The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1758: Where did the **** daughter come from

The mistress finally ushered in.

It seems that she still overestimated the Lu family. Originally thought Lu Wenxin was a muddy person who couldn't support the wall, but she didn't expect Madam Lu to be the same!


A sudden and harsh sound of gongs and drums rang, and everyone was startled by the sharp sound of gongs and drums. The front yard, which was still lively just now, suddenly quieted down.

Before everyone could react, they heard a laugh, pleasing to the ear: "Father, how can your daughter not be there today for your big wedding?"

Everyone looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw a graceful, beautiful woman with a smile on her face, walking slowly from the door!

She was dressed in a big red dress with a snow-white fox fur without a single hair. She came in styles like a mortal little fairy, which made people unable to look away.

This Fang Zhengxing is really a good fate, he still has such a beautiful daughter!

It's just that this girl is so beautiful, she seems to have never seen it before!

and many more

What did she say just now?

Her name is Fang Zhengxing father?

Say she is Fang Zhengxing's daughter?

The female guests who came from the maid’s seat just now had seen Fang Zhengxing’s two daughters. At this moment, they looked at the beautiful and flowery woman who came in at the door, and then swept away on Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun are both beautiful and beautiful, but because they are concubine, there is always less grandeur and dignity between the eyebrows and eyebrows, and a little bit more of the concubine's petty style. On the other hand, the girl who came in from outside , The eyebrows are gentle, every gesture, every gesture, and a smile, are all dignified and generous, and can't find a trace of faults harshly!

Where does this girl come from?

Everyone's gazes looked at Fang Zhengxing in unison at this moment, and Fang Zhengxing also twisted his eyebrows at this moment, dumbfounded!

The girl in front of you has very good eyes, but her brows and eyes are familiar, as if

Where has he seen it!

Before he could speak, someone who had something good laughed out: "Master Fang, I didn't expect that you will have a daughter coming to the door to confess your marriage today!"

Fang Zhengxing has three daughters, everyone in Beijing knows.

A prostitute was born to the original wife of the house, Lu Shi, but the child was ugly and fat, and could not be on the table.

And the two Aunt Liu's children, Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun, who were no more than a few years younger than Fang Peiya, were standing in the crowd at this moment, staring at the person in amazement.

In terms of beauty, they may be equal, but the girl's gestures are dignified, and she looks like a lady who has come out of a big family. Who is she?

"Master Fang is really lucky! I'm overjoyed today. I am married to Mei Jiao Niang and have such a beautiful daughter. I don't know where Master Fang is an illegitimate daughter! This daughter grows up like this, I'm afraid that the mother can't miss it. how much!"

It was the other official who was inconsistent with Fang Zhengxing. Seeing that Fang Zhengxing's official Yunhengtong did not say, he also married a beautiful lady, and her daughter was sent to the door to confess relatives, thinking that Fang Zhengxing did the same back then. A daughter who is not much younger than Fang Peiya goes home, and the man steals food outside. It’s understandable, but There are also wives and children in the family, and at least these couples should be responsible for the word "integrity".

"Master Fang always grows stronger, maybe, in a few years, another child of this age will come home to admit his relatives!" Someone took the things of Fang Zhengxing back then came out and mocked.

When Fang Zhengxing heard it, his face was green, with the big red groom's official clothes, and his face was even more gloomy, as if dripping water.

"Who are you? Come here, the officer doesn't know her, so drag her out!" Fang Zhengxing pointed at the girl and shouted fiercely.

He did not know this girl. Although he felt a little familiar, he was not a merciful man. He didn't know where he came from to recognize the daughter, how could he recognize it!

His joy today was completely disturbed by this person.

How could Fang Zhengxing not be angry!

But by the way, he couldn't come up with words to refute those who scolded him!

Can only stare at the strange girl, wishing to throw people out of the house immediately.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the emcee suddenly shouted, "Li Cheng, send to the bridal chamber!"

If Fang Zheng doesn't admit it, who can take him?

Besides, today is his day of great joy, he has the final say.

What he had just said to mock him was just a quick tongue, and after speaking, Fang Zhengxing's face fell, and his goal had been achieved.

With the roar of the master of ceremonies, everyone's eyes were collected from the little girl again, and they saw the two newcomers in the main hall in red wedding dresses!

"Go into the bridal chamber, go into the bridal chamber" The child knows so much, seeing that he is finally entering the bridal chamber this time, he clapped his hands and laughed.

I don't know why, there are still many young guests at the wedding banquet today.

All of them were wearing big red clothes, like a golden boy, chubby and affectionate.

Fang Peiya stared at Fang Zhengxing intently, her eyes fixed on him.

Those who have good things know that the relationship here is definitely not simple, and they looked at the little girl curiously, guessing about the girl's origin.

Gu Xiaowan was standing behind the crowd and saw Fang Peiya standing alone among the crowd, her back straight, like a sharp arrow.

Before thinking of her leaving, she took her hand and said firmly: "Sister, don't worry, I have grown up, and my mother and I are about to break with him."

The expression is firm, resolute and resolute.

I haven't received a huge blow, how can there be such a strong and strong complaint.

She stood there proudly at the moment, her expression calm, like an arrow ready to go, where there was still the cringiness and timidity of the time!

Full of sharpness, this is the demeanor of the prostitute!

Standing in the crowd, Fang Peiya glanced at the surrounding guests, and then looked at Fang Zhengxing. At the moment, she was pulling the red silk and was about to pull the bride away.

I saw him smiling, and his eyes were filled with pleats. She had never seen Fang Zhengxing smile so happy!

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