Shao Shuang paused, turned his head and said, "Sister-in-law, please abide by the rules, go to rest now, and we will notify you when the time comes. If you stop me now and delay our assessment, you can only ask You go right back."

The woman's face changed slightly, she quickly let go of her hand, and followed Shaowu who was standing beside him back to the other room.

There was no one in that room, and now only their mother and son would come in after the next assessment.

Jiang Bao remixed the herbs in front of him and faced the second child who was assessed.

After more than ten consecutive assessments like this, a familiar face finally came.

Is it sister-in-law Yu's son?

Gu Yundong and Tong Shuitao looked at each other behind the screen, and it was her mother-in-law who brought Sister Yu's son Aji here.

When her mother-in-law saw Shao Quan, she wanted to say a few words.

But she is Shao's neighbor after all, and she knows their temperament to some extent on weekdays. She knows that at this time, it will only be self-defeating, so she simply keeps silent.

On the contrary, Aji often played in the alley, and Mrs. Yu took him to visit Shao's house. Children don't have such complicated minds, and since they are only four years old this year, they are still at the age where they dare to speak and act.

Therefore, when Shao Quan asked questions, he didn't need his milk to speak, he just said it himself.

Shao Quan couldn't help laughing, nodded and said, "Have you ever been in contact with medicinal herbs?"

"Of course." Aji was confident, "I know that honeysuckle and peony can be used as medicine, and my family has exposed them."

Shao Quan nodded, "Well, that's right. Then you go inside with Shao Shuang, continue to answer questions, and let me see your skills."

Aggie nodded and walked inside without his milk.

Jiang Bao had already changed a pack of herbs and put it under Aji's eyelids.

Aji tilted his head, others were short, Jiang Bao brought him a stool and let him sit on it and watch.

The people in front were more or less confused by one or two, but Aji, the youngest, was all separated.

Jiang Bao nodded, put away the medicinal materials, then took out two pieces of paper and placed them under his eyelids.

The paintings on the paper are all medicinal materials, very vivid.

"Look at this picture first, then." Jiang Bao said, and took out two medicinal herbs with roots on his right hand, "Look at this medicinal herb again, see if it is drawn on the paper, and point it out to me. Look."

Aggie blinked and looked seriously.

It's just that his temper seemed a little impatient, and he rubbed his eyes after a while, not wanting to look at it.

Jiang Bao knew it, and in the end, Aji only found one.

Jiang Bao smiled and patted his head, "Very good, I see, you go to the room with your grandma to rest first."

"it is good."

Aggie got down from the chair and went out holding his nanny's hand.

Tong Shuitao watched their backs go away, and asked Gu Yundong in a low voice, "Miss, do you think they have much hope?"

Gu Yundong shook his head.

Tong Shuitao was surprised, "Why? When those children came to Jiang Bao before, they all distributed the herbs and let them go. Aji has already gone to the second step. After looking at the pictures to identify the herbs, why is there not much hope?"

"Too impatient." To be a doctor, you can be unskilled in medicine or unpleasant, but you must calm down.

Otherwise, if you are too impatient, it will easily become a misdiagnosis, causing harm to others and yourself.

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