The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 965: Settle accounts in the capital

In fact, he was muttering in his heart, really wanting to tell Gu Xiaowan that the person you really should thank is Qin Yizhi, not him!

It's just that he dare not say such a thing, and he can only enjoy his mouth silently in his heart.

After looking at the shop, Gu Xiaowan told the stone where to place the things, and then the stone took the people to prepare.

Gu Xiaowan and the others, along with Li Fan, went to Fujinlou to see business.

During the Chinese New Year, Fujin Tower finally opened.

This renovation took nearly a year.

Fujin Tower is also located on Guang'an Avenue, not far from Lanyue Pavilion.

Everyone didn't have a carriage this time, so Li Fan and Gu Xiaowan walked to Fujin Tower.

It just so happened that Gu Xiaowan also took a look at the prosperity of the capital.

At first, Li Fan was a little afraid that Qin Yizhi would be recognized when he walked on the street. But Qin Yizhi shook his head, indicating that Li Fan didn't have to worry.

Then I chose to walk.

Sure enough, no one recognized Qin Yan on the way.

However, because of Li Fan's frequent appearance in the capital during this period, many people recognized Li Fan.

Seeing Li Fan leading two people walking on the street, they came up to say hello enthusiastically.

Finally, I arrived at Fujin Building, and I saw that it was decorated in the same way as the Fujin Building in Rui County, except that the scene inside was five or six times larger than Rui County.

The decorated and magnificent Fujin Building, at this moment, is still full of almost half of the people because it is not for dinner.

"Xiao Wan, Young Master Qin, it's not time for dinner. If it's night, people here will have to line up to the door." Li Fan introduced excitedly.

Jingcheng has never done the hot pot business.

I still remember that when the Fujin Tower opened, the people in the capital were also curious.

The restaurants in the capital are blooming everywhere. People in the capital are either rich or expensive. If there is nothing to do on weekdays, they will go to the restaurant to eat out.

I usually go to eat, and I invite people to eat too!

Moreover, the more upscale the decoration and the richer the dishes, the more guests there will be.

The Fujin Tower was renovated at that time, and it caused quite a stir in the capital.

In this Fujin Building, all the four connected houses on Guang'an Avenue have been pulled down, and the walls between them have been opened up. No matter which door you go up, the inside here are all connected.

The area of ​​the shop is so big and scary. With such a big hand, the grade of the decorated restaurant will naturally not be low. The dignitaries in this capital are also inquiring about who has opened such a large restaurant.

When they heard that just an unknown businessman was going to open a hot pot restaurant, everyone was also shocked.

Hot Pot?

What it is?

But after seeing such a big battle, and then hearing this strange name, I naturally guessed that the things in this restaurant would only be good but not bad.

Otherwise, it would not have cost such a big price to make such a big battle.

Everyone walked along the stairs and walked all the floors inside.

Some guys in uniform are wiping tables and chairs, and others are mopping the floor.

Everything in it is uniformly customized.

Later, Gu Xiaowan came up with a method, which was to print all the three characters Fujinlou in all places where it could be printed.

For example, the clothes of the man, on the table top, on the chair, on the bottom of the pot, and inside the pots and pans, are all marked with the three words Fujinlou.

Let every guest who comes in, as long as you sit here, you can see the three words Fujinlou everywhere.

The Fujin Building has three floors and is made up of four houses, each of which is connected to each other, but also has its own separate space.

When the guests come, they can have fun with others, and can also be alone in a space and enjoy the fun brought by the food belt.

After everyone had visited, Li Fan took Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi to the wing where he usually rested and worked.

The wing room is located in the inconspicuous corner of the second floor closest to the inside.

After entering, the things that were cleaned inside were still spotless, except that a huge table of Eight Immortals was piled with books that were obviously half a person tall.

There are also some account books that have been looked up.

Seeing this scene, Li Fan said with some embarrassment: "Since the opening of the Fujin Building until now, the daily business has been full, and the business is very good. Naturally, there will be more accounts. You see, this It has only been opened for more than half a year, and there are already so many account books."

Li Fan has a lot of things.

Because Fujinlou is just opened recently, and it is a new industry that has never been experienced before. Moreover, the only person who understands is Li Fan. Therefore, Li Fan has to do many things by himself, regardless of the size of the matter. Must be at the forefront.

During this period of time, it was obvious that he looked haggard a lot.

"Uncle Li, you have been really working hard during this time. I happen to be staying in the capital for a few days. Why don't I check this account book with you?" Gu Xiaowan said, seeing Li Fan suddenly happy: "That feeling is good, Xiaowan's accounting skills are top-notch. To be honest, since you became the accountant, I really don’t know who I’m going to find to settle the accounts. It’s not as fast as you can. quasi!"

Li Fan's words are really not blowing!

At that time, he would ask Gu Xiaowan to help him settle the accounts. At that time, it was because Gu Xiaowan’s family was poor, so he wanted to give her a hand. Later, he learned that she was the cusp of the master’s heart. Naturally, he couldn’t let Gu Xiaowan do the tiring work. Up.

Therefore, when Fujin Building was opened in the capital, he didn't mention anything about Mr. Accountant.

Moreover, because of Qin Yizhi, he is slowly letting others accept the matter of the accountant of two restaurants in Ruixian County.

Perhaps it was because I was afraid that Gu Xiaowan would be tired.

Of course, this is just Li Fan's guess.

However, he really didn't guess wrong. Qin Mozhi didn't want Gu Xiaowan to be too tired, so he slowly stopped letting Gu Xiaowan come into contact with so many annoying things.

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