The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2271: Lose

After Grandpa Qi sent Gu Xiaowan to the door of the Long Princess Lihua Palace, he went forward and knocked on the door. When someone came to open the door, Grandpa Qi returned to the sedan chair and said, "Princess, it's already here."

There was no movement in the soft sedan, and Father Qi shouted again: "Princess, it's already here!"

There was still no movement inside.

Zuo was startled, and hurriedly opened the curtain to take a look, and then smiled distressedly, and turned around and said, "Grandpa Qi, my girl is asleep."

It was so tiring, but after a while, everyone was asleep.

Father Qi was a little surprised: "Princess She"

"My girl had something in the morning, and she didn't close her eyes at noon. It's already the limit to be able to last until this time!" Zuo said with a smile, his tone was very calm, but Father Qi heard some complaints.

Father Qi said hurriedly: "Come here, bring the sedan chair in."

Zuo did not refuse. There is still a long way to go to the bedroom of Princess Lihua. If the girl can sleep, she can sleep for a while!

Gu Xiaowan woke up quietly when Zuo was talking. She was a little confused just now, and now she is also awake. When she heard the words of Father Qi, she hurriedly said, "No need for Father-in-law!"

After speaking, a bare hand opened the curtain and walked out.

Seeing her awake, Father Qi was a little embarrassed: "Princess, it's a slave who disturbed you!"

"It's okay, I just squinted for a while, and it's better now, I just troubled my father-in-law this time!" Gu Xiaowan said politely, her tone was very sincere, and she didn't see any discomfort after being awakened.

Grandpa Qi couldn't help but admired again in his heart. Whether this person is looks, knowledge, or self-cultivation, he is so graceful and luxurious, noble and dignified, no matter where he looks like a girl from a farm, he said that she was raised by the queen mother alone. , Not too much.

It was late at night, and father-in-law Qi didn't bother Gu Xiaowan to rest. He saluted and quit.

Gu Xiaowan waited until he was gone, then turned and headed towards the sleeping hall. Gu Xiaowan blinked at Zuo, and Zuo hurriedly stepped forward to support her.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan leaning her head on her shoulder unceremoniously, she cried a little aggrievedly: "Zuo, I'm so sleepy!"

"I'll be here soon, the girl bears it more, or you climb on my back and I carry you back!" Zuo said unbearably.

When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she waved her hand hurriedly: "Don't don't, you're a girl, and you can't carry me on your back! Hey, if Brother Yizhi is here, it will be fine."

After finishing speaking, she wrapped Zuo's arms with her yearning hands, leaning half of her body against her, closing her eyes, and let Zuo lead her into it.

Zuo saw the girl completely trusting herself, grateful and guilty in her heart.

If the master could disclose his identity earlier, the girl would not have worked so hard!

Gu Xiaowan returned to the room. She didn't light up the light. Tan Yushu was already asleep when she thought about coming. She didn't expect that the room would light up as soon as she came in.

I saw Tan Yushu holding a huge Ye Mingzhu in his hand and lifting it up to illuminate the road in front of Gu Xiaowan.

Seeing this, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly asked: "Yu Shu, are you still asleep?" While talking, she went to bed with both hands and feet. Tan Yushu put Ye Mingzhu into the quilt. The bright room just now plunged into darkness again.

"I slept, but I don't know when you will come back. I always feel restless and can't sleep deeply. As soon as you come, I wake up when I hear the movement. It's midnight, right?" Tan Yushu looked at the silence outside. There was no sound, and he said distressedly: "Why don't the emperor stay with you so late? If you want to play chess, tomorrow will be fine!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't answer, but when sleepy came, she said, "Go to sleep."

Her voice was very soft, and it was so soft that it was almost inaudible. The night was really deep. After a while, she heard a thin snoring sound in her ear, and Tan Yushu was already asleep.

Gu Xiaowan gently tucked the quilt for her, pulled the quilt up a bit, and covered her shoulders, then turned over and saw the palace lantern swaying outside, shaking, and the shadow of the tree under the eaves was whirling. , Dangling on the window lattice, like her heart, swaying.

For a long time, she said again: "I had breakfast tomorrow morning, and we will go home after greeting the Queen Mother and Queen!"

I don't know if Tan Yushu hasn't slept deeply yet, she leaned a little closer to Gu Xiaowan's side, and then heard her hum: "Okay!"

Gu Xiaowan closed her eyes and left those troublesome things behind. The shadow of the tree outside had nothing to do with her.

When the sun just broke through the sky, the empress dowager woke up, and Aunt Jin asked the maids to enter one by one, washing, combing her hair and changing clothes.

Suddenly there was a stern yelling from outside, lowering the voice, but the queen mother still heard: "You grow a few heads, then rush inside. If you hit the queen mother, it will be light to chop your head!"

Aunt Jin hurriedly went outside, and when she came back, her face was also a little bad: "Queen dowager, the emperor was furious in the palace, and locked up the two adults."

The hand raised by the queen mother stopped in mid-air. She didn't have any expression, but after a short time, her hand stroked her hair again: "Why?"

"I heard that the emperor's face was very bad when he was in the court today. Later, when he was in the court, I don't know who said that the emperor still has no heirs. If the emperor should be covered in rain and dew, he should be a continuous heir for the royal!

These superintendents, regardless of the things in their own homes, are in charge of the emperor's harem.

Yesterday I was here with the Queen Mother. The empress's expression at the time, the Queen Mother also knew that he was a little angry, but because he was his mother, he was not so angry.

Now these unsightly people actually said this above the hall, and the queen mother waved her hand: "No matter, close the toilet. After they come out, send some gifts from the gods to comfort and comfort their hearts!"

Aunt Jin hurriedly responded and went out to talk to someone outside, who hurried away again.

When the queen mother was dressed and dressed, Aunt Jin stepped forward and saw that the queen mother looked bad, so she gently pressed her forehead.

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