The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1914: That's Gu Xintao

"So it's like this!" Shu Min said quietly, "but I'm very strange. You are two years older than Gu Xiaowan. She picked two of them. Why haven't you chosen one?"

Gu Xintao's face flushed leisurely, and she hurriedly lowered her head and said shyly: "Xintao Xintao hasn't met yet!"

"You are a clean and self-contained person. There is a world of difference from your cousin!" Shu Min sighed: "You shamelessly continue to shamelessly. This is a shameless one, but you don't even think about it. Wait. Well, you are my person, so you will naturally find a good future for you!"

Naturally, Shu Min wanted to win over Gu Xintao's words, but Gu Xintao took it seriously and hurriedly knelt down to thank: "Thank you for the princess's support!"

The two spoke for a while, and Shu Min had a slightly better attitude than just now. Although Gu Xintao was holding a heart, she knew she was still useful, and the princess wouldn't take her away!

The two of them had a ghost in their hearts, but after two cups of tea, Gu Xintao got up and left after seeing that Shu Min was a little tired.

Seeing Gu Xintao's departure, Shu Min's face suddenly condensed where there was still the friendship from earlier.

It's just a humble peasant girl, now she has such an honor, but she is still greedy!

Caiyue saw that Shu Min didn't like Gu Xintao, and said, "Princess, Gu Xintao is getting more courageous. She even dared to ask you for something from the princess. Moreover, it's still a house! She dare to open this mouth. !"

"Hmph, do you think she is still the Gu Xintao who just arrived in Beijing? She has more thoughts and methods than Gu Xiaowan! It's just that this person is not as lucky as Gu Xiaowan!"

Speaking of Gu Xiaowan, Shu Min felt that she was about to crush her silver teeth, and when she called her name, Shu Min couldn't wait to crush that name!

"The princess, what shall we do next?" Caiyue asked.

Shu Min leaned back on the pillow again, looked at the portrait of Qin Yizhi that she randomly discarded on the ground, and sneered: "Take this painting, let people find it, and you must bring this person back to me. !"

As long as you find this person, when the time comes, this person will be saddened by Gu Xiaowan, and it will definitely be of use to her!

Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xiaowan, if you want to blame, you can only blame you for being too sloppy, your handle was caught in your hands, do you still want to be alone?

When the person comes and corrects you face to face, you will have a mouth all over your body, and you can't say it clearly!

When the time comes, the picture must make the person's depiction more fascinating and imaginative. That's great!

Gu Xintao walked outside the door under the guidance of the maid, and Shu Lin had just returned from the outside and just walked under the corridor, and she saw a woman walking across from the opposite side gracefully!

Shu Lin didn't know Gu Xintao, and this was the first time he saw Gu Xintao.

But seeing her face is like a peach and plum, with apricot eyes sentimental. When she walks, her pink dress is like a blooming lotus, blooming behind her!

Shu Lin has seen a lot of beautiful women, but this one is not a national beauty, but there is a small family of jade, which makes people feel pity. Shu Lin was curious, and asked the servant next to him: "Which lady was that in the past?"

Then people hurriedly bowed their heads and said, "If you return to the world, that's Gu Xintao!"

She is Gu Xintao?

Shu Lin was a little surprised, and couldn't help but raise his head to look at Gu Xintao.

When she walked, she walked with meager steps, and she was holding her waist full and she didn't know what it was like to hold it in the palm of her hand! Shu Lin thought it was funny right now, and he always thought that Gu Xintao came from the countryside, and he was naturally as vulgar as those village girls. How did you know that when I saw it now, it was impressive!

Until the person disappeared before his eyes, Shu Lin turned and left.

He still has very important things to tell Shu Min, and he doesn't know if she will jump up angrily after listening.

Shu Min was still immersed in the things that ruined Gu Xiaowan's reputation, and was so happy that naturally he didn't even notice Shu Lin coming in.

"Why is my sister laughing? I am smiling so happy?" When Shu Lin came in, she saw Shu Min half leaning on the soft collapse, smiling smirkly, Caiyue saw Shu Lin coming, and hurried forward to pass the pass, Shu Lin waved his hand. , Let her step aside.

Seeing that Shu Lin was coming, Shu Min naturally sat upright and said excitedly: "Why is my brother here free?"

"I'm asking you why you are smirking like a fool. If you don't answer my words, you will ask about me first!" Shu Lin said with a smile.

Shu Min pointed to the portrait beside him and said, "Look, it's not because of this!"

Shu Lin looked at the unremarkable face in the painting, a little strange: "Who is this person?"

Shu Min said mysteriously: "This person is Gu Xiaowan's sweetheart! I heard that it is completely different from the person who rescued her that day!"

"What are you talking about?" Shu Lin was a little bit dumbfounded: "Do you still have to deal with Gu Xiaowan?"

Shu Min snorted coldly: "Why don't you deal with it? She hurt me so badly, I naturally want to give her some color!"

Shu Lin didn't stop him, but smiled and reminded: "Then be careful, don't let people get hold of the handle, brother will help you too!"

"Naturally, I don't do anything this time, just let Gu Xintao go!" Shu Min said with a smile: "She painted a portrait of that man for me, and I went to find him. If I find him, it will be white. If you say it is black, it is for us to say it!"

Seeing that she has learned **** with a knife, Shu Lin said with satisfaction: "You knew how good this is, but it's just a peasant girl. You have more means to deal with her, so why do you do it yourself!"

"But what?"

Shu Min thought for a while, and then told the news she heard: "I heard that Gu Xiaowan is now in good shape. In order to sympathize with her, the emperor and the empress dowager specially hosted a banquet for her in the palace!"

"What are you talking about? You said the emperor and the empress dowager specially set up a banquet for her?" When Shu Min heard it, she jumped up angrily: "The emperor and the empress dowager are going to have a banquet for her? Why is this? She is just a sufferer. She was just a little wronged, and she shocked the emperor and the queen mother. Why is she!"

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