Just like Shao Qingyuan, although his temperament is cold, he is not even willing to talk to many people.

But once he starts to diagnose people's pulse, acupuncture, and even go up the mountain to collect medicine, make medicine, and dispense medicine, he will be very careful and patient, very stable, and extraordinarily meticulous.

Aji is in a hurry, not to mention that it took a long time to identify the medicinal herbs just by looking at the picture, and he recognized one.

Hearing this, Tong Shuitao sighed slightly, "Aji is indeed impatient, a bit like Sister-in-law Yu."

Gu Yundong glanced at her sideways, "Okay, I think these children have been waiting for some time, people are inevitably impatient, you go get some candy and give them a sweet treat."

"Yes, ma'am."

Tong Shuitao held the sugar jar and walked briskly towards those rooms.

She went to the room where the assessment had been completed, and was the first to walk in front of Aggie, gave him a candy, and touched his head, "Eat it."

"Thank you, Sister Shuitao."

Others in the room looked at Aji in amazement, and then there was an envious look in their eyes.

But following closely, Tong Shuitao also distributed a candy to each of them, and then went out with the candy jar.

As soon as he walked out of the door, a low voice came from the room behind him, "Grandma Aji, do you know that girl? Does that mean that you, Aji, will definitely be selected?"

Grandma Aji also felt that their family Aji would definitely be selected. She had inquired about it when she entered the door just now. There were more than ten people in front of her, and the sorting of medicinal materials was over. Only his grandson had one more content.

It must have been spotted, right? Otherwise, how could it be different from others?

But Grandma Aji was able to hold on. She heard from her daughter-in-law that the Shao family didn't like people who were arrogant and unruly. Therefore, before things are confirmed, people must be humble and never get carried away, otherwise the cooked duck will easily fly.

So Grandma Aji heard the question from the person next to her, and quickly shook her head and said, "No, no, our Aji is young and doesn't understand anything. I'll bring him here to try it out. Master Shao is very strict in choosing people. Although We are his neighbors, and Aji Niangqin is also a buddy in Xinming Pavilion, but Mr. Shao will not open the back door for us because of such a little friendship. You think too much, we are all the same and play fair and just. "

The other people in the room looked at each other in dismay. It turned out that Aji's mother was already a buddy of Xinming Pavilion.

Immediately, the envious gaze became more obvious.

Tong Shuitao, who had already left outside the door, couldn't help but twitch at the corners of her mouth. She didn't expect that Mrs. Yu's mother-in-law...she knew the art of speaking.

She smiled and walked to a few rooms on the other side that had not yet had time to assess.

Who knew that just as he walked to the door of the house, he heard a slightly noisy voice inside.

"I said that you are really ignorant. Didn't you see that it was a boy or a teenager? What are you doing here with your daughter? How could Master Shao accept her as a disciple?"

"That's it, girl girl, when she grows up and gets married, it's enough to exchange some money for the betrothal gift, and let her study medicine? I'm really full."

Tong Shuitao frowned. She hadn't even entered yet. After listening to these words, she could somewhat guess what was going on inside.

What's going on with these people? The only girl who came over, can they still try to drive them away?

If you are so confident that your son can be chosen, what are you afraid of?

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