The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 995: Gu Jiang conspired

Mother Leng's hands are very strong, and the pinched Madam Jiang's brows also stretched out.

I worked hard for so long just now, and now I was a little tired, and soon passed away.

Starting from the third day, the Jiang family really followed their promise and invited the running water table for three days.

Madam Jiang watched that the white silver ran out, and her aching heart almost jumped out of her chest.

As for the daily noon meal, Gu Xiaowan brought Gu Fangxi to the town on time and appeared in front of everyone.

In full view, accept Liu Tianci's apology.

Then eat well at the chief, and then go home.

This is true for three consecutive days.

Liu Tianci's face became darker and darker.

Later, on the third day, after the apology was finished, Liu Tianci performed a heart-warming drama at the instruction of Mrs. Jiang, which also won her a lot of reputation.

It was said that it was a three-day banquet. I saw that many elderly people were weak and helpless, and felt very distressed. We must give warmth to these widowed elderly people!

Madam Jiang gritted her teeth and went to buy some cloths, and distributed a piece of sackcloth to all the widows and lonely old people in the town.

The list of all the widows and lonely old people was also taken from Lu Tao.

So, after three days of running water table, I saw Liu Tianci walking through the streets all day long to deliver cloths to those lonely elderly people.

It is praiseworthy!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Liu Tianci's show with cold eyes, expressionless, anyway, she had already rectified her aunt's name, and what Liu Tianci wanted to do had nothing to do with her!

Qin Yizhi went to Ruixian because of something that day. After returning, the water table was finished.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's proud look, Qin Mozhi felt distressed when she heard it.

Fortunately, no one would dare to trouble her anymore.

When Jiang Huainan returned home later, after hearing what happened today, Jiang Huainan's lungs would explode.

They directly invited Liu Tianci over, and after hearing Liu Tianci's cry.

Jiang Huainan hated Gu Xiaowan even more, and immediately assured Liu Tianci that she must seek justice for her.

Jiang Huainan was not joking. He asked about the situation of Gu Xiaowan's family from the side and heard that she had a younger brother who is now studying in Yushulou, and after taking the children's exam, he had a plan in his heart.

After running around for a few days, Gu Chuanlu was specially invited to have a gathering.

Gu Chuanlu didn't expect that Master Jiang would personally invite him to dinner, and his brows were happy.

After listening to what Jiang Huainan said to him at the dinner table, he was even more excited to kneel down for Jiang Huainan.

Jiang Huainan couldn't understand Gu Xiaowan. In order to avenge Gu Xiaowan and avenge Liu Tianci, he directly approached Gu Chuanlu and said that he would cooperate with him.

Hearing that Gu Ning'an had participated in the children's test, Jiang Huainan went to inquire about the results of the test and also inquired about Gu Ziwen.

As soon as one heard that one passed the exam, and the other failed, Jiang Huainan was always thinking about it.

I found Gu Chuanlu, and immediately told Gu Chuanlu of his test results.

When Gu Chuanlu heard that Gu Ziwen had lost his name to Sun Shan, he felt uncomfortable in his heart!

The uncomfortable is the same as when someone chopped his bones with a knife. At first he heard that Gu Ning'an was admitted to a talented talent with grades A in all five subjects, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

He himself looked down on the children in the second room of the Gu family.

But I didn't expect Gu Ning'an to be so arrogant. He was admitted as a scholar at the age of ten. Gu Ziwen had a few years more books than him, but he hadn't been admitted yet!

If this spreads out, how can others talk about Gu's Dafang and Gu's Second Chamber!

Just thinking about it, you can guess how ugly other people say!

Gu Chuanlu's complexion was very ugly, and Jiang Huainan took it in his eyes, and he was clear in his heart.

That uncomfortable, jealous, and angry look is exactly what Jianghuainan needs.

So, he got up and poured a glass of wine for Gu Chuanlu. Gu Chuanlu realized then that he actually asked Jiang Huainan to pour himself!

He was very flattered, and a little scared, so he stood up quickly, took the jug in Jiang Huainan's hand flatly, and poured him a glass: "Master Jiang, this is not enough. I should give it to you. Pour wine!"

Jiang Huainan had long heard of this Gu Chuanlu.

I also heard of Gu Chuanlu.

It turned out that when he was working as the accountant at the Shunxin restaurant, he had met several times, and he could see him nodding and bowing in front of him.

However, at that time, Jiang Huainan never paid attention to him!

Although Gu Chuanlu is a talented talent, he is also a talented talent. He is still not forced by life to be the accountant in other people's restaurants!

Moreover, this person, I heard that his bones are extremely soft, he is greeted by both sides, he is said to be a good-natured character, if it is a bit ugly, he is a villain!

Had it not been for Gu Chuanlu to discuss something this time, he wouldn't have bothered to sit with such an inferior person!

When Jiang Huainan told Gu Chuanlu of his thoughts, he clearly saw the ecstasy in Gu Chuanlu's eyes: "Master Jiang, you mean, can it really be changed?"

"Of course, otherwise, I'm here to ask you what to do!" Jiang Huainan unconsciously contempted when he saw Gu Chuanlu's ecstasy.

Such an unreasonable thing, and it still took the fame of his own nephew, Gu Chuanlu really started!

"Okay, okay, then thank you, Master Jiang. If you need me to do anything, just give your instructions. From now on, you will be my great benefactor. If there is a need for me, please do not hesitate to speak, and I will be a cow and a horse for you! "Gu Chuanlu knelt on the ground, calling for a benefactor.

The look of the flattering people who are about to cry with joy is really "moving"!

In the south of Jianghuai, there will be places that need Gu Chuanlu's help. If it weren't for the Liu family to give an explanation, he wouldn't bother to have a relationship with Gu Chuanlu!

However, it was precisely because of this time that Gu Chuanlu really found an excuse to contact Jianghuainan!

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