar, where the temperature is extremely low, she no longer has the feeling of temperature, she only has a bit by bit perception of Murong Yuan, even the slightest change in his expression, Su Yunchu will Will not let go.

She was always waiting for Liu Chen to let her clear up Murong Yuan's heart.

As the strength of Murong Yuan's body strengthened, this strength was almost unbearable for Su Yunchu. In the cold ice cellar, she didn't feel the cold or pain. Until now, she was oppressed by the strength of Murong Yuan's body. All the bones in his body seemed to be aching.

And the pained expression on Murong Yuan's face became deeper and deeper little by little.

It wasn't until Su Yunchu felt that he couldn't take it anymore that Liu Chen said, Princess, it's okay!

Murong Yuan's internal strength was too strong, Su Yunchu could hardly insert the silver needle into the acupuncture points of his body, as the pressure increased, she could only grit her teeth and endure.

But Murong Yuan was only stripped of his shirt, and sat cross-legged in one place.

It wasn't until Su Yunchu pierced the ten big acupuncture points on Murong Yuan's body with silver needles that he couldn't take it any longer and spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, it was precisely at this time that the newly pierced silver needles in the ten big acupuncture points on Murong Yuan's body were shot out in unison.

Su Yunchu's eyes widened, and Liu Chen continued to speak, Princess, continue!

Looking at it, Zhou Zong was so anxious that he wanted to replace Su Yunchu to do this job, but he himself learned acupuncture from Su Yunchu, so he really couldn't help Murong Yuan better than Su Yunchu.

Amidst Liu Chen's anxious voice, Su Yunchu ignored the pain all over his body, held the silver needle in one hand, and continued to channel the internal energy for Murong Yuan.

But after trying many times, he was directly repelled by Murong Yuan's powerful inner force. The inner force in Murong Yuan's body was too strong, it was really too difficult.

When Su Yunchu successfully pierced ten big acupoints into the silver needle and was not rebounded by the internal force in Murong Yuan's body, it was already her fifth persistence.

And she herself was also seriously injured by Murong Yuan's internal force, and she was persevering almost with this last will.

The last sentence she passed out was still telling Liu Shen Zhou Zong not to tell Murong Yuan about this matter.

This detoxification process will take twelve hours, and when Murong Yuan woke up, it was already two days later.

However, two days later, the two masters of the City Lord's Mansion were both lying in bed and unable to get up. Su Yunchu woke up one day earlier than Murong Yuan, because he was injured by Murong Yuan's insides during the detoxification process. The person was still very weak and could only lie on the bed, and Murong Yuan was not much better, but after waking up and not seeing Su Yunchu, he felt that things were weird.

Under normal circumstances, at such a time, Su Yunchu would definitely be by Murong Yuan's side. At this time, no one was there, and Murong Yuan only looked at Zhou Zong who was taking care of him and said, Where is the princess?

Zhou Zong didn't see anything wrong, he had been by Murong Yuan's side for a long time, so he naturally understood his temper, and he knew exactly what to do, so he just took the medicine from the table and gave it to Murong Yuan, My lord, my concubine has something to deal with. .”

Murong Yuan doesn't care about things now, and the affairs in the army are naturally left to Su Yunchu to take care of, and Murong Yuan understands this.

Hearing Zhou Zong's words, he just nodded, passed the medicine bowl directly, and drank the medicine soup.

Not long after, Murong Yuan fell into a deep sleep again.

Zhou Zong sighed, packed his things and left Murong Yuan's house, the main house was naturally left to Murong Yuan, and Su Yunchu was in the house on the other side.

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