The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1779: Conceited

"Stop talking nonsense, today is still a happy day for the lady, don't make messy things to spoil her interest!" Song Qin shouted.

The maid was trembling with fright, and she wanted to go down and talk.

At this time, Huang Ru on the side opened his mouth: "Let them come in!"

Song Qin persuaded: "Madam, today is still your happy day. The two of them came to see Madam with such a request. Obviously, they wanted to embarrass Madam."

Huang Ruyi smiled and shook his head: "My lady doesn't think so!"

Early in the morning, they came to call for help. According to Huang Ru's understanding of these two people, these two people weren't so uninterested yet. There must be something really wrong.

"Madam, what do you mean"

"The master left soon after Aunt Liu came. You said, what is the cause of these two people coming to me!" Huang Ruyi said with a smile.

Song Qin came to understand why he looked so sullen when he went out in the morning.

"Madam, do you mean that the master went to Liu Nianrou's place?" Songqin asked in surprise, "Could it be that the master went to seek justice for his wife? How could the Lu family know the dowry list given by the Fang family? It's all caused by Liu Nianrou!"

Song Qin guessed: "However, these two people have heard that they have always been fighting for the Fang family. They are not like informants!"

"They don't inform, who can guarantee that Liu Nianrou will not inform."

"What the madam meant was that Liu Nianrou didn't tell her two daughters about this? Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun were always talking for the master at the wedding in order to please you?"

Huang Ru nodded: "Since these two young ladies have spoken for me at the wedding, I have to go and thank these two for what my wife is doing!"

Huang Ru was assisted by Songqin and went to the main hall. There were several maids behind him, followed behind him with low eyebrows and pleasingly. A large group of people came, and Fang Lanxin immediately blushed.

You know, when Lu Wenxin was at Fang's house, he had never done this kind of faction before, at most two maids followed.

And Aunt Liu will not be like this anymore. Although she is like a fish in the Fang's house, the aunt is still an aunt after all. If you want to be a madam, you still have to scruples!

With this scruples, there is no chance for scruples.

You know, Huang Ruyi's beauty, knowledge, identity, and status, looking at the entire capital, there are several other ladies that can be compared!

Huang Ruye walked into the main hall hurriedly, and as soon as he was seated, he heard a voice coming from below: "Lan Xin, Zhu Yun, please greet mother!"

Huang Ruzi looked at the two young ladies who were leaning on their heads and dressed up. He had seen them on weekdays.

Just not familiar with it.

Huang Ru has a high-minded mind, and claims to be a daughter of everybody, a well-known lady, and she will marry in the palace again in the future. For Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, two concubines, she has never had a good face.

Even the people around Princess Mingdu, she was also deserted!

In a blink of an eye, I became the stepmother of these two people. These two are not a few years younger than themselves, but they want to call themselves mothers. What Huang Ru looks at is an eyesore.

When the stepdaughter saw her mother, she naturally wanted to serve tea and red envelopes. Although Huang Ruye felt it was an eyesore, she still had to pay her attention to face.

After drinking their tea, Song Qin gave them a red seal. Huang Ruyi patted the backs of their snow-white hands and smiled and said, "I will be a family from now on. If there is anything to do, just come to my mother!"

When Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun heard, they bowed their heads and bowed: "Thank you mother!"

Huang Ruye said: "Get up, don't kneel!"

After Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun got up, they stood quietly aside and didn't speak. Huang Ruye saw that they were not talking or talking. He took the bird's nest that Songqin handed over and sipped it.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun stayed aside. After waiting for a long time, they all saw that Huang Ru didn't mean to speak. Just now, she clearly told the maid to help her!

But, now, she didn't even speak!

Fang Lan was a little anxious in her heart, but because she was older than Fang Zhuyun, her mind was calm.

On the other hand, Fang Zhuyun didn't have that strong concentration anymore. From time to time, she looked up at Huang Ruye, and from time to time to Fang Lanxin, her eyes were full of anxiety.

Fang Lan was waiting, waiting for Huang to speak.

She has been with Princess Mingdu for many years, and is very familiar with this tall-eyed Miss Huang family.

Huang Ru has many prostitutes and concubines in his family. This Huang Jian is a passionate species, and treats every child equally, and treats every aunt the same.

This also created a situation where the Huang family is up and down, you are fighting for me to take you to death. Whoever fights fiercely and quarrels a lot, Huang Jian's gaze stays more on whoever, which daughter or son is more fierce, Huang Jian will naturally pay more attention.

There are many children in the Huang family, and Huang Ru is the first, and definitely not the last.

She has younger sisters. Most of them are beautiful and not inferior to her. They are just an identity. In the big family, the wife is still there, and it is not uncommon for them to be promoted as ordinary wives. Most of them are aunts who are meritorious to the family and have children and daughters. Their respective identities are also on the table.

Most of Huang Jian’s aunts are of this kind, so fights are inevitable. As long as you become a flat wife, your children will suddenly become prostitutes. In future marriages, you can naturally choose from the best.

Huang's family is not peaceful. From top to bottom, there has never been a day of peace.

Aunt and wife fight, aunt and aunt, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, concubine, and concubine.

This Huang Ruye's mother and Huang Ruye will stand tall in Huang's family. If you say that you have no abilities to excel, anyone will believe it when you go out.

Fang Lanxin is familiar with this Miss Huang, and now she has become her own mother. Fang Lanxin naturally understands her better.

Know yourself and the enemy, a hundred battles will never end.

This new Mrs. Fang was cheated twice yesterday and I don’t know

Fang Lanxin was a little worried about how Huang Ru would calculate this account.

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