The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 964: Lanyuege

From that day on, the Qing Dynasty began to implement the identity system.

However, at the beginning, it only started from a small scale.

And because of this identity system, one day in the future, Gu Xiaowan's life was saved.

Of course, all of this is something to say, so I won't mention it for now.

Upon arriving in the capital, Gu Xiaowan was immediately stunned by the prosperity of the capital.

The ancient imperial city has a unique beauty.

The bustling and wide streets, if they are side by side, I am afraid that they can walk five carriages.

The streets are wide, and there are bustling people on the road, gorgeously dressed, and twos and threes of luxurious carriages are parked on the side of the road.

On both sides of the street, there are magnificent and decorated shops.

Jinyu shops, restaurants, inns, theaters, tea houses, dim sum shops, ready-to-wear shops, **** shops, and all kinds of shops gather on this Guang'an Street.

Gu Xiaowan was stunned by the exquisite shops and the luxury in the shops.

The whole person almost stuck out of the car curtain.

"Brother Yizhi, this capital is really prosperous!" Gu Xiaowan sighed sincerely.

Here and Ruixian, it is not the same grade!

Gu Xiaowan exclaimed.

Qin Yizhi followed Gu Xiaowan's gaze and looked out, and echoed: "Yes, the capital is really beautiful!"

This ancient imperial city always has a profound cultural heritage and the beauty that has not been polluted and developed! The original flavor, wandering in the prosperous and wealthy land thousands of years ago, and appreciate the cultural accumulation of thousands of years, always make people feel excited.

Because there are many pedestrians on the road, most of them walk on the street, and the carriage is afraid of hitting pedestrians, so it walks very slowly.

This capital is at the feet of the emperor, and naturally there are many high-ranking officials and nobles. If you really accidentally run into a person, you really don't know which family's son or lady it is, then the trouble will be big.

The carriage finally arrived at their puppet shop slowly.

At that time, Li Fan wrote to Gu Xiaowan asking for the name of the shop.

Gu Xiaowan and Gu Ningan discussed for a long time, and finally decided on a name called "Lan Yue Ge."

They drove high-end boutique puppets and handkerchiefs. Naturally, the name of the marriage should also be appropriate. Moreover, in the capital, most of the ladies who come out to buy things are of honorable status. If you just marry a vulgar one Or the names are flat and straightforward, I'm afraid it is not to their appetite.

This ancient lady liked to sorrow the spring and hurt the autumn. This Lanyue Pavilion, whose name is easy to understand, is in line with the noble taste of the ladies.

Sure enough, when it was given to Li Fan, Li Fan wrote back, saying that Lanyue Pavilion was named well.


Because in the decoration drawings that Gu Xiaowan drew at that time, the most used element was the moon.

Boutique shop, the decoration is naturally to be exquisite and warm. Gu Xiaowan makes extensive use of the features of the moon. In the whole shop, the background uses the pattern of the moon.

Even on the cabinet, there are many moons painted.

When Gu Xiaowan got out of the carriage, she saw Li Fan approaching with a smile: "Xiaowan, you guys are finally here!"

I haven't seen him for almost half a year, and Li Fan has lost a lot of weight.

Just full of energy and excitement.

"Master Qin is here!" Seeing Qin Mozhi, Li Fan immediately bent down, respectfully.

Gu Xiaowan didn't notice this strangeness, but looked up at the shop sign.

The shop sign of solid wood, a crescent moon on the right, and three beautiful characters-Lanyue Pavilion, fits this situation.

"How?" Li Fan asked with a smile when he saw Gu Xiaowan looking at the three characters Lanyuege in a daze.

"Yes, the words are really good-looking, but this word is familiar to me! It seems that I have seen it somewhere!" Gu Xiaowan frowned and asked with some confusion.

Qin Mozhi on the side covered his mouth and smiled: "I wrote it!"

No wonder.

Gu Xiaowan glanced at him angrily, fearing that at that time Li Fan directly named her Lan Yuege and told Qin Yizhi.

This Uncle Li is disgusting that her handwriting is not good-looking!

Qin Yizhi saw Gu Xiaowan's expression in a daze. How could he not know what she meant, and said with a smile: "I was in the capital at that time, and I saw Boss Li. Boss Li thought my handwriting was good, so he asked me to write a question. ."

Qin Yizhi's words are hard to find a single word!

If this shop hadn't been opened by Gu Xiaowan, he wouldn't even move a pen if someone put one hundred thousand taels of gold in front of him!

Li Fan called a few young buddies to move the boxes from the car with Shishi.

Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi walked into the Lanyue Pavilion. The decoration inside is more fresh and elegant, beautiful, although not luxurious enough, but there is always a feeling of refreshing and happy.

According to the drawings sent to Li Fan by Career Xiaowan at that time, the three-sided shelves were half mouth-shaped, and the place to go out was the cash register.

As long as the customer enters the door, he can choose the goods he likes at will. There is no need to borrow a shopkeeper or a buddy, and he can get it by himself, whatever he wants.

On the one hand, it is convenient for customers. On the other hand, after customers have made many comparisons, there are more things to choose, so naturally they will buy more things.

Behind the cash register that enters the door, there is also a row of small shelves, and some small objects are placed on the shelves.

For example, insoles, puppets with big palms, and pendants that can be hung on the waist, and so on.

These little things can prevent some people who snuggle the sheep directly into the cuff and take them away.

Stone and the others moved into more than a dozen large boxes, which contained the puppets that Gu Xiaowan had recently made. They were quite in a hurry during this time. They made nearly a hundred puppets and more than one hundred handkerchiefs. Insoles, slap puppets, etc., all kinds of things.

Anything the little girl likes is sold here.

Gu Xiaowan praised the decoration in Lanyue Pavilion and expressed her heartfelt thanks to Li Fan: "Uncle Li, thank you, if it weren't for you, this shop might not open in a few years!"

Li Fan waved his hand and said, "What the **** is this? I just happen to be in the capital. It's a big deal. Let's say so many kind words!"

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