The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 581: Busin Reappears (1)

Jing Yi's sudden decision was beyond the expectations of Emperor Yongye, and also beyond the expectations of everyone present.

This was requested by Jing Yi, and it was not a private request from Emperor Yongye, but in front of everyone, in front of the courtiers, in front of Tuoba Shao, and it was also in front of Tuoba Shao that he wanted her to be the crown princess. subsequent requests.

Emperor Yongye's smile at the banquet began to look stiff after Jingyi took the initiative to ask for an order to go to Xiyuan.

The banquet was over. When Su Yunchu and Murong Yuan returned to Prince Jing's Mansion, it was almost dark. On the carriage ride, Su Yunchu remained silent. Perhaps, Jingyi's choice had something to do with Chen Ziming.

Huaiqing, tell me, what was Jingyi's mood when she asked for an order to go to Xiyuan to get married?

Su Yunchu didn't speak until he returned to their yard.

Murong Yuan shook his head, Ah Chu, a person's life is always faced with multiple choices. As I said, you will inevitably not be able to treat things fairly when you care too much about people. Jing Yi is no longer a child. This decision is her own. Made it.

But, Huaiqing, even if you say that, why is your tone still not calm? Murong Yuan said this to comfort Su Yunchu, but in fact, Su Yunchu knew that Murong Yuan might not approve of Jingyi's behavior.

Murong Yuan rubbed her face, Ah Chu, going to Xiyuan may not be the best choice for Jingyi.

Su Yunchu smiled wryly, Maybe.

That night, after the guests were all gone, Emperor Yongye was furious. Jing Yi only smiled wryly when she saw Emperor Yongye's face later on. She knew that after half a month, she would go to Xiyuan with Tuoba Shao , From then on, she left the palace, and left the Daxin who gave birth to her for sixteen years.

Ever since Jing Yi took the initiative to ask for an order to go to Xiyuan in the main hall, Concubine Yi only had more sadness left on her face. After returning to the Qinghe Palace, seeing Jing Yi's face was clear and full of sadness, she sighed. , Jingyi, why are you bothering?

On that day, Emperor Yongye came to tell her that he hoped to marry Jing Yi to Chen Ziming, the current political advisor. Although Concubine Yi is in the palace, she also knows what kind of person Chen Ziming is, and he is famous all over the world. One of the four sons of Jiangnan, who came from a scholarly family, if he really proposed marriage to Jingyi, it would be a good home for Jingyi.

She has always had no desires and no struggles, only Jingyi is a daughter, and Emperor Yongye originally loved Jingyi, and she only wanted to be unknown in the harem, so she didn't understand that Emperor Yongye's purpose was not to give love to her. Jingyi is looking for a good home, but wants to use Jingyi to win over ministers and win over talents for Daxin's next emperor.

Why bother? Jing Yi listened to Concubine Yi's words and only thought about it in her heart, but her biggest reason was that she would not reveal anything to Concubine Yi. This mother and concubine who had no desires and desires survived in the harem like this. It is already the best, so I can only smile and say, Concubine Mu, Prince Tuoba is a good person.

Mother Concubine doesn't know if Prince Tuoba is good, but Mother Concubine knows that Xiyuan is located in the northwest, and Mother Concubine is reluctant to let you go to such a place.

Jing Yi didn't care about this at all, Mother and concubine don't have to worry. My daughter is going to be a princess, and she's not an ordinary commoner. Naturally, many of these problems don't have to worry about it.

But Mo Ruomu said, Jingyi, tell my concubine why you must ask for an order to go to Xiyuan, why didn't you tell concubine mother?

Jing Yi paused for a moment, Mother, I met Prince Tuoba in the Imperial Garden today...

She only said such a simple sentence, and stopped talking, but the ambiguous words easily made Concubine Yi think that she had already had a secret love affair with Prince Tuoba.

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