The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2270: War of two men

From an **** with a face and a face who was serving by the emperor, he was dragged to Xinzheku all at once. The **** didn’t know what he had done wrong, so he went mad and shouted for mercy. Others were afraid that he would quarrel with the emperor. He blocked his mouth, and there was no sound.

Grandpa Qi was ascended to heaven by the seven orifices that the little **** was angry about. Who is the regent? That is someone who even the emperor and the queen dowager respect. Others cannot enter the palace. The regent can. That’s because the queen dowager and the emperor gave him this right .

The country of the Qing Dynasty can be so stable because of the prince inside. Father Qi thought of this, and then thought about why people enter the palace in the middle of the night, and the baby has a lump, can he not be nervous?

Father Qi was also relieved, raised the curtain and entered the chess room, then came to the two of them and said: "The emperor, the prince is here, saying that there is an urgent matter!"

"It's so late, what is he here for?" Shu Tianci asked casually without stopping.

Father Qi:

What should he explain?

Seeing Father Qi did not speak, Shu Tianci glanced at him inadvertently and suddenly understood why he had come.

He turned his head and looked at Gu Xiaowan again.

With just one glance, he fell again.

Gu Xiaowan turned her head to look at him at the moment, the beautiful one was like a fairy walking out of the painting, and her fair skin was brighter than the radiance of that night pearl.

Her eyes are half pure as water, half seductive as a demon, half **** and half demon, bright like stars in the sky, but brighter than stars, bright as if they can see into your heart, and bewitching Like a bone-eating poison, his heart sank a little again.

There was no one, as if he could see the loneliness and confusion in his heart.

No one has ever!

Shu Tianci's heart suddenly seemed to be rubbed into a ball of cotton, his thoughts were already in a mess, he childishly threw the chess piece in his hand on the board, his expression was faintly angry.

Gu Xiaowan was full of gratitude for the regent who came to report the matter in the middle of the night. If it weren't for his temporary appearance, I'm afraid she wouldn't know when to stay!

Shu Tianci stood up, and then said to his father-in-law: "You send Princess Anping back and take it to Lihua's dormitory personally, taking good care of it, and you are the only one to ask when you meet me.

He is still the king who would call me.

Then, he took a deep look at Gu Xiaowan, and left, half reluctant and half entangled.

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly got up and sent it off.

The palace lantern outside, just like when she first arrived, was burning, and the road under her feet was clearly visible. Grandpa Qi was by her side and told her to be careful.

Gu Xiaowan was still yawning in the Imperial Study Room just now. She was blown by the cold wind outside, and she didn't feel sleepy anymore. She stepped down the steps and suddenly felt like someone staring at her closely behind her. The gaze made her feel familiar inexplicably. .

She turned her head violently, only to see the palace lanterns under the eaves swinging slightly by the night wind, and the mottled shadows being blown to pieces. Seeing Gu Xiaowan turned around, Father Qi asked, "Is there anything else the princess does?"

She shook her head, the familiar feeling suddenly disappeared, and smiled slightly: "It's okay!"

Gu Xiaowan laughed mockingly in her heart.

How could she find the gaze behind her familiar?

In this imperial study room, the only one who lives and waits is the emperor who has just played against her. She has never felt that the emperor’s sight is familiar. Maybe she is really tired and wants to rest. Xixi.

In the side hall of the Imperial Study Room, a figure hides behind the window lattice, with a smile that is sweeter than honey at the corner of his mouth. A person slowly came in behind him, and he was standing in front of the window lattice with an inexplicable smile on his mouth.

Shu Tianci only felt jealous in his heart. He knew where this person was standing, and he could just see Gu Xiaowan leave.

When Shu Tianci came in, Qin Ziye, who was standing with his back facing him, suddenly turned around, with a pair of sharp eyes, looking straight at Shu Tianci, violently colliding with his vision in the air.

At this moment, Shu Tianci regained the emperor's breath of king. He is a little bit aggrieved today, and his mood of being disturbed many times is still trying his best to suppress it.

With just one glance, Qin Ziye understood everything.

The war that belonged to the two men broke out silently at this moment, and no one was defeated.

Qin Ziye looked at the emperor he had cultivated by himself. Now he has grown up. He has a sharp edge and a kingly spirit. When he saw him before, he was full of admiration and respect. Now when he looks again, he is full of men. The battle between.

No one has avoided half a point.

Qin Ziye did not, nor did Shu Tianci.

I don't know how long the two looked at each other before Shu Tianci was defeated. He felt funny, and after a bitter smile appeared on his mouth, he turned his head to look aside.

He walked to the armchair on the side in silence, as if unable to stand, stretched out his hands to support the sides of the armchair, as if supporting his whole body strength.

He turned his back to Qin Ziye, but he also knew that Qin Ziye's gaze had never been turned away for a moment.

He looked like a man on his back, and his heart was flustered.

"Is there anything in the middle of the night?" After a long time, I heard a broken voice in his mouth. Where is the king's air of the king, some are just lonely and lonely.

Only then did Qin Ziye give his hand, and his voice was as cold as the moon in the autumn night, as cold as this: "It's late at night, the minister will not disturb the emperor to rest, and the minister will leave."

After speaking, before Shu Tianci could say anything, he lifted his foot and walked out.

Shu Tianci did not speak, nor looked back. When there was no sound outside, he suddenly felt very annoyed and irritated. As soon as he raised his hand, he swept all the things on the table in front of him on the floor and hit the thick carpet. Came up with a muffled noise.

The people walking away still heard the movement inside. He didn't look back or pause. The black python robe embroidered with gold silk was blown up and down by the wind, making a violent sound.

As he walked far, only the tall and straight back figure disappeared at the gate of the palace.

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