The First-Class Medical Princess

Chapter 580 Jing Yi's Choice (10)

An An went to have a rest, and there was a little eunuch inside to accompany him in, and You Luo waited outside. When he saw King Yuan again, his heart was no longer as intense as it was at the beginning. He just felt sad, and life was like a play.

However, she was alone here feeling disappointed, but behind her came the gentle and pleasant voice of King Yuan, Is the princess too strong for alcohol?

You Luo turned her head abruptly, saw King Yuan was close at hand, staggered back, His Royal Highness Yuan King!

She was a little surprised, how could King Yuan appear here during the palace banquet.

King Yuan didn't move much, just nodded and chuckled, Princess, be careful.

After saying that, King Yuan went to another place. He also went for convenience?

At this moment, You Luo's heart was still beating like a drum, beating endlessly.

But King Yuan was nowhere to be seen.

People nowadays call the toilet Xueyin. When King Yuan went in, he happened to see An An coming out accompanied by the little eunuch, but An An looked at him with eyes full of doubts.

King Yuan had to pause, looked at An An and said, Do you know me?

An An was silent for a while, and then raised a small face to look at him, Are you Uncle Sikong?

It's Sikong again, King Yuan has heard this name twice today, with a smile on his lips, I'm not, do I look a lot like him?

King Yuan only claimed that he was not Sikong, and An An broke free from him, You said you were not Uncle Sikong, but why do you look exactly like him? Wuzi didn't understand, but An An didn't struggle, My father and aunt both said you It's not Uncle Sikong, it would be great if you were Uncle Sikong, then Auntie and King Father will be very happy.

Saying that, An An ran away.

He really hoped that this person, the person who seemed to be with Sister Yun all the time seemed to be of the same identity, that was Uncle Sikong.

King Yuan didn't stop An An from running away, he just watched the figure disappear in this place.

The palace banquet was still going on, and the time before and after You Luo and An An went out was only a quarter of an hour.

After returning to the main hall, the singing and dancing had stopped. Emperor Yongye had a very kind expression on his face. Looking at Xiyuan, he finally said about the alliance, Daxin formed an alliance with Xiyuan, and we will jointly resist Beiliang , will surely recover the lost ground.”

The courtiers naturally catered and said a few words in an official accent.

Emperor Yongye waved his hand, For this reason, I, Daxin, have decided to form a friendship with Xiyuan between Qin and Jin. The prince Xiyuan will choose a woman of the right age from among the female family members of my Daxin's important ministers, as the concubine. After half a month, I will join the prince Go back to Xiyuan, and Princess Youluo, you will marry me as Daxin.

Emperor Yongye said it with a smile, as if Liu Ruxu's original plan had never happened.

The courtiers listened and congratulated Tuoba Shao and You Luo in unison.

Emperor Yongye looked at Tuoba Shao, All of you present here are all outstanding sons and daughters of my new generation. I wonder if the crown prince has someone he likes?

With a smile on his face, Tuoba Shao glanced at the women in the court, with a smile on his lips, many women, daughters of multiple ministers, worried in his heart, but being looked at by such a handsome man like Tuoba Shao, his face also Seeing the shame, he only lowered his head, not daring to lift it up.

Tuoba Shao said lightly, I heard that Princess Jingyi is a rare talented woman in Daxin. I have always admired Daxin culture. I wonder if I am so lucky?

Jing Yi didn't expect Tuoba Shao to say such a thing. After all, Emperor Yongye ordered her not to pay attention to the marriage with Xiyuan.

Even Emperor Yongye's complexion sank when he heard Tuoba Shao's words.

These days, Jingyi felt so many times in her heart, she didn't know how many things she had thought about, but the last thing she wanted was for Emperor Yongye to use her to tie Chen Ziming. And he understood that Chen Ziming would never have her in his heart.

With a wry smile, he looked at Chen Ziming who was also in the hall, and that person remained calm.

After Tuoba Shao's words, the audience was silent, even Su Yunchu was shocked. In fact, the fate of Princess Heqin is really bad. Whenever there is any friction between the two countries, the first to suffer is Heqin. The princess is gone, even though Daxin and Beiliang are living in peace now, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future.

For Tuoba Shao's words, she unconsciously tightened the hand held by Murong Yuan.

Murong Yuan could naturally feel her changes, so he just held her softly to comfort her.

Emperor Yongye's depression was only for a moment, and he immediately changed into a smile on his face, Prince, are you going to take away my favorite daughter?

Although there was a hint of joke in Emperor Yongye's words, he took Tuoba Shao's words as a joke, and he just responded with a joke.

However, at this moment, Jing Yi suddenly stood up, Father, Jing Yi is willing to go to Xiyuan!

She spoke bluntly, without the slightest hesitation in her tone, and was even more serious and serious, without a trace of reluctance, and then she looked at Tuoba Shao and said, Jing Yi deserves the name of a talented woman, but I am grateful to you. It is Jingyi's honor to love the crown prince!

Concubine Yi on the seat was surprised, Su Yunchu couldn't believe it, all the princes had their own expressions, but none of them were genuinely happy.

But this is a decision made by Jingyi herself.

The expression on Tuoba Shao's face remained unchanged, looking at Jing Yi with a determined expression, the corners of his lips were still slightly raised.

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