Back in Shao Mansion, the sky was already darkening slightly, Yang Liu and Coco were waiting for them to eat.

Gu Yundong's body is getting heavier and heavier now, Yang Liu came to support her, frowning slightly and said, "Who do you think you are like with such a fun-loving temperament? Take a good rest when you are not at home in this weather, and go to such a far place. . After the birth of the child in the future, what if I gossip like you?"

Gu Yundong was startled, "No, no??" Inexplicably, a small figure lying on the corner of the wall listening to various rumors appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help shaking violently.

Yang Liu glanced at her angrily, "Do you still know that gossip is not good?"

Gu Yundong could only laugh dryly, rubbed his nose and said, "I will try my best in the future to be as quiet as possible." Damn, she seems to have scolded people today, but I hope the one in her stomach fell asleep and didn't hear it.

She silently prayed twice in her heart, and then excitedly followed Yang Liu to dinner.

Gao Zi's siblings were also there. Gao Zi was very interested in today's assessment, but was too embarrassed to ask.

Still Coco was pestering Gu Yundong to listen, but Gao Zicai listened beside him.

After listening, he suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis.

Are all these people so powerful? Acupuncture map? He hasn't seen it yet.

He decided, after a while, he would borrow a map of acupuncture points from the master and take a good look at it.

Even though he didn't know many characters, he had to ask Brother Shao Wen to help him recognize the characters.

Gao Zi started to work hard that night. After Shao Qingyuan found out, he didn't say much, and even felt pretty good.

It is with such a spirit of self-motivation that medical skills will get better and better.

The next morning, Shao Qingyuan received the basic information of the eight families.

During the assessment yesterday, he had asked about the situation of these people's homes, which were basically similar to the information returned from the investigation.

After reading it, Shao Qingyuan knew it.

He asked those people to come again in the afternoon, but how could these eight families wait? Not only did they come in the morning, but they were still very early in the morning.

But no one dared to enter Shao Mansion without authorization, and could only wait at the alley entrance of Hetai Lane.

After this, the eight families all waited.

A group of people looked at each other, and the scene turned out to be a little awkward.

Just thinking that everyone here could become their own apprentice, brother and sister, all of them politely greeted each other.

Then, the eight family members found a place to sit and chat.

Said to be chatting, in fact, one by one are absent-minded. Anything, often waiting for the result before the process, is extraordinarily tense and tormenting.

For lunch, they just bought two buns and steamed buns nearby to feed their stomachs. Although they have no appetite now, they are also worried that the stomach growling after entering Shao Mansion will leave a bad impression on Master Shao and the others.

After lunch, the eight families walked towards Shao Mansion in unison.

Pedestrians on the road looked at them in amazement. Sister Yu's mother-in-law recognized them at a glance. Seeing these eight families, she couldn't help but glance at her mouth.

Yesterday, she was still full of confidence, but she didn't expect her family Aji to not be selected.

Fortunately, she didn't brag in front of those people, otherwise it would be too painful.

When my daughter-in-law came back last night, she knew that she was taking Aji to the assessment, but she still lost her temper at her. Isn't she doing it for Aggie? Her own son doesn't feel bad for herself.

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