The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1915: The emperor's reward

"Min'er, don't worry!" Seeing Shu Min really angry, he hurriedly pulled her and said, "My brother is not very clear about this matter. I just heard the father talk about it, saying that the emperor is here today. Above the hall, I mentioned this thing! Originally, my father asked me not to tell you about this, saying that I was afraid that you would feel sad after hearing this! But my brother thought about it, I still have to tell you, I don’t say it, naturally there will be The others said!"

Shu Lin paused and continued: "Good sister, please relax. Now that peasant girl, the father and the king are also staring at her!"

"Brother, what are you talking about? Father knows that I was bullied by her, is he going to help me out?" Shu Min said in disbelief.

"It's part of you to stand up for you. My dignified county lord of Mingdu was actually teased by a peasant girl. My father must be very angry! To tease you is to tease the entire Ming Palace. Don't worry. , We will also stare at that Gu Xiaowan here, and naturally won't make her feel better!"

When Shu Min heard that his father and brother wanted to avenge herself, she immediately became happy. Anyway, whoever helps her get rid of Gu Xiaowan will do, as long as she gets rid of it!

"Thank you brother, thank you father!" Shu Min was very happy, as if seeing Su Ziyue kneeling in front of him and crying for forgiveness after Gu Xiaowan died!

She loves him miserably, no matter what he is, she will forgive him!

Thinking of this, Shu Min heard Shu Lin suddenly say: "I ran into a **** the way here. I heard that it is Gu Xintao over there?"

Shu Min nodded.

Shu Lin smiled and said: "It's like a lady of a small family, but I was vulgar at the beginning, thinking that all the people in this village are the women with rude behavior!"

Shu Min also smiled and looked at Shu Lin, pointed her finger at Shu Lin's face and asked with a smile: "Brother, what's your mind?"

Shu Lin laughed, pulled her finger away, and returned to the cynical appearance of the family's son: "What kind of thoughts can my brother move? Just thinking about everything that can be used for us, what can be tuned and obedient, heartfelt, That's naturally the best!"

When Shu Min heard this, she understood the meaning of these words and smiled at Shu Lin.

It would be a good idea to let Gu Xintao treat her stubbornly, and after dealing with Gu Xiaowan's affairs, whether it was round or flat, let her rub it!

Gu Xiaowan had just sent away Tan Yushu, and just took off her coat and was about to go to bed for a while, when she heard that someone was coming in the palace.

It was said that Father Qi came, Gu Xiaowan got up hurriedly, put on her formal clothes again, and then went to the front hall.

Gong Gong Qi was sitting in the upper position, drinking tea leisurely, and seeing Gu Xiaowan coming, Gong Gong Qi put down the tea in his hand and came to see you!

Gu Xiaowan did the same, helping her to support him, her voice filled with respect: "Daddy Qi"

However, some days have not been seen. After the scourge of prison, the princess' temperament has become more and more stable!

Qi Gonggong sighed secretly in his heart: "The princess, the misfortune is flying, and the princess suffers!" Gu Xiaowan thanked him: "Thank you, father-in-law for thinking about it! It's not bitter, but now it has been proven innocent, but it is all painful!"

"Phoenix Nirvana, the good fortune of the princess is behind!" Qi Gonggong laughed, and Gu Xiaowan also laughed: "Father-in-law, what's the matter?"

Seeing father-in-law Qi waved his hand, Gu Xiaowan was puzzled by the attendant in the palace carrying boxes made of yellow rosewood.

"This is a shocking gift from the emperor to the princess, a thousand taels of gold, ten boxes of pearls and jade, and a hundred hectares of fertile land!" said Gonggong Qi.

When Gu Xiaowan heard these things, she was shocked: "Father Qi, Xiaowan can't accept these things! The emperor has given Xiaowan a lot of things. Xiaowan can never accept these things! This time I can prove innocence. It is also the emperor's grace!"

Gu Xiaowan said anxiously. Seeing her knowing that she was grateful, Father Qi laughed: "The emperor Jinkouyuyan has already spoken in the presence of the civil and military officials. After saying this, I hope that the princess will not refuse?"

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan became more confused?

"What? The emperor?" In front of the civil and military officials, he said that he would reward her with these things?

Qi Gonggong smiled and said: "The emperor has already made an order, saying that it will be an auspicious day after three days, and a banquet will be held in the palace to catch the wind and dust for you!"

"Come the dust for me?" Gu Xiaowan was a little puzzled when he heard this, "Why is this?"

She doesn't understand, she is just a princess, not a genuine princess, and has no blood relationship with the royal family. What do these people do for themselves?

Gu Xiaowan looked suspicious. Father Qi looked in her eyes and said with a smile: "The emperor and the empress dowager knew that during this period, the princess suffered in prison, which caused the world to misunderstand the meaning of Anping princess, the emperor. It is also to show an attitude! This banquet of the emperor and the empress dowager is much more useful and heavier than the explanations of the government office! Does the princess understand?"

Father Qi didn't say anything, but looked at Gu Xiaowan with piercing eyes!

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Xiaowan thanks the emperor and the empress dowager!" After saying that, she had to kneel down. Father Qi hurriedly stepped forward to support her and said with a smile: "If you want to kneel, go to the palace and talk to the empress dowager and the emperor. Kow a few heads!"

Gu Xiaowan was very grateful: "Yes, Father Xie Qi reminded!"

Father Qi looked at this person who was neither humble nor overbearing. In the palace, such a funny girl hadn't appeared in the palace for a long time, but, unfortunately, such a person was preempted by others, but

Such a strict and impersonal palace, this girl is better not to enter!

While there was no one around, Father Qi secretly said a word beside Gu Xiaowan: "The emperor also asked the slave to remind the princess."

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised, the emperor wanted Father Qi to speak?

She hurriedly listened to her ears, and heard the grandfather Qi say: "The emperor said, if someone sends something to the princess, the princess will definitely pick it up without hesitation, and there is no need to respond!"

Gu Xiaowan was a little surprised when she heard these endless words, she didn't understand what Father Qi meant!

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