The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1778: Conceal it

Huang Rushi sighed in secret, her face was charming and charming. A pair of Qianqianyu arms wrapped Fang Zhengxing's arm and pulled him down, but said affectionately but shyly: "Master"


The two of you looked at me and I looked at you. There was another feeling of affection. Fang Zhengxing only felt tight under his body, and deceived his body. He pressed Huang Rushi under his body, and said emotionally: "Lady, you It's so beautiful that I can't stop being a father!"

It was already dawn outside, and the two of them slept three poles in the morning. They had a good night. Huang Ruyi had already had a sore legs and a swollen waist. Seeing that he was coming again, he could not help but caress his abdomen with some worry, Fang Zhengxing saw her brows furrowed. The lock seemed a little worried, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Seeing Fang Zhengxing's reaction, Huang Ruye realized that he was a bit overwhelmed. He was busy and hooked, and put his arms around Fang Zhengxing's neck. He smiled sweetly: "Master, the sun is getting late. I was tired last night! "

Huang Ru is a face that is flushed with shame, and he is talking shyly. Fang Zhengxing sees the face of the person under him blushing and embarrassed, and he has already wanted to eat her again.

It's just that the daughter's family has gone through personnel affairs, so she should be more loving.

Fang Zhengxing nodded when he heard it, smiled and pinched Huang Ruye’s nose, with a very affectionate appearance, and whispered in Huang Ruye’s ear: "I will spare you this time, and I will not spare you at night!"

The husband and wife were whispering privately, and a discordant voice came from outside: "Master, Madam, Aunt Liu, please peace!"

Fang Zheng Xingzheng and Huang Ru are in love with each other. Hearing this, his face suddenly fell.

That's fine, she is not coming, he is going to find her!

Huang Ru was keenly aware of the difference between Fang Zhengxing and said obediently: "Master, let me get up."

Fang Zhengxing held down Huang Ruye, pushed her back to feed me warmly, and said: "You were tired last night, please forgive me today!"

"But, today is the first time" Huang Ruyi said with some worry. Seeing Fang Zhengxing's stubbornness, she had no choice but to give up, holding Fang Zhengxing's hand with an obedient expression: "Listen to the master!"

When Fang Zhengxing saw Huang Ru's obedient and obedient face, coupled with that gorgeous face, he felt that this marriage was perfect.

Of course, except that yesterday was not beautiful.

But all this

Fang Zhengxing's eyes flashed, a fierce flash.

Seeing Fang Zhengxing's cold look on his face, Song Qin lifted his heart all night. He didn't hear any movement all night, and finally relaxed a little. Seeing his appearance, he was "swooshing" now. Raised it all at once.

She helped her body and called to master.

Fang Zhengxing turned his head, seeing that it was the dowry maid that Huang Ruye had brought over, and said softly: "Madam is awake, hurry up to help the lady dress up! Don't freeze madam!"

That soft look does not seem to be angry!

Song Qin couldn't figure out the truth here, only felt that her heart was hanging in her throat, and after hurriedly helping her body, she went in with a pot of hot water.

Song Qin came in, put down the hot water, and opened the curtain, seeing Huang Ruye still lying on the bed at this moment, looking at the things in his hands in a daze. "Mrs." Song Qin helped her body.

Huang Ruhe heard Songqin's voice and recovered, and he sat up directly, completely white and blue at the moment. One can imagine the fierce battle between the two last night.

Huang Ruye took what was in his hand and handed it to Songqin. Songqin took a look, and saw that the snow-white Jinpa was stained with blood, like red plums.

Songqin was overjoyed and said excitedly: "Madam, this is"

"It's finished" Huang Ru was almost incoherent with excitement. He wanted to say what to say but didn't know what to say, lest there be ears on the wall: "It's finished!"

Huang Rushi only said two words, Songqin already understood what it meant, and happily bowed down: "Congratulations, Madam Hexi!"

The master and servant were very excited, but they dared not say anything.

Song Qin waited on Huang Ru to freshen up and dress up. The woman in the mirror looked glorious, graceful and graceful. The beautiful scenery last night, and the girly eyebrows were circulating.

"Madam, when the master just went out, I looked like I was very angry!" Song Qin thought, still telling Huang Ruye what she had just seen.

It seems that the master's anger is not because of his wife, it should be something else.

Huang Ruyi compared a golden hairpin with a hairpin curved butterfly in his hand on his head, and found it unsightly, so he threw it back into the box and snorted coldly: "Has the one with the surname Liu gone?"

"Gone!" Songqin found another one in the makeup and shook his head: "Madam, how good are you looking at this hairpin? The flowers bloom and tie together, but it's a good luck!"

Huang Ruyi looked at the hairpin on his head, which had a good meaning and was commensurate with what he was wearing today, and nodded in satisfaction: "Yes!"

When she was dressed and dressed, Song Qin looked at Huang Ruye in front of him, and exclaimed in amazement: "Madam, you are so beautiful! No wonder the master loves you so much. You don't know that when the master went out just now, his face was gloomy. Later, when I saw me, I immediately changed my face, gentle and indulgent!"

"Oh, what did he tell you?"

"Master said you are already awake, let me speed up, don't freeze you. Master really hurt you on the cusp of my heart!"

A maid at the door came to report again: "Madam, Miss 2 and Miss 3 come to see you!"

This surnamed Liu is really unwilling to give up. The master said that he is gone today, he is not coming, and he sent his two daughters.

"Let them go, just say that I am not well today and see you tomorrow!" Huang Ru said lazily.

The maid didn't move when she heard it, as if she was still saying something.

Song Qin shouted: "Did you not hear what the lady said? Don't go down quickly!"

When the maid heard that the lady was angry, she kowtowed her head and admitted her mistake: "Madam, the second and third ladies are crying, saying that they want to ask the lady for help!"


What life can i save?

Huang Rushi immediately thought of the viciousness flashing in Fang Zhengxing's eyes when she was still in bed today.

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