Sister-in-law Yu's mother-in-law was not very happy, especially when Lei Qi's mother and daughter, whom she had gone to comfort yesterday, were chosen, and she felt particularly uncomfortable.

But then she thought that there were so many people who lost the election, and she felt a little more at ease.

If she didn't get selected, she didn't get selected. Anyway, her daughter-in-law worked under the county master. Their family is also a neighbor to the Shao Mansion, which is already better than many people.

Seeing that the eight families appeared neatly at the door of Shao Mansion, but they were hesitating in place, and no one dared to knock on the door.

Sister-in-law Yu's mother-in-law pouted, walked forward with the fire cage, and said with a smile, "What are you doing standing at the door? Someone in the Shao Mansion, just knock on the door. ... Harm, forget it, I'll knock for you."

After speaking, the very familiar took a few steps forward and knocked on the door knocker.

As expected, the door was opened all at once. Sister Yu's mother-in-law smiled and said to Yu's father who came to open the door, "Brother Yu, a person who passed the examination came over yesterday. Well, it's here."

Father Yu was stunned, raised his eyes and glanced at her, and immediately smiled at her, "There is a Lao sister-in-law."

"It's okay, it's a small effort. Then I'll go home first, you can take them in."

After she finished speaking, Shi Shiran left.

Others were a little envious when they saw that she was indeed very familiar with Shao Mansion.

Father Yu came out to greet them, "You are very early, come in quickly. The master has already instructed, if you come over, just lead you to the main room directly."

"Hey, thank you." The eight families at the door entered one after another.

Although the Shao Mansion is not comparable to the courtyards where the big five entered, it is already very spacious and noble compared to people like them.

Especially looking at the decorations along the way, it must be very valuable.

The eight family members entered the main room with some restraint, and saw Shao Wen and the four of them also coming.

The servants served tea and told them to sit and wait for a while.

After a while, Shao Qingyuan strode over.

Gu Yundong was escorted by Yang Liu to take a nap, so he didn't follow.

As soon as Shao Qingyuan came in, all the people in the main room stood up and looked at him nervously and uneasy.

"Sit down." Shao Qingyuan waved his hand, and the others looked at each other again, and then carefully sat down.

"I have sorted out the results of yesterday's assessment. As I said before, I will only accept three people this time, so there are five more who are destined to leave."

As he spoke, he raised his head and glanced at everyone's expressions.

Sure enough, when he said this, everyone was so nervous.

Shao Qingyuan, "I hope those who are not selected don't have to be depressed. At least, the five of you were also selected from the 300 people yesterday by me. They are still very good and outstanding people."

He's not good at speaking soothing words, and for that's a good thing.

But his words caused everyone present to be slightly startled, and their hearts were strangely calmed down.

Even if they were not selected, they were also confirmed by Master Shao, right?

Master Shao is the descendant of the genius doctor. He said that they are excellent, and this sentence is enough for them to be justified.

"I will announce the list of three people selected this time."

Shao Qingyuan said, his eyes fell on one person, "Lei Qi."

Both Lei Qi and Han shi who were called by their names raised their heads in astonishment. After a while, Han shi made an "eh" and quickly took his daughter forward two steps.

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