The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 994: Fancy Gu Xiaowan

Upon hearing this, the entire onlooker was a sensation.

The three-day running water table, which has never happened before.

Especially the stingy Mrs. Jiang, there will be such a generous time.

They all cheered right now.

Seeing that the matter was over, some people came back one after another. This is good news. You have to tell the family as soon as possible that from the day after tomorrow, you can eat without cooking for three days.

So, after a while, the crowd of impenetrable surroundings dispersed all at once, and in twos and threes, they all planned to leave.

Seeing that the matter was resolved, Gu Xiaowan got in the car and left as soon as she planned to.

Madam Jiang stopped her: "Miss Gu, I think you are young and don't understand the intrigues of this world, so I agree to you for the time being today. However, if there is another time, don't blame me Jiang Mansion for suppressing others! "

Shitou and Gu Ningping stood aside, and saw Madam Jiang staring at her sister coldly, and they were awed in their hearts.

But Gu Xiaowan was different. She turned her head, smiled, turned around again, and came to Madam Jiang, and said frankly: "Mrs. Jiang, when you say this, please convey to the golden branch and Yuye at your house first. . People don’t offend me and I don’t. If anyone offends me, I will fight back! Today is just a small interest. If people will touch me in the future, although my family has a shallow foundation, they will not let the Jiang family play around at will. In the palm of your hand!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Madam Jiang with a pale face, grinned lightly, then turned her head to look at Lu Tao on the side, and Liu Tianci smiled as if they turned their heads and left.

It was getting late, and there were no people on this street. I saw Gu Xiaowan walking in front alone, followed by Stone and Gu Ningping behind her. She was so cool and heroic that she couldn't even compare with a man.

Such a family has a really shallow foundation, but if one day they flourish

It is a big threat!

When returning to the mansion, Madam Jiang deliberately left Liu Tianci with a reluctant look!

"Tianci, why are you so confused? You are the golden branch and jade leaf in the capital, can you be guilty of fighting with a country girl like Gu Xiaowan?" Madam Jiang said earnestly: "You Jin branch and jade leaf came to this Liujia Town, really wronged you. However, since you are here, you must be cautious in your words and deeds. You are different from these people, and your identity is more noble than all the people in Liujia Town!"

Madam Jiang said Datong, but she didn't know how much Liu Tianci listened to.

It's just that when she left, she was full of reluctance. When she wanted to come, Mrs. Jiang gave a white education. Watching their master and servant leave, Mrs. Jiang rubbed her forehead, and felt her forehead slamming: "I really think I am a golden branch, but I am a concubine. No matter, I crawled out of the belly of a cheap little concubine. Now that the Liu family is just a young lady like her, she has been raised under the name of his wife. I really think I am a golden leaf. The king and hegemony here are the kings and the other people in the capital. I'm afraid I dare not reply when I step on her face!"

Mother Leng hurried forward to help Mrs. Jiang massage. After listening to Mrs. Jiang's words, she immediately raised her head to look at Liu Tianci. Fortunately, they were gone and there was no shadow.

If Liu Tianci heard it, it would be endless again.

"Madam, you also calm down, Miss Liu, one day you will be thinking of your good!" Mother Leng said roundly.

"Remember me?" Madam Jiang coldly snorted, "I don't need her to recite mine. It's just a lady who looks a little better, but she is a straw bag. If she has half Gu Xiaowan's wrist, I really think that Liu Tianci is really a treasure!"

"What did the madam mean?" Mother Leng was a little surprised when Madam Jiang actually praised Gu Xiaowan.

When Mrs. Jiang was young, she was also a resolute landlord, not losing to a man.

"Gu Xiaowan is a bit like the courage I had when I was young, dare to fight and fight. Don't look at this girl's family background, but if you know what days she lived before and compare her days now, you will find that this girl, It's not trivial!" Madam Jiang exclaimed.

These words were full of appreciation and praise for Gu Xiaowan.

When Mother Leng saw that when she talked about Gu Xiaowan, Mrs. Jiang was in a good mood, so she also said, "That's true. Here today, I found that this girl speaks very well and is not stage fright. She is also a good and capable person. , Really good!"

"If Yuan'er could have such a good wife, I wouldn't worry about it. However, he sticks to Gu Xintao all day long. Hey, they are all named Gu. The difference is so big!"

"As the saying goes, Long gave birth to nine sons, each is different, not to mention that Gu Xintao and Gu Xiaowan were born to two different parents." Mother Leng responded: "Madam, don't worry, I think The prince is not such an unclear person. I am afraid that it is just playing with Gu Xintao. The lintel of our Jiang family is so high, I am afraid that Gu Xintao will not be able to jump. Moreover, there is also Miss Liu here, let us The master also said that Miss Liu will be our young lady in the future, and I am afraid that the son will not mess around!"

"Huh? He dare!" Mrs. Jiang said so, but the words softened again: "I don't care how much he lifts his concubine, but he must keep his eyes open for the position of the wife. . Marry a wife to marry a virtuous person, this Liu Tianci, tut, is not a good person!"

Mrs. Jiang's headache is getting worse.

Jiang Yuan has grown up, and he is still idle all day long and has nothing to do. On weekdays, he listens to music or walks the birds. There is no way to inherit the family business in the future!


"Didn't you have heard how Liu Tianci slandered Aunt Gu Xiaowan in public? It is enough to see that this girl has a bad heart! If you marry such a master mother, I am afraid that the family will also be crossed!"

Mrs. Jiang is really not worried about wrong!

"Don't worry, madam, the son is still young, don't worry about getting a wife, take your time! Our Jiang family is not an ordinary family, see a few ladies more, that should be!"

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